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Everything posted by JoeB

  1. this game will be a close one? I'm not talking one or two points, but I think it will come down to execution in the fourth quarter. I'm guessing USF wins 27-14, but from alot of ignorant posts I've read, many USF fans think we will steamroll over UCF by 40? Am I watching the same team as them?? When is the last time we rolled like that against another Division 1A opponent? I think some USF fans have a holier than thou attitude against our Orlando brothers. This game will be closer than expected..........I hope its not, but I think it will be.
  2. I totally agree. Our defense holds the game in their hands, but stranger things have happened. From alot of posts I've read, many USF fans think this is a gimmie. BY NO MEANS IS THIS A GIMMIE. UCF IS DANGEROUS. FOR THOSE WHO THINK OTHERWISE, YOU ARE MISTAKEN. USF SHOULDN'T TAKE THIS GAME FOR GRANTED...... Go Bulls!
  3. Why the hate between USF and UCF posters?? I'm a USF grad and have many UCF friends, but I've never understood why all the hatred? We've never played, even though we are a natural rival, but yet some people insist on creating a contoversial message board. I blame everyone, including my USF brethren. Let's just enjoy the upcoming game and carry on like every other college matchup. We have nothing to argue about really, do we? "Nothing attracts a crowd, like a crowd...." Soul Asylum
  4. How about we just chant, BEAT UCF, BEAT UCF! Why does anything have to do with 17?? Especially if we're not even a rivalry?
  5. How about we have one that reads....WIN. Why are all of these other South Florida fans jumping on the bandwagon and putting UCF down?? We've never played them, and we sure have never beaten them, especially 17 times......Yes they've had problems in the past two years, but lets take the high road. C'mon USF fans you're better than that. At least I hope so..... Go Bulls!
  6. Thats what I'm saying. Who in the helll are all of these Bull fans that think we will walk to a victory without sweating?? Apparently they haven't been to any games in the last nine years..... Respect your opponent, no matter who it is.....
  7. Be real USF fans, this won't be as easy as most of you are expecting. UCF is a decent football team. I'm not sure how the turnovers will go, but that could be a Huge factor in deciding who wins the football game. I'm really not sure why most USF fans think we can cruise to a victory, but this USF fan thinks will we have a game on our hands. Hopefully all turns out well for us in the second half, but for those thinking we'll win by 40, that just isn't the case. I know you try to be a fan and all, but wake up and smell whats real......UCF will play us tough.......... Go Bulls!
  8. No sh$t, have we proved anything yet?? Why all the smack talking towards UCF. We havent' beaten anybody good, and we sure as hell haven't stopped the pass on anybody good. Stop putting up meaningless stats until we beat UCF.
  9. I hate to admit it, but I agree with Smazza for the moment. I wouldn't count this game as a gimmie until the fat ref blows the last whistle. Do we have more talent-- Yes, should we win-- Yes, Will we win-- we'll see what happens on Saturday!! I hope we will, but you other USF fans that put it on the board already are way off base. UCF will play tough and it will probably be a 10 point game or so.
  10. I was just checking out the Penn State message board at Scout, and they had some good things to say about USF. Many of the posts thought that we would go 7-4 or so and compete for a bowl game this year. They also gave no love to Cincinnati which was even better. You have to admit, PSU has some classy fans! Go Bulls Go!
  11. I was hoping we'd hit the 50,000 mark for the FAMU game. 43,000 + is nice, but we need to start putting more fannies in the seats. How many of USF alums live in the Tampa/St. Pete area?? C'mon Bulls fans, show your support!
  12. I think we should play UCF every year. Natural rivals are the ones that are close by. Even if we're not in the same conference now, it shouldn't matter. UF and FSU have played since the late 50s and they don't share conference affiliation. Believe me, UF didn't want FSU as an opponent in the early days, but look at that rivalry now. The sooner we start it with UCF, the better it will be in the future.
  13. Yep, thats the way I see it too. Big East will be getting some wins this weekend, but looking at the schedule, none will be against any big teams unless Cinci pulls the upset.
  14. I thought both FAU and FIU are Division 1A on a provisional basis? I don't see them lasting, especially with conference affiliations and travel expenses they'll endure flying to play Idaho or any other small 1A school. Although with the addition of a 12th game in the near future that could help them financially by going to Nebraska or LSU.....
  15. That must be a "special line". All of the college football games on scoresandodds.com are listed in the 300s, and doesn't show any listing for the Bulls this week. From the posting above USF and FAMU are listed as 469 and 470. Maybe you can get one in Vegas as a special?
  16. Way to go Beastie, you're 15 minutes of fame is ticking..... You should have thrown my name with yours about our Atlanta Alumni group!
  17. Time to start a new home winning streak, eh boys?? Go Bulls!
  18. I"m hoping they open at 2 PM for the UCF as well. I want to get there early so I can kick back and watch ND's first home game under Charlie Weis.
  19. Yep, I got it. I'll give you a shout the day of the UCF game.
  20. Sorry ET, we're not going 11-0 this year. I'm a realist. I'm hoping for 8-3 or 7-4 this year. Louisville and Miami are going to be tough games, but at this point they are the only other games I'll favor the other team. Go Bulls!
  21. Beastie, I still have one ticket for the UCF game. Let me know if you want it, or if you have more people going maybe we can still meet up for our tailgate. Go Bulls, Beat Rattlers!
  22. Give it some time. Its only been one week. Geeeeeesh. Pitt was the only team overmatched from the games I saw. And I saw all of them.
  23. You think we have to many personal foul penalties now....do you remember the thugs that Erickson coached at Miami and Oregon State? We'd be pushing 200 penalty yards a game. Leavitt is the man for the job, let's leave it at that.
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