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Everything posted by Dave_Glaser

  1. I’m with Triple B. This is definitely my take. The Big XII does nothing for me as a fan and the PAC 12 makes zero sense. I’ve always felt the ACC is where we eventually belong. Playing schools - and aligning with them academically - in Carolina and Virginia seems much more compelling to me than schools in Kansas, Iowa and Texas.
  2. Amen, Bull Brother, it is a big deal! Go Bulls!
  3. Fair enough. I respect your opinion. As someone whose daughter just went through the university system in Florida and didn’t come out “converted” or feel she was subjected to any particular agenda, I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I respect it. But I do live in the backyard of New College and I’ve been watching that one play out. It’s already cost them an international conference on water quality that they were going to host - and its associated economic impact here - but that’s OK, I guess. Who needs that?
  4. Doesn’t have anything to do with left wing. It’s just the reality of where we are. He’s made higher education in this state one of his targets for change. We’re obviously doing just fine without it. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.
  5. What can I say that you guys haven’t already - but I have to chime in. Judy Genshaft set three goals during her tenure - pre-eminence, Phi Beta Kappa chapter, and AAU. We now have achieved all three. What an impressive run of accomplishments - and a beautiful new Honors College, too. USF owes her much. Every other prez will be measured against her. Go Bulls! Our academic reputation is now established - as long as DeSantis and his cronies stay out of it. Time to get athletics on equal footing.
  6. So you were “on board” back in March with what? Replacing him? What changed? It only got worse from there, right? Nevermind. Truce. We both want the baseball program to improve, I’m assuming - maybe we just have different ideas of how that gets done. If he returns in 2024, I won’t criticize it and I’ll be pulling hard for him to get things back on course and be our guy for the next 20 years. I’d like nothing better than for Mohl - or anyone, really - to be our next CJF or CKE.
  7. You and I both know they don’t exist.
  8. Point me to a post or two of yours where you were critical of anything Mohl has or hasn’t done.
  9. The new litmus test for Kelly will be Golesh vs. Tom Herman. If Golesh craters and Herman has success at FAU, Kelly will never get another job.
  10. My problem is you want to give him 100% credit for 2018 and two weeks in 2021, but you’re not objective enough to give him 100% blame for 2019, the start in 2020, the 2021 regular season, 2022 and 2023. You’ll give him credit for beating ECU on Tuesday by quoting my “1-2 and BBQ” post, but not the blame for losing to 3-38 Dartmouth, not a peep when we got swept on back-to-back weekends by Memphis and UC, nothing when we regularly get our butts handed to us by UNF and FGCU. That doesn’t seem like an objective viewpoint, it seems like blind loyalty.
  11. I do appreciate these guys standing up for their coach. Admirable, but it’s really primarily about Ws and Ls at this level, isn’t it? Or am I missing something? If winning doesn’t matter and it’s just about developing men and MLB players, someone should come out and tell the fans so we can alter our expectations. I would be Ok with them keeping Coach Mohl for another season. But if they do keep him, 2024 needs to be about more than developing men. There needs to be some winning baseball. We’ve only seen a handful of weeks of winning baseball from this program since 2018. That’s not arguable. That’s just reality: 2019 was lousy on the field (26-27), 2020 was lousy on the field (6-11) and then saved from probably being worse by Covid, 2021 was lousy on the field (24-26 regular season) until a miracle 2-week run (7-4) that now looks very fluky, 2022 was lousy on the field (28-29), 2023 was particularly lousy on the field (21-39). The numbers don’t lie. Minus the late run in 2021, we’re more than likely looking at FIVE straight losing seasons. Even if you want to start with the run at the end of 2021, you have to say it’s trending in the wrong direction since - from good at the end of 2021, to bad in 2022, to worse in 2023. The players love and appreciate him. That is an excellent positive. How about winning some games for him, too? To me, Michael Kelly can give him another season to turn it around if he feels good about it . . . but that would change if we start to see guys like Eric Snow or Rafael Betancourt or Bobby Boser enter the portal. If that happens, my mind changes. That would signal to me that the players care about winning, too, and not just their development as men.
  12. My point was - all good men and you don’t like to see them lose their jobs. But if you’re using CJF as an example, I guess that would have been a reason to not let Jeff Scott go yet. And to me, Billy’s first regional team was the equivalent of Charlie Strong’s first year - he inherited a stacked roster - neither Scott nor Gregory had that luxury. Regardless, if Mohl stays, I’ll be pulling for him in 2024.
  13. It was a totally predictable result. ECU is the class of the league and we were . . . not. We came out of the week with a win over No. 15 and a run-rule win against Oviedo CC - much more than we could have expected from this team.
  14. I don’t know him, but this is in line with everything I’ve read about Coach Mohl. If he is let go, it won’t be because of any of these points, it will only be about whether or not he can win games at USF. A last place finish and 18 games under .500 is tough to ignore. If he gets another year, I’ll pull for him to turn it around, for sure, but I’m not at all confident. I felt the same way about Brian Gregory and Jeff Scott.
  15. OK boys, what’s the call? Another year for Mohl or make a move?
  16. Got the pitching performance we needed. Oh, well. It’s all a bonus at this point, isn’t it?
  17. I have a feeling we’ll need one of our beleaguered pitchers to throw a career game.
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