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Don Toro

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Everything posted by Don Toro

  1. Remember, there is a whole board dedicated to Bowl arrangements. Do you need a ride? Want to caravan to NC? Want to know where everybody is staying? How much are the hotels? Where the party is going to be at? Who's going? http://www.thebullspen.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=bowl
  2. http://www.thebullspen.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=news;action=display;num=1134098975
  3. Ok, so you have said the same thing over and over on like 40 posts. We get it, you are not happy with coaching and with our record. Just get over it. What do you want me to do? Quit your ******** and go to Charlotte so we don't have to make this trip every year. "Sacrifice" now, so we can have a good showing in NC that way the Gator Bowl will even consider us next time. Seriously, do you get off with these kinds of posts? Is ok to complain but complaining just to get people wound up is just childish.
  4. You can still get a $54 rate if you book through one of the traveling discount websites. Also Wyndham has a nice "price gurantee" policy. You might be better off booking at the higher price directly through Wyndham and then calling customer service to get the second night free. I'll suggest you call their customer service first and ask them a few "what if?" questions Here are the "Terms and Conditions" of their gurantee:
  5. MikeG, the "greedy" comment was clearly meant for the Travel Agencies, not USF officials.
  6. EI, thanks for the hook up, good looking out! I'm going to have an ice cold Amstel Light, and cheese and crackers waiting for me. Do you know if each adult gets a drink, or do I have to sign my girl up for the program too?
  7. First game, first Bowl, first Top 25 V, first Top 10 V, First BE Home game, and first BE win. Man I'm kicking myself in the culo for not saving my inagural game ticket.
  8. I got a reply from him, just saying that "Drive Thru U" was what students used to call USF back then, and that he didn't mean to offend anybody. Also he gave us props for our school spirit and the bowl bid: " Enjoy the bowl game. It's a remarkable accomplishment for such a young program." C.H. Doesn't seem that bad of a guy. I like his attitude better than that idiot from the St Pete times that kept going back and forth on the emails with me about the "UF-FSU" special section.
  9. That is a great idea EI. This can be really appealing for those too broke to attend the game, but not broke enough to pay $60 for a piece of memorabilia like that. It would look really nice in a frame along with a team picture. I think the bookstore should jump on that and buy a few hundred of the unsold tickets for that purpose.
  10. maybe we should change the website from firerodsmith.com to hirerodsmith.com We can talk him up on the site and make him more appealing for the Buffalo job. Hey maybe we can use a few of O'Leary's tactics, it might work.
  11. CJL loves this program more than I could have ever imagined. He still will be earning $500,000 less than he would have earned at K-State, and that's still a lot of money.
  12. Well, back to the original point of the thread: Would Leavitt coach our bowl game if he accepts an offer from K-State in between? IMO, he wouldn't coach on principle. He knows it wouldn't be fair that while the staff and players where worrying about just on thing, the bowl game, he was also concerned about the K-State job.
  13. I just heard it on 620am. Here are some key things left out from the ad: WVU's Ranking, last home game, over 30,000 tickets sold. No hype, just "go show up to the game." They did mention the bowl game is still on the line but they could have done a lot better. And you may say, "geez, aren't you picky? complaining about an ad? give me a break!" But the ad's content is just as important, might make a difference of a few hundred ticket sales.
  14. I think it had its moments. That sound bite was pretty funny. That would be just hilarious.
  15. I thought copyrights didn't apply to parodies as long as you are not selling the final product. There was a ruling about this a few years ago. From the Electronic Frontier Foundation site:
  16. Hey EI, add the 3rd and Goal call as well, that was just as dumb. And try using Windows Movie Maker or Sorenson Squeeze to reduce the file size. The video is still showing the wrong date though. Great job, you should send a press realease with it.
  17. Bloomtown knows a lot of people in high places so I would consider him a very very reliable source.
  18. Maybe disabling "guest" posting is not such a bad idea. We went from 1,696 members on Thursday to 1,798 and counting today.
  19. lmao, I can't believe how quick the press found out! Great job E.I., and Kyle J.!
  20. Please email this guy, he is driving me insane with his multiple replies. He doesn't understand that this is an example of the "Self-fulfill prophecy." You think USF is really not newsworthy compared to FSU-UF so you don't cover them on gameday. People see the lack of coverage of the Bulls then they agree that they are not worthy thus the notion becomes a reality. I was going to email him that in a more educated way but I'm done arguing with the guy.
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