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Everything posted by T-Man

  1. Went for a visit (Never post anything just read headlines) to ucf Rivals Fan forum. From being out coached, poor clock management, fans not coming/staying/cheering, and being stuck with Frost. It's nice to look out while sipping the morning coffee.
  2. Ouch... That one looked like it hurt.. BTW I did see empty seats in the stands.
  3. At this point I think the administration needs to set goals for attendance. Last week 2,000 student tickets were sold. Administration should determine what an acceptable # is and then openly set out to achieve it. For instance let's say 5,000 students is the #. Walk the campus, have players, cheerleaders, and coaches promote the game. Encourage some type of bring a buddy along... FOR EXAMPLE: USF students get companion 1 free companion ticket (I believe the current cost is $15) , tell students to reach out to kids still at their HS where they went and invite them.. Before I hear, "They already do this or that"... my answer is it is not working do something else. My son (Senior) and daughter (Sophomore) are students at USF currently and are in the front row every game, this year they have brought a different person each week with them. They should also have companion ticket offer for season ticket holders too. Lastly (I have been saying this for years) USF should buy Green tarps to cover upper decks (Yes I know there is a cost, but it would pay off in the end).. The Raiders do it at their stadium and it seems to have desired effect.
  4. Agree, this makes Oklahoma and Texas fans happy if they have a chance of playing twice.. Having the entire state of Texas schools and Florida schools makes sense.
  5. It does allow the RJS idiots to correct issue of no ICE
  6. 10 day forecast has it at 88 on the Thursday before the game... Maybe we get lucky and get an 88, however something tells me we are in for another 90.
  7. Brutal! Still feeling effects of FSU game.. No more than 20,000 at this one.
  8. Herman stays at Houston if they make Big 12... If not he bolts... As good as he is I do not think he wants the LSU pressure cooker.
  9. ...All concession stands will have free cups of ice throughout the game... Nice to see the powers that be are taking care of the students... Hopefully they will use the ice for good rather than evil....
  10. The only problem I have with another university is when we play an opponent (SMU for instance) someone shows up at Raymond James wearing a UF or FSU hat... So no problem today, unless there is that one jackass with UF colors on!
  11. Love my BULLS! NO FREAKING WAY I am wearing green... 90 + degress I will be in a white shirt that has GREEN letters, my hat will be green..
  12. I can agree with the short throws and the over throws, needs to be fixed. I also think that QF's true calling is to run free and throw on the run. I believe that the coaches have encouraged him to throw first, throw second, and as a last resort run... I think that changes this weekend, and they allow him to run, I expect a huge day with QF running this week. If he is running they have to employ a spy which takes one more LB away from our receivers.... I will also be interested if our coaches can adjust at halftime? This I feel, will be the difference between winning and losing..
  13. I have a Senior and a Sophomore at USF. They attended both home games and secured their tickets at earliest date. They have 100/200 level access. This means the end zone, and the seats in 200 to the left and right of student section. These are USF student only seats. The rest of the students will be shipped up to 300 sections, pretty sure all bets are off as to USF or fsu dispersed in upper decks.. At least the student section will be green and gold, as for the rest of the stadium who knows...
  14. Hoping for 8pm, most likely it will be a noon game... 330 ish would be okay.
  15. Agree! Wow, he missed a few targets and it was ugly. Some of his passes resembled the poor bastard that threw at "Hootie" 2nd in the contest!
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