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Everything posted by dabull80

  1. When you live in Mims like I do most things come a little slower. It really depends on how the mule is feeling when the mail gets here.
  2. They will be playing somewhere else. That staduim has been condemed.
  3. Well Gary I can say with 100% assurance that this team can actually practice, where as last year they couldn't even do that. That alone will add wins and make them a better team.
  4. A proven formula that has worked for Charlotte for years. Get very good 3 point shooter, play man on man "D" and one solid low post player. You almost always are in a game because those 3 point shooters can get you back in. The down side of course is when they get cold. I cann't remember how many times Charlotte beat the Bulls with this formula.
  5. Sheriff, I am in true shock. After our trip to the C-USA tournamnet I never,ever thought I would hear that from you ! LOL
  6. Good schedule to start the season. It will build confidence and 9-2 is not unreasonable. I don't think I would throw in the towel for the Michigan & South Carolina games. These teams are not highly ranked this year. Now if it was Mich State that would be a different story. Always the high optimism before the season begins.
  7. Oh sure Steve, then you follow it up with a great post ! That was too funny LOL. I think you got the Oscar speech down.
  8. Dam Steve, In the "Land Of Dumb" your last post would get an Oscar !
  9. Unless Diarra has made quantum leaps(loved that show) he has no game and Brandon has been very inconsistent at best. Wasn't Brandon playing hurt last year ? This is going to be interesting to watch because if there was one really,really,really bad position last year it was center and this is where coaching & player developement come in. Is Mac doing his job ? I hope we see the improvement.
  10. Four to five conference wins this year and look for the same in first year of the BE.
  11. So what you guys are saying here is we have no center ?
  12. Wow, must be double secret probation ! You need to get more sleep smazza, it is affecting your thought process. Jimmy is not going anywhere for at least five years so get used to it.
  13. Thank you Cuban, I feel the same way. You had the facts while Omni and I remembered the general situation. Now Beastie, I don't feel my thinking is myopic. I have tryed to look at all the QBs we have,how long they have been there and who is coming in. All my conclusions keep pointing to Denson. Sorry if you don't like my conclusion. Also when you give me a loaded question like you did "Have you stopped beating your wife ?" you will get an answer befiting the question. And I am clueless what the Tenn Tech game has to do with anything we are talking about.
  14. I am a little worried there MRebe. Your post talks about rear ends and the very next sentence you are "Venting" ? What are you really trying to say ?? LOL
  15. You are so right BullDoug, the margin between 7-4 and 4-7 is very slim. Great article BigMatt in the Box. Enjoyed reading it.
  16. Well that is a stupid question Beastie since he hasn't played QB in college. He has played in practices and he makes things happen. Yes I saw him once in High School and he out classed everyone on the field. He will have practiced with the team for a year and will be worlds ahead of anyone coming in. Now if Hill or Grothe come in as true freshman and take the starting job that would be fabulus because they would be that good and four years of elgibilty. i doubt that is going to happen but you never know and unless PJ steps up during the last five games(I am hopefull) Denson will be the man. If you remember I told everyone before he played his first down of USF football that Andre Hall would be the man and he is. Speculation on my part but I do have some good inside contacts and a little Knowledge of High School football. Not the Bien level but a little.
  17. There is no man that has put more into this program then JL and for some Saturday afternoon QBs to call for him to be fired or give him one more year is laughable. He has always gotten the most out of his players and will continue to do that. i for one think Carl Franks would make a good offensive coordinator but no matter who you put in there you must have a QB that can make it happen. I called Andre Hall as our next team leader and he is. Unless PJ starts to play better look for Denson next year to be our new star QB. Think Mick Vick type of QB who can beat you with his feet and is a good passer(not great-Yet). As for the rest of the season and for all you gloom and doom fans,there still is alot of football left to play, look for the upset win at UAB and a strong finish by the Bulls to end up right around 500. We will need some luck but all five games left are winnable. As for the trash talk, some of you clowns are doing that right here on this board and on top of that to your own team. At least our players are doing it to the other team. A few posters have some well thought out criticisms which are good to read but so many are just knee jerk reactions of fire him,put him on the bench and scrap the whole system they have no merit and become personel arguments between posters. Hear me now - believe me later, Unless PJ steps up Denson starting QB next year and the Bulls finish close to 500 this year(yes I know we play 11 games-thats why I say close).
  18. Didn't take the Gators long. Is this good for college football ? http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3108568
  19. NBA has got a league full of those. Not many Tim Duncans or Yaos.
  20. Its a sad thing when a UL poster has to tell us how things really are and this is not meant to be a knock on CollegeCard. I think he is very accurate.
  21. Maybe his ball on a bungee cord isn't working as good as he hoped.
  22. Players of today do nothing but emulate older players or pro players. I thought it was great when TO danced on the freaken Dallas star, screw the Cowboys. His sharpie deal was great to. Now, i was old school but years of seeing the hot doggers,especially in BB I have turned the corner and said lets get with the times. Still gotta laugh at the DB in the pros that just gave up a 15 yard pass and gives the guy a hard hit and jumps up and acts like he just did something good.
  23. smazza that ranks right up there with some of the most stupid things you have ever said. BE recind their offer to us. Ridiculus.
  24. I'm with you BullDoug but Wooly has a point(LOL-good one Wooly). I think we have a good chance of beating UAB who just got their ass kicked by Tulane who hadn't beaten anyone except Fl A&M. Our D needs to start looking like they mean business. if we can not get any better pass rush our young secondary will have a tough time but any secondary will have a tough time if you have no pass rush. Future looks bright.
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