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Everything posted by dabull80

  1. Yup, perfect example of futility. Two bowl appearances in 40 years is what we should strive for. No Memphis I am not knocking your recent success. Congartulations and good luck in your bowl game. Just smazza and others here need instant gradification all the time.
  2. Go Chitown & Astro, keep raising those numbers. Has anyone not seen teams that were not predicted to be that good have a great year. Look at the NFL. Or better yet lets look at UAB from last year. They were supposed to be a middle of the pack team in C-USA and look who carried the banner for C-USA in the NCAA tournament. I think this board is gun shy after the high predictions we had for Greenbergs teams of the past and got burned year after year. Be bold, have high optimism for this years teams.
  3. Who was that clown that wrote in the Orlando Sentinel that called us the Chickpoos ? What has he got to say now ? I always thought once UCF went to the Mac they would dominate that conference. Boy was I wrong.
  4. Come on, where is the optimism. I still stand by 9-2 to start the season and you guys think we will only win three conference games ? Now is the time to be positive. Look for us to be 500 at home in the conference. Heard it here first.
  5. Right smazza we didn't recruit well. I just can not understand why young players coming by our trailers would pick teams like FSU,Miami or UF over us. They only have a few national championships between them and are ranked every year. What were these guys thinking ?
  6. I'll tell you exactly what is going on here in Tampa. The USF mens basketball team is 2-0 and early season optimism is high. My prediction stays the same 9-2 start. As the line goes in the movie "The Patriot" - Stay the course. Seth who ?
  7. Yea but his word count per post is still top 10.
  8. Just remember Quantity does not always equal quality. Also one MikeG post equals about 157 smazza posts.
  9. Ok, Harmon must mean the score after the first quarter.
  10. Brahman, I don't know the date but I am pretty sure the games is on a Saturday at 11:00 AM. Just kidding.
  11. Bien, I didn't see the game but I will go with your assement that the D took a step backwards. We should remember one thing though and the fact is no one in the last three games got a sack on the Cinci QB so you need to give the Cinci offensive line some credit for doing a good job.
  12. I could be coached for three decades and I still wouldn't be able to throw a football worth a hoot. You have to have some natural talent and everyone peaks somewhere. Smith may be good and he may be bad but until we have a top notch QB with alot of natural talent I don't know that it makes much difference.
  13. Well they are in C-USA this year but next year we all start at 0-0.
  14. Cann't wait. It cuts my drive in half. By the way Calling AstroBull ! Calling AstroBull ! Or any other East Coast Bulls fans. I am looking for company/driver to drive back and forth to the Bulls BB games this year. Freaken I-4 is really bad and the ride is no fun at all.
  15. We have a rival right now or have you guys forgotten Southern Miss. I would love to keep them as a rival annual game because they bring such a good team almost evey year but who knows for future BE rival. Miami never had one when they were in the BE. They just won and everyone hated them. I would be happy to settle for that but if not that then look for Louisville because I think both UL and USF should be perenial contenders in the BE.
  16. SC I said that in an earlier post when Bien was trying to explain how our defense was going to try to stop Cini offense and I said it wasn't because no one else has.. Ball control offense was how we would stop them and clearly running the ball is how you do that. I have one question for someone who watched the game. Did Cinci put 11 in the box or what happened. Clearly we were having success running the ball and then nothing ? I was at work and didn't get to see the game.
  17. Yes, our offensive line has some seniors but lets think about who they are. These guys were recruited when we were still division II-A and probably have maxed their talent. If the young guys coming in now can develope as much as the seniors have we will have a terrific future. It will be interesting to see what happens in the off-season especially with the move by Seve S to USC. If I had a wish list I think I would like to see Franks get our OC position and let him revamp our staff.
  18. You know you got problems when Verpale starts as a freshman. He may be good in another year but he sure hasn't got it now.
  19. On our way to my 9-2 prediction. Don't you just love early season optimisim.
  20. With the Memphis offense I to am suprised we are only four point dogs. This game will be the same as Cinci. If our offense runs a ball control game and gives Andre Hall the ball we should win. By the way what happened to Andre after the first quarter ? Why did we stop giving him the ball ?
  21. Forget Cinci, the only real rivalry we have right now is USM. Who it will be in the future ? Who knows. I for one would like it to be one of the big three in Florida.
  22. Get real. Auburn has played more top ten teams then anyone and won all of them. USC would have two loses by now if they played Auburns schedule. Only reason they are not number one is they were ranked so low at the beginning of the season.
  23. Wrong Bien, the way we stop Cinci is to have a ball control offense that eats up the clock. If our run game continues the way it has been and PJ makes his throws as he has been we will be tough to beat. Limit Cincinati offensive touches is how you win this game. They will move the ball on us just as they have on everyone else. The key for the "D" will be to get two turnovers in this game and that will be enough to make the difference. By the way I have been watching Simson as of late and he has been the man most of the time. He is making plays when it counts even though he doesn't look like the most gifted athlete on the field. Verpaele is too young, I agree 100%. He is high energy and looks like he may have a bright future but way too many misreads and missed tackles. He did have that one nice hit on the WR at the goal line which was an incomplete pass but is sure was a nice hit.
  24. Sounds like the same type player Seth always recruited
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