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Everything posted by mattegunz

  1. We didn't offer this kid a schollie so thats why we were out of the picture. He also would have had to sit out a year if he came here. At E. Ill, 1-AA, he will be able to play in the fall.
  2. Moss and Flowers were walk-ons last year. I'm pretty sure that neither have a scholarship this year either.
  3. Get Well Howie. Glad to see your back and posting the good info like you always do. Now once we get the Reaper off the Disabled List we will have a full squad.
  4. Guest and Sheriff are on the right track. PJ has shown what he can do for 2 years. He's great at handing off and being very inconsistent at throwing. Those are attributes that won't win many games next year. Unless something magical happens in PJs game before next year I sure hope someone else is at QB. If PJ starts and is awesome I will be the first one to stand up and say that I was wrong, but from what I've seen I doubt I will have to do that. I've watched film of Grothe both the game against Armwood and some tape on Rivals.com. I'm no scout or talent evaluator, but here is my honest opinion of him. He seems to be very good at throws 25 and under but needs to gain some arm strength. Excellent at escaping the rush and seemed to have a knack for making plays. What impressed me most were his throws on the run which were excellent. If he is given the playbook as soon as he signs and works hard over summer I could see him taking over the QB job. As for the other QB we are recruiting, Carlton Hill, I have watched his tape also. On tape, havent seen either in person, Grothe looked like a better QB at this time. In Hill's defense His O-line was horrible from the tape I looked at. However, Hill's spiral was very loose and his touch seemed to be lacking. His arm strength was very good and as advertised he is one hell of an athlete when on the run. I would like to land both of these studs and let them settle on the practice field as to who is the better QB.
  5. Matt Grothe and Lake Gibson take on Armwood in the state championship replay on Sunshine.
  6. This is awesome. I will definitely be in the house for this one. To get to see the Bulls take on the team I loved as a kid. Go Bulls lets pull off the upset. I'm glad this was released now as it will definitely help in our recruiting. Props to all who worked on this project. Man do we have one heck of a schedule next year. It will be a great chance for our players from Miami to play down south. Im on cloud nine right now!!!
  7. They killed Wagner 76-36 today. Thank go they have some decent teams coming up on their schedule. GO BULLS.
  8. Since there's not a lot happening USF wise the next couple days lets start our hierarchy of sports from roughest to least rough.  Feel free to add in other sports. Big Cajones UFC  Ultimate Fighting Championship Kickboxing Cajones Boxing Tough Guys Rugby Wrestling Tough Guys with padding Hockey Football Lacrosse Pansy  Soccer  (due to popular board opinion) Basketball Extreme Pansy ( Chance of physical contact very unlikely) Baseball Tennis Volleyball Biatch Golf Swimming Cross Country Track
  9. http://www.sptimes.com/2004/12/22/Sports/Leavitt__Meyer_share_.shtml Former Florida quarterback Justin Midgett, who never took a snap in two seasons, won't be transferring to the Bulls. "I've eliminated the Bulls," Midgett said from his Punta Gorda home. "I just decided it wasn't the best situation for me." While USF coaches showed interest, they didn't offer Midgett a scholarship. I think that tells you that Coach is confident in Grothe signing and another big time QB prospect.
  10. Hahahaa smazz I can't believe you think that Bonds didn't take roids. The guy has taken so much juice that even his hat size has gotten bigger in the last couple years and it hasnt been from growing an afro.
  11. No sense of failure like baseball? What the heck do you mean by that. If you lose in any sport you failed. No contact. Play the game with myself and some of my teammates and I'm sure we would change your mind about that.
  12. Sheriff's optimism is in Blacksburg VA. Sheriff is my boy but he has had no bball optimism since Seth left. My prediction is 6-10 in conference.
  13. Sounds like Bulldoug is a Nebraska fan, which I'm pretty sure he mentioned on here earlier. As for Houston I would be pissed too. However, if they didn't have a contact signed then they weren't officialy going to play each other and thats there fault for not getting one signed during the discussions. As for Nebraska they had already lost their edge as a team that intimidated people in my opinion and this only fortifies my opinion of that. NE used to plow people, but are now being left behin by OK and Tex in their conference. As Bulldoug said it was a smart move on NE part. They possibly lose that game and fall further down on the national scene. Now they have a home game with Maine who went 5-6 in 2004.
  14. Ohio Bull, my competitive team did the same type of thing when i was 16, I am now 22. We were a team from hernando county and qualified for the Region C premier league which consists mostly of teams from Pinellas, Hillsborough and a team from Sarasota and Lakeland. It was funny playing in white tees with numbers penned on the back and winning our way into the league at a qualifying tournament. We did get jerseys after that and our team cost was like 75 bucks for the entire year. We beat some pretty good teams during our time together as a team including the Miami Strike Force. I will never forget when we upset strike force and the look on their coach's face. All their players were talking sh!t before the game about us being from the middle of nowhere and then we beat them. Ahh Priceless. As for them not allowing you into the league, that is BS. As long as you can pay the fees for league entry, make the games, and are on a talent level equivalent to the teams in the league they have no basis to not let you guys play. It sounds like the rich boys from the cleavland area are afraid of losing to some outsiders to me. I'd be persistent on getting your kids into the league, playing better talent will only help to improve your team. As far as Terry knocking soccer as a woosy sport thats just his mentality. He's a football guy and football is a rougher sport, and also a sport that requires you to wear hug amounts of proctective gear. He knows that I would slide tackle him if he ever dared dribble past me hahahaa. I'm not trying to knock on football because I love the game and played it also.
  15. Hahahah I knew that was coming Luke. Hey at least your true to your beliefs.
  16. This kid is a beast if he can bench 380. WOW, welcome to the family Taurus.
  17. Nice grabs for us. Hopefully these guys stay committed because if we sign another good class this year we are going to have a stockpool of talent heading into the Big East.
  18. The FCAT was a joke. There is no way you could score high on the SAT and bomb the FCAT.
  19. Anyone know whats up with guys like Buie, jones, or the guys who were suspended, Mompremier, hunnicutt, or julmiste? Thanks
  20. There is no doubt that the twins are material for the league. Joey is explosive as can be and finishes strong around the basket. Old Greenie really blew it on that one is all that I can say. Leather and Graham up front would be one imposing front court to say the least.
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