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Everything posted by hightechbull

  1. I got your three keys to Rutgers Tony Soprano Silvio Dante Paulie "Walnuts" Gualtieri Now that is list of some real New Jersey muscle.
  2. Isn't it ironic that Geoff Blum is an ex-Devil Ray and his HR won game 3?
  3. Who cares. Two fat guys on the radio who "talk" about sports but they are so fat they have not seen their wieners in 20 years. Someone needs to put some Crazy glue in Justin&Jason's tub of Vaseline - the results would be hillarious.
  4. Red Division? Damned Communists! ;D jk. Go FutBulls!!
  5. Well my dog just left something in the back yard that was more pleasing than our quarterback's play in this game. Our quarterbacks are just like Beavis and Butthead. They will never "score". I just wonder who is Beavis and who is Butthead.
  6. Low expectations yield low results. Low expectations would have never got a football team at USF, but some of us "crazy dreamers" bellyached enough, a lot of people donated some serious coin, and we have a football team. I do not accept "moral victories". If you do, than you must accept the Vietnam War as a "moral victory" for the USA. I did not march up and down campus and irritate the USF admistration for several years just for a football team. I wanted a winning football team. Anything less is a failure.
  7. The Oracle printed an article as well promoting the event. http://www.usforacle.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/10/13/434e4d0ceb237
  8. They keep mentioning how bad we were last year. Somewhere I read a quote (maybe paraphrase) that Leavitt wanted to start the first season in the BIG EAST strong, and he did not worry about USF's standing in their last season in C-USA. He started freshmen early to get them ready for the BIG EAST. Maybe I am wrong and I only read that in a dream, but it makes sense why we stunk last year, and it makes sense why we are good (so far) this year.
  9. It is nice to hear that the Athletic Dept and whoever else is on the ball. Good work for such short notice. Kudos to all that have put this together.
  10. Well, -- cough --, the Oracle did print it -- cough --- http://www.usforacle.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/10/11/434babfc4514c
  11. Communist! As an American, you should at least use M-16's or M-4's. ;D
  12. And yet the so called "older alumni" bitched and complained when USF moved homecoming against Cinci to Halloween night two years ago for ESPN dollars. Many alumni did not show up that night, yet the students made the experience a memorable one - that includes the team for beating Cinci in a nail biter. The older alumni lamented how their children could not door to door talking candy from strangers, and yet these are the same people who go crazy worring about pediophiles. Don't take candy from strangers unless it is Halloween. Contradictory and stupid. If everyone around here is such a financial genius, then you should have a vast sum of money, and you can donate that cash to USF to build its stadium. No takers? Then sit down and stop talking out of your other mouth. The methane stench is getting sickening.
  13. quit your ********. nice way to treat newbies who show up. no wonder many of them get disgusted and never come back.
  14. Good job UCF. I guess that smackdown we gave your team some motivation to win out the rest of the year. Next year's meeting in Orlando will be exciting if you carry out this win streak for the rest of the year and into next season.
  15. The friggin' Metro conference started this in the Sun Dome. Cowbells were allow back then for all non conference games. The Metro also put the clamp down on the slam dunk cannon - from what I was told from a college buddy who worked part time at the Sun Dome. You let people get tanked up on beer for 3 quarters at $8 a glass, but no cowbells allowed. Stupid.
  16. At least they still call it the Gator Bowl with Toyota as the sponsor. Toyota Bowl by itself sounds stupid. 3 non-BCS bowls sucks when you throw ND in the mix with the Big East.
  17. It was on Friday night, and UConn beat Syracuse 26 - 7
  18. Why is it that I can wake up on Saturday, turn on the TV, and catch some meaningless ACC or SEC game on a regional distribution like Jefferson Pilot? Does anyone really care about Duke vs. NC State or Kentucky vs. Arkansas? Maybe in basketball, but NOT in football. The Big East should be able to set up something like this and tell ESPN to shove that ESPN360 with its big fat broadband data pipe up their keister.
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