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Everything posted by hightechbull

  1. Whatever. Our BB team sux bizalls. Deal with it. The same people calling for CJL head are now saying that RMC is a good coach and needs some time. Time for what? Time to kick more guys off the team and waste more scholarships? F that. Makes me wish for the glory days of G.A., R.D., B.R., etc. cannon fires for dunks and NCAA invites. Face it. We suck, and it will take major overall at the coaching level to fix this mess.
  2. Complain, Complain, Complain. I feel sorry for guys like Eric Soncrant. It seems like all messages towards him or his department are nothing but complaints. Has anyone ever said thank you to him or any of his co-workers? This question is for you complainers.
  3. Especially when some fool in the office turns the place in to Wal-Mart by playing Christmas tunes non-stop all day long. If I wanted to work in that type of environment, I would have skipped all the years at USF and jumped right into Wal-Mart. No respect for other cultures and customs.
  4. And they refuse to play a home and home series in baseball by citing travel expenses. Well, UM & UF & UCF play USF in a home and home series in baseball every year. BTW, the semen-hole is an old derogatory comment referring to the loose and wide-open thighs of F$U co-eds. If you have not heard that one by now, then you need to take your head out of the sands of Tallahassee.
  5. 1) Because he has no scholarships available due to booting half players off the team? : 2) Why waste a recruiting trip when you know you have a 99% chance of booting the player off the team? 3) He offered him a positon as a walk-on player. ???
  6. You need to register on latimes.com, so here is a link and a clip about the analysis of the game http://www.latimes.com/sports/college/football/la-sp-dufresne19dec19,1,5807729.story?page=3&coll=la-headlines-sports
  7. Rual medicine - some gruff old country doctor shows up and tells a sick person to rub a garlic lotion on their chest, and if that don't work, then try leaches. :
  8. San Francisco would be a great place for a short vacation. I would take a side trip and see if any of Silicon Valley's industry would need my services. I thought the ACC was the cream of the crop in sports and academics. I thought these ACC alums have good paying jobs, or do they just graduate redneck hayseeds that would rather hang out in the Deep South and wait for the next Klan meeting? :
  9. Didn't you just say this on another thread? ??? ??? ??? Arse-clown. : : :
  10. Uhm, it was a unwritten rule to keep politics off the main board, but you opened the door, so ... If you are talking about setting, then you are naming GW Bush voters. Let's see - vote to change the President by voting for Kerry -- or -- vote for the same guy and settle for the same tired refrain of "9-11, 9-11, 9-11", "Iraq has WMD's", "If you are not for the war then you are for the enemy", "I believe in a culture of life - while executing a record number of prisoners while Gov. of Texas", "libruls are evil", etc, etc, etc. How dare you compare Leavitt to any politican. At least he has the decency to give me his autograph for free and not charge me $100,000 to some fat cat lilly white rich republican fund raiser. If you are going to toss out an insult, at least get it right so it makes sense. Today's smackdown brought to you by High Tech Bull and sponsored by the USF chapter of the Lamda Sigma Delta (LSD) fraternity
  11. I thought their mascot was a kangaroo or a lightning bolt - maybe a combo of the two.
  12. Cool. 8) Can we now tell the K-State lurkers to go byte themselves?
  13. It is a South (as in directional, not USF "South") Florida thing. Don Shula is a legend down there. What else would you call it? The Mariel Boatlift Bowl? The Krome Detention Center Bowl? The Judaic-Hispanic Bowl? Don Shula Bowl sounds a little more positive to me. As far as USF vs. UCF, the one thing in common between Tampa and Orlando is road construction, so I nominate "Bob's Barricades Bowl" as the name of the annual contest.
  14. http://www.rodsmith2006.com Ooops, different Rod Smith. ;D
  15. So we get a slice of the $14 million because of our BIG EAST membership. Kind of defeats the straw man argument about losing $14 million.
  16. Some of you long-time Oracle bashers might agree this time: http://www.usforacle.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/11/28/438afd6734f06 This one is not so negative - sounds more like the green and gold tinted glasses wearing crowd. http://www.usforacle.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/11/28/438afac25987a
  17. OK Nostradamus, since you predicted this win, can you predict a few more things? Will Santa bring Jimmy that red bike he always wanted? Will the Tooth Fairy leave a quarter in place of the tooth under Sally's pillow? Will UConn go to a bowl game? Will George Bush ever find those missing WMD's?
  18. Indiana? I hope he is a transfer from their BB team to our BB team. Indiana has one of the worst FB teams in D1
  19. on the ESPN.com bottom 10 poll? That spot is typically reserved for teams that lay an egg. Hey it would be nice - we are ranked, err, umm, skanked. OK, ESPN got lazy and had not updated that poll in serveral weeks, but one can only dream.
  20. Now I know why this place is a sweaty "dude ranch" with constant "sword fights". A new poster of the fair sex comes by with a positive motivational message, and you guys gang up on her. Geez, did you guys pull girls' pig tails until they screamed when you were in grade school? Yeah the loss sucks, but in real life Cinderella really looks like the fugly step-sisters, and Prince Charming is a fat putz who could not get it up even after taking 100+ Viagra pills. Reality bites.
  21. Someone forgot to eat his Weaties today. Some advice: Pour a tall glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage and drown your sorrows. You will feel better in the morning, and you might live longer if you reduce some of your stress.
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