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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Bucs and Bolts are not going anywhere, the Rays will eventually leave but we can only pickup a couple fans from them because there is less than a handful of them anyway. I wonder if we saw a bump after they closed the dog track.
  2. That is funny, you have no details so quit dicking around and either articulate your point or STFU.
  3. That is the reason I am not an accountant, what other leagues are playing in your fantasy world? Should we let the winner of the female lingerie league into the NFL playoffs? If Arena football was still around would we see A Bucs/Storm Super Bowl in the battle for the Bay? Your take makes little sense with spots or sports, either way it is equally as asinine.
  4. Somehow I still feel we would find a way to suck and provide little value even if all the professional teams left Tampa, to blame others for our ineptitude seems like a stretch, we are who we are.
  5. I agree with how long someone lives there is probably the main reason but I have friends who adopted their dads team and never actually lived in the home state of their favorite team, this has always kinda baffled me. I moved from Illinois in HS but held onto the Bears until mid twenties. It seemed kinda silly for me attending every Bucs game and them not being my favorite so I trashed by Bears, Blackhawks and Sox gear and became a homer, moved again and after a few years did the same. Not sure how this plays out if I move from Texas.
  6. So do you but at least he adds value to the organization before he exits.
  7. Still can’t figure out you can live somewhere for the majority of your life and not root for the home team, haven’t these teams grown on you a little.
  8. Just finished dropping half a loaf, should have sent pics to you prior to flushing, was a great party and a great win for the Bucs!
  9. That is great news and I really don’t mind you being more important as long as they build the freakin thing, thanks for the info. 20 million should build a nice IPF. However Texas A&M has two IPF’s so when can we get started on the second one?
  10. That is a brilliant idea, I would love to see the Bucs play the Lakers in Football, JPP running down Lebron would be awesome. You never cease to amaze me with your ideas, not sure how you do it but keep it up.
  11. Had a SB party last night and 2 guys from LA were there (friends of a friend) they came out here to get away from the shut down. They said watching TV’s outside was banned? Not sure the rationale for that. Glad you found your liberal paradise as I found my conservative one, to each their own.
  12. Not even close, he is an athletic freak but played one year and played in the Toronto bowl, Grothe, selvie, Kawika, Q, Mack, D’ernest, MVS etc...are the Goats IMO
  13. Fort Disney world or fort lost in the woods, however not sure I have ever heard about relaxin Jackson
  14. I don’t think you are a Nazi but nowadays you can hurl ridiculous allegations with absolutely no truth or fact to back any of it up so I decided if you can’t beat them then join them.
  15. If you are a Mizzou fan then why would you bother posting here, just curious? Mizzou is in the best conference in the country but would never be bored enough to see what their fans have to say, their only claim to fame was the allegedly racist president and all of the other racist allegations, they got a lot of press, unfortunately all bad.
  16. Army. Fort Jackson for Basic. I remember being in an old World War Two barracks as permanent party and we moved out and the AF moved in but not before they put in carpet, made the two per room one and added phone lines and these guys were students in AIT. Air Force definitely lived better.
  17. I will start the TAMPA BAY chant, I used to always get this started in the bathroom waiting for a urinal multiple times each game while I was a season ticket holder. TAMPA!
  18. I never knew the USAF basic was only 6 weeks? Hope you didn’t go in the summer like I did in SC in the 80’s, no AC and blistering heat, had a heat rash on my chest that felt like getting stabbed with needles, oh the fond memories.
  19. He is just trolling people trying to get a rise out of someone, I hate guys like that
  20. I don’t think anyone is advocating for the current format, not even shittingBull but it is what we got. We are not even competitive in the 6th best conference and didn’t beat an FBS team last year so the point is moot anyways.
  21. They play in a division where they play their National Championship in a high school stadium in suburban Dallas, no thanks.
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