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Bull Nut

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Everything posted by Bull Nut

  1. Jeff Scott and Tony Elliott... "Candidly, we don’t believe the Bulls could go wrong with either of these guys"
  2. Correct, I forgot the game was moved to Saturday this year.
  3. I'm stating the obvious here, but I don't think we hear anything until after black Friday.
  4. Agree 100%. USF needs to stop acting like we're a destination landing spot for a head coach. We are who we are and we need to accept it.
  5. This is exactly it. The HC has a vested interest in robust NIL support for the program. More hand shaking and kissing babies will only help. I get that the coach has to coach but it's almost like the job description has changed. The HC now has a dual mandate of coaching and lobbying for NIL dollars from the community/boosters to help attract top talent for their recruiting initiative.
  6. Right, but the HC needs to know the intricacies and the massive impact it has on recruiting. For better or worse, talent on the field has a price tag in the nil era
  7. Maybe I was too subtle... I probably should have thrown in a Putin or Zelenskyy to tie it all together. My delivery is still a work in progress...
  8. I try to mix current events in my material to keep it fresh.
  9. An absolute legend, the man bleeds green and gold! Would love to see him involved with the program.
  10. I think he was making a reference to the team acting like boys instead of men... I think.
  11. And black people never make jokes about white people... C'mon man.
  12. Flip side to that argument is I'm sure there are plenty of parents that would be more than thrilled for their kid to be recruited by coach Gruden
  13. Honestly, USF needs to roll with this for the media attention that it is creating. Not that we would actually hire him, but don't shut it down and let the grumors swirl!
  14. Your math is wrong. His win percentage is approximately .292
  15. Is it just me or was Michael Kelly repeatedly saying coach prime when he was describing his ideal candidate?
  16. We definitely have to make a run at Coach Prime. We probably can't afford him, but we have to take a shot. He is exactly what this program needs.
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