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Everything posted by OnTheBus

  1. Previous Clemson OC went to SMU. Lane Kiffin went to FAU. Scott Frost came from Oregon. This isn't uncommon. You're trying to find problems where there are none. There are other things you can criticize Scott about, such as lack of either playcalling or head coach experience.
  2. There's 50+ pages on a thread posted yesterday with a random person claiming CJL was close to a done deal.
  3. If anything, I'm glad to see how prepared Kelly was for this process and how swiftly he has been moving, in addition to a critical priority: A rooted connection to USF.
  4. Make it a dejected Charlie Strong looking at the floor during a presser.
  5. Kelly is perhaps the only AD who could pull this off. The capital he has built locally, across the state, and nationally with the CFP is more than enough to withstand a possible blowback. Neither Douggie or Mark would have had that amount of goodwill to bank off of.
  6. Putting aside Jim’s past contributions to our program aside, what makes him a desirable HC for us today? What has he accomplished over the past decade?
  7. My argument isn't that FAU and USF are on the same level (on paper). But you need to look at the context. If your goal is P5, moving from a conference championship caliber G5 program to a start-of-rebuild G5 program does not get you closer to the end goal. Josh is definitely one of the more reliable sources for USF info, though it's less frequent these days. Josh noting that Kiffin has "injected himself into all the searches" really devalues the observation. Makes it sound like a leverage move by Kiffin's agent more than anything else. And Kiffin's name hasn't come up by anyone in the three days since that tweet.
  8. The “take the money” argument for Lane became invalid when he took a $400,000 paycut to go from Bama OC to FAU OC. I’m sure he’s still riding high on his Oakland and USC buyouts. You think it’s wiser to build up a new program that’s not nationally relevant, rather than continue at your current conference championship program that’s not nationally relevant? What does Kiffin have to gain by building up a different G5 program that he doesn’t have today?
  9. I’ll pose you the same question: You are a G5 coach who has won 2 conference championships in your 3 year tenure. You are angling for a P5 gig and are the top name for several SEC vacancies. If for whatever reason you are not offered or pass on those SEC openings, do you: 1: Stay another year at your G5 program that you’ve built into a consistent championship contender, and see what offers await next season? 2: Start over at a different G5 program, that’s a rebuilding effort, and would be at least a 2 year commitment, given you already have a stain on your reputation for bolting a program after a single year?
  10. Top of my head? Jeff Brohm. Not sure if that's top level enough for you, but it's a more desirable job than USF. I'm sure there's more if I bothered looking. That's what I call common sense.
  11. Accepting a USF/G5 rebuild is an easier path than continuing at the G5 conference championship program you've already built? Were not in the Big East anymore, guys.
  12. It's called common sense. If you, chapelbull, were a G5 coach with two conference championships in your three year tenure (assuming Kiffin wins tomorrow), and you're eyeing P5 jobs (but pass on the current SEC vacancies for some stupid reason), would you rather: 1: Stay at the program you've built up for another year to make a third conference championship run, and then see if there are better P5 offers (better than mid-tier SEC schools) 2: Start a new G5 rebuild, where you would hurt your image by leaving after a single year (and he has worked hard to remove that black mark from Tennessee), so it's at least two years before you're looking for P5 again.
  13. An upgrade? Perhaps. Enough of an upgrade to forego everything you've built over the past three years to start over, in parlaying that into a P5 offer? Forget it. Especially given he's being discussed for multiple SEC openings right now. 1 more year of stable winning at FAU for Lane with the idea of more P5 opportunities if he doesn't want Ole Miss or Arkansas > Starting a fresh rebuild at a different G5 school.
  14. Or, spend another season winning in Boca, and see what awaits next year. Lane is not looking to build up another program that isn't in the P5.
  15. You are missing the entire point. USF/AAC/G5 is not enough of an upgrade over FAU/CUSA/G5 for Kiffin to make that leap, with the hopes of upgrading again within a couple of years. He already has a program built and competing for championships. If he's going to leave, it will be for a P5 gig. Not for another school he has to build from scratch to still not be nationally relevant. If he doesn't get the P5 offer he's looking for, spend another year at FAU, win another conference championship, see what is out there next year. That's better than taking over a lesser program in a slightly tougher conference where if you bolt after a year, it reflects poorly on you. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...
  16. Anyone who thinks we are Kiffin's best option this cycle is in complete denial.
  17. Yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to get some people to understand. Lane Kiffin would be dumb to come here.
  18. Please elaborate on the unique situation, and why it would result in him considering a G5 lateral move instead of an SEC job. And before someone says again that Kiffin would be getting offered bottom-tier SEC gigs, remember how Les Miles was happy to go to freaking Kansas.
  19. Yeah. And we're the AAC. Such a big difference. The fact of the matter is no HC has jumped from C-USA to AAC. With good reason.
  20. Why leave a C-USA/G5 program in Florida that you've built into a continuous championship contender for an AAC/G5 program in Florida that you would have to build into a championship contender?
  21. The point being, if you are good enough to level up from CUSA to AAC, you are going to be considered for P5 gigs, and from there the options are night-and-day. And I'm not sure there is enough of a difference in money from CUSA to AAC to make a difference to coaches who have P5 futures in mind.
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