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Everything posted by OnTheBus

  1. We let them have the 2010s to lure them into a false sense of security now, as our plan was always to dominate the 2020s. EDIT: Hindsight is 2020.
  2. Michael Kelly would only leave us for UF, FSU, or Miami. I can't imagine him wanting to do this job outside of the state of Florida.
  3. I am seeing all his posts. He has been on my ignore list for a couple days. There is a difference between arguing honestly and being in an echo chamber. There is a difference between honestly disagreeing with someone and dishonestly disagreeing.
  4. I’d like to remind everyone that puc admitted the other day he is a propagandist who only cares about winning arguments with little, if any, regard for being objective, fair, and arguing in good faith. Those are his words. That’s his prerogative. Side note: the “ignore users” function isn’t working for me. Puc was added to my ignore list days ago but I still see his hypocrisy. Anyone else having issues with the ignore function?
  5. Primanti's has a location in Broward County. Fantastic sandwiches (and pizza). I'm there once a month.
  6. Didn’t realize we had that functionality. Where can I find that?
  7. I have minimal familiarity with “meme culture”, nor do I believe that “culture” is anything close to mainstream. It’s just a corner of the internet that likes to look in the mirror. Nor am I attempting to use “propagandist” tactics to “win the argument“. I am here for “fruitful conversation” and “reasonable honest dialogue” that is “objective, fair”. I wish our whole online community shared those aspects, but some, as admitted, just want to spread propaganda with no interest in honesty. Just contradictions and hypocrisy to “win the argument”. A shame our community has to deal with such garbage.
  8. “Triggered” is part of the general language of 21st century political hacks. And people who seek to “trigger” others are hacks. Congratulations on outing yourself. Keep that **** out of here. You are what is wrong with this fan base, not CJS completing his season at Clemson.
  9. Get the **** out of here with that crap and keep it to political websites.
  10. Well at least we all know now that your driving motivation is to annoy people. I hope it brings you happiness.
  11. Then you are going to be forever miserable. No reason for you to keep telling everyone how miserable you choose to be.
  12. And as we all know, USF being kicked out of the power conferences via realignment and the death of the Big East had absolutely nothing to do with the decreased buzz around the program. No role whatsoever. It’s a shame CJL wasn’t here to singlehandedly vault us to the P5, amirite bro?
  13. As opposed to you calling people who disagree “football globalists” who don’t have a “USF first agenda”? Hypocrisy, thy name is Puc.
  14. Is this response to mean you are, in fact, not going to move on with your life, and instead hammer home a moot point for the sake of bothering other people?
  15. You must have really thin skin if you let the excitement of USF fans get to you personally. God forbid someone looks at you the wrong way in real life...
  16. Well it’s all over now, so the good news is that you can move on with your life.
  17. And also Puc, how would have been any different with steve ensminger? He too would have stuck with LSU through the National Championship.
  18. Is it still a “part time job”? You don’t think hiring a Florida born 2x championship coordinator is “beneficial to us”?
  19. When did Scott decide to not put USF first? Because he had an opportunity to win a National Championship? Since when do we hire coaches based on expectations for mentions during a National Championship game? If that’s the metric, didn’t every school hiring a new coach fail this cycle? Remember when Lane Kiffin was fried as Bama OC and they lost the National Championship? Is it that hard to see that winning or losing that game is much larger than a single coordinator? Do you judge the success of a USF head coach based on their first month of the job? Are you drunk?
  20. What part of a “USF First Agenda” does 2x National Championship winning co-coordinator and Arcadia-born Jeff Scott not fit into?
  21. You’re still here? And now you want to defend Gilbert? Have fun with that lol.
  22. I can't fathom how there has been 9 pages of discussion about a topic that is very simple: Sterlin Gilbert invented new ways to waste homegrown talent.
  23. Corey has no where else to go because no one wants to hire Charlie Strong.
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