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Everything posted by usfvictor

  1. can't take too much time. that is the issue. i understand doing our due diligence, but you gotta build your fence before the coyotes take your prized chickens. It has been FIVE days... I understand that. in those FIVE days great coaches have landed new jobs. Think about if you were a coaching candidate. How long did it take Cal, Arkansas, Auburn, and Tennessee to hire someone? And were we really in those coaches ballparks? In the end it all comes down to this. We have no clue who we are talking to, and what we are talking about. We aren't a destination job, we can't just up and select whoever we want. If we want a coach I'm sure we'll make the offer at the appropriate time. Cal - Nov 27th to Dec 5th(hired Dykes) - One week Arkansas - Nov24th(technically John L Smith's last day as coach) to Dec 4th( date Bielema officially hired. agreed to contract Dec 2th )- Week and two days Auburn- Nov 25th to Dec 4th -a lil over a week Tennesse is the excpetion cuz they couldn't get anyone until Jones. As you can tell its actually rather quick.
  2. can't take too much time. that is the issue. i understand doing our due diligence, but you gotta build your fence before the coyotes take your prized chickens. 5 days for probably the most important job in our athletic department. do you think companies hire a ceo in 5 days? there are a ton of qualified candidates. heck names keep popping up that I never thought but wouldn't mind at all. I'd rather Wollard do his due dilligence and make an informed decsicion than make a quick call and have something blow up. actually F500's usually hire pretty fast(can't keep the market guessing and making your stock volatile), but i get your point.
  3. lol i'm sure rational UT fans knew Gruden was not going. but to "fall" to Jones, they sure weren't expecting that.
  4. can't take too much time. that is the issue. i understand doing our due diligence, but you gotta build your fence before the coyotes take your prized chickens. It has been FIVE days... I understand that. in those FIVE days great coaches have landed new jobs. Think about if you were a coaching candidate.
  5. can't take too much time. that is the issue. i understand doing our due diligence, but you gotta build your fence before the coyotes take your prized chickens.
  6. Thanks for sharing. I dont think we need to hurry, rather be right than quick. However, the longer this goes on the more likely we end up with someone off the radar which will send this place into riots. like Jones to UT. But thats a top job in the best conference. USF doesnt offer that. Nevermind, not sure what you mean there- I think he meant that Butch Jones was not UT's best option but he's the best of a dwindling number of good coaches on the market... Jones was "off the radar" as far as UT was concerned. yep. funny i just posted that too. dang it you beat me to it!! lol
  7. Thanks for sharing. I dont think we need to hurry, rather be right than quick. However, the longer this goes on the more likely we end up with someone off the radar which will send this place into riots. like Jones to UT. But thats a top job in the best conference. USF doesnt offer that. Nevermind, not sure what you mean there- i meant that they missed on their top candiates and forced to settle on Jones. which from twitter, their fanbase in underwhelmed.
  8. I think this may be the speculative posting that I'm willing to bet is the most accurate assessment of what's going on. Recruiting is at stake here, and Willie T may just be staunch about sticking around and sending his kids off the right way. That's a rarity in college football nowadays. =/
  9. Thanks for sharing. I dont think we need to hurry, rather be right than quick. However, the longer this goes on the more likely we end up with someone off the radar which will send this place into riots. like Jones to UT.
  10. why does everyone keep insisting that's sorta the case. we all know its not, let's stop lying to ourselves. if that was the case we would've made an announcement that we've hired him and his full-time start date with USF is Dec.27th but he will be on double duty until that time.
  11. This is true - Nick is looking at 2 jobs within the next 5 years - AD of Bama or WVU, but with Huggins new contract he is also setting himself up for AD job. huh? how do you figure that lol
  12. maybe he already interviewed or is interviewing Monday lol
  13. Im sure being at Miami helps alot. I dont recall his recruits at UNC being super stellar
  14. New rumor is he isnt interviewing. Im on my phone so cant copy tweets, but its been over twitter the last 5 minutes
  15. Or his agent is reviewing the contract Lol yea right
  16. If that is the case it makes us look like a Mickey Mouse program. Not one of the other big time programs does that. Hire him and if wants to coach the bowl game let him, but let him start recruiting and putting his staff together. Waiting just puts us behind in creating the staff and with his recruits. What if that's what WT requested? Which, if that's the case, I would respect the hell out of both parties for doing that. I fully understand it would put us behind in some regards but if you think Willie is THE guy, you accommodate him. he didn't and we are not. if that was the case we wouldn't be interviewing someone else. Thats is unless you believe WT told Woolard to "go ahead and interview someone else so we can use it as a smoke screen" and Woolard, so infatuated with WT, decides to do that, because WT requested it.
  17. Serenity now. There is a process that must be followed. What process. Woolard: Willie, do you want to be the next head coach at USF. I'll pay you 1.5 million per year. Willie: Yes. Sign me up. (DW and WT shake on deal). Yes it can be that easy. Deals get done this way all the time. Sure, It's that easy... There are still a couple major jobs out there. Jobs much better than USF. Maybe he's asking for time. Or is that too logical? that's exactly what should happen, the fact that it hasn't(and come on guys it hasn't) makes you wonder.
  18. Serenity now. There is a process that must be followed. What process. Woolard: Willie, do you want to be the next head coach at USF. I'll pay you 1.5 million per year. Willie: Yes. Sign me up. (DW and WT shake on deal). Yes it can be that easy. Deals get done this way all the time. Why in the hell would we pay a Sun Belt coach $1.5 million? He has not done anything at our level of football yet and many want to give him a $1.5 million salary? If we get Taggart it had better be for $1 million or less. what? lol you pay him $1.5 because that's a fair offer for the position. min would be like $1.2 with an asst. pool of about 700k
  19. I'll give you $30 and trade you my seats in sec 221 edit: i'm just joking and making a crazy offer lol unless by all means you want to take that offer haha
  20. the problem is we haven't seen anything saying that he has
  21. Maybe, maybe not. There has not been much chatter today. Could mean that there is no deal, or possibly, there is a deal. They are just crossing T's and dotting I's. Another possibility is they are waiting until the end of the WKU bowl game. As to not provide a distraction to the players that are actually playing in a bowl game *cough* *cough* Yeah, that was a little jab. no if there was a deal, even in principle, we wouldve heard something. Taggart would tell his wife, which would tell her friend, which will tell her coworker, which would tell her husband(which happends to be a huge CFB fan), which would reach out to BMM on twitter DM to break the news. its not happening..
  22. its not happening, calling it now. its been quiet...too quiet...
  23. i like McGee, but you can't compare the talent you can recruit at WVU,PITT, UM and UA to what you can pull at WKU.
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