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Everything posted by usfvictor

  1. Just because he said he didn't like people wearing UK gear around WKU? lol I think that person was referring to the conflicting reports, though maybe I'm wrong Ah, I see. yes referring to the reports lol, wth would i care if they wear UK stuff haha. plus he's at practice today at WKU. I'm thinking Woolard is going stealth and pulling a Bieleima to Arkansas move that no one saw coming.
  2. see this is why i'm saying it doesn't look like he's coming here. but maybe the whole Cristobal thing will show him that he needs to leave cuz crazy things can happen
  3. why is the subject of this thread stop chasing names? you are advocating to do the opposite. Nutt and Davis are names, Taggart is an unkown.
  4. Me too. That's why I need for this to get over with quickly Woolard needs to hire someone so I can go back to work. lol i guess its all of us
  5. Twitter is a dangerous thing. Lots of conflicting "Sources." I trust Greg more than anyone though. He actually makes phone calls instead of getting things second hand. what the AD said could be true and we still may have talked with taggart. see this is why i'm starting to think we are not getting Willie and/or Woolard does not want him.
  6. 247 Sports lol? or Rivals haha or since you have only 30 posts and only joined Nov 19 are you secretly Willie Taggart lol?
  7. really i haven't seen anything saying its done. all ive seen is that we met with him last night and we were wowed. if it went so great he'd have a contract on his desk right now Could be negotiating and working out details (compensation, assistant coach salary pool, etc). But I'll wait to hear something substantial instead of just 100% accepting some twitter rumors. see but if thats the case, then we wouldve heard that or at least a rumor of that. but nothing.
  8. really i haven't seen anything saying its done. all ive seen is that we met with him last night and we were wowed. if it went so great he'd have a contract on his desk right now
  9. im starting to think we are not going with Taggart. i know Woolard is a hush hush guy, but besides the twitter rumors nothing substantial.
  10. Holtz wasn't a hot commodity. we hired late in the process and he was still available. we had no real competition for him. And now we know why... This is not true. He was a hot commodity at the time and many people thought is was a very good hire for USF. I guess hot commodity is subjective lol. I don't believe he was a hot commodity or an in demand coach. He was highly respected and many of us thought he could work here. We were wrong. He is still a great person nonetheless and will coach at some point in the future.
  11. I say he goes into the broadcasting booth for one season, then tries to get back into coaching
  12. Wright was talkin crap tonight. I like him for the most part, but comparing USF to less than 50lbs of **** underneath the rest of college football is a bit extreme lol. The issue is he genuinely believes it. Im a realistic fan, i know we are not UF, FSU, Alabama, etc but we are also not FIU, FAU, or FAMU
  13. Or UCF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!........................ It's hard not to make a good case for them at this point: Larger student body than USF. On-campus stadium/better gameday environment than USF. No BCS experience but more successful in CUSA than USF when it moved to a BCS conference. Arugably better location for road trips than USF. Stable coaching situation. Better basketball. Competitive academically to USF. it could def happen. i would hope not, but it could. and if it does Woolard is in trouble
  14. No. While we need help with our special teams, he doesnt have enough exp in other aspects of the game for me.
  15. +1 he was just relaying information he was told.
  16. Just a tease to get you to the pay site. Well yea but it puts a name to a rumor
  17. guess a couple of us are taking the wife and kids lol. we'll be there as well
  18. "To those of you that went to USM and don't support the university, YOU are a major part of the problem!!" Best past of the comments lol, just replace USM with USF lol
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