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Posts posted by USFBULL_08

  1. 5 minutes ago, Outlaw said:

    Yep. People hated Strong after his second and third year, but he was pretty vocal in year one that we need an IPF to compete in recruiting. He mentioned several times after that we lack facilities to compete and need to upgrade them. AD MK didn't get the ball rolling fast enough, hired  then extended the  biggest loser in usf football history, and now we are left behind with AD MK and a first year head coach with a fired FAU DC ro

    1 minute ago, Grateful Dad said:

    😁 Right.


    Ok so who was it lol

    2 minutes ago, Grateful Dad said:

    😁 Right.


    Ok so who was it?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Grateful Dad said:

    It is so easy to say.  Which member of the admin that is still here "crapped themselves" and refused to invest a single dollar in the program?

    And "the fan's fault"?  Whatever, dude.  Strawman much?

    Not sure what admin is still here that refused to invest in football because we havent had accurate reporting to identify who that was( prolly Judy). We just had reactionary board members promote the stadium after we got lapped by UCF.

    I didnt say it was the fans fault. It is never the fans fault for not wanting to watch a garbage product.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Grateful Dad said:

    Just win.  Get ranked at the end of the season and it will work itself out.  There is so much noise right now that it is easy to lose focus on the goal which is to win as consistently as possible.  The rest is just noise.

    I also believe that we fans need to be realistic in our expectations of the team and the admin.  Some people have been assuming  that since we are not now in a P conference that our admin forgot to try and do their job or they just stink at it.  This line of thinking is predicated on the proposition that USF is so valued and desired that Kelly need just let the football world know that we are available and we will have to fight off the offers.  Reality - Not everyone outside of our fanbase has such an inflated opinion of our program.  I know, I know - AAU, TV market, Florida address, yadda yadda.  We have no ***** wins!  We don't deserve a seat at the table...yet.  We're getting ready to go into debt for a project that I hope like Hell that we will be able to pay for.  And it turned out to not be our ticket into a P conference.  Perhaps an OCS was not keeping us out after all.  Maybe it is our record and institutional history with this program.  While the bells and whistles are nice, they are liabilities financially without the wins.

    I suggest that we tune out the noise and accept that right now, we are not very marketable and that is why we missed out.  That changes tomorrow.

    No, it is predicated on them not investing a single dollar in the program while getting lapped by other schools while getting relegated. This wasn't the fans fault it was the admin plain and simple.

    Stop making excuses for this school crapping themselves.

  4. 4 minutes ago, WoolyBully said:

    Has Appalachian State expressed interest in leaving the Sun Belt? The reason I ask is it looks like the Sun Belt is pretty happy with their regional configuration. Some of that 'big fish small pond' sort of thinking might be beneficial. 😎

    AAC gets 7 times the amount as the Sun Belt. If Sun Belt teams wont come to the AAC then Aresco needs to be fired immediately.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, WoolyBully said:

    What is this fascination with Appalachian State University? And Marshall University? Why not invite Coastal Carolina, or James Madison? Why say such a thing? 'Cause my nieces went there. That's it. That's where my interest in adding for sake of adding comes to an abrupt end. 🤣

    So you dont follow college football, got it. They've won like 9 games a year on average since the late 80s.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, 350_BULL said:

    Exactly right. WSU and OSU wtf cares. Not needle movers. I think ppl are just throwing them a bone bc they essentially got kicked out of the glorious almighty power status. I feel bad for them though bc at least when we got dropped the haves and have nots were not as clearly defined as they are now. We should welcome them to not purgatory but hell with open arms.

    Yes. This right here. That's the end game. All about name brand. NCAATs and football post seasons will come due to the recruiting appeal. That's where foregoing the low media money from the AAC washes out in the end. Smart move.

    Exactly, they just became part of the haves for the next 9 years, if not longer.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, BullyPulpit said:

    Not if they tier their content they won't. First, I fully expect that Disney/ESPN will have partnered with a tech giant by 2025 before they are offering a standalone package. People are willing to pay $500 for a season of the NFL Sunday Ticket, I can certainly see SEC fans willing to pay $300 a year for access to all SEC programming. Soon, they won't have a choice. 

    As much as I despise both of them deeply, Apple and Disney would be a force.

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