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Posts posted by USFBULL_08

  1. 31 minutes ago, olafberserker said:

    No one IS discussing ucf ... you were discussing control over what a school could acquire .... ucf was an example I gave of a school choosing athletics and acquiring what they desired

    and I don't advocate for either choice but it appears both schools got what they wanted

    Yup they did go all in with athletics instead of academics and they are a good example for the convo.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jim Johnson said:

    Correct. Apple wanted the whole package because they didn't want a network to take, say, Oregon v Washington while getting AppleTV+ users stuck with Oregon State vs Arizona State.  Apple wanted to make sure they would get the best games -- to help drive subscribers.

    The future is streaming... at some point (5? 10?) years from now we will have streaming services and over-the-air broadcasts as cable TV goes away.

    Heck... even the Big Ten has a bunch of games only available on Peacock this fall.

    So, Apple didn't want that to happen, but let them walk to the networks anyway and now they'll get an even worse match up of Oregon State vs Tulane\SMU\USF\Memphis. Make that make sense?

  3. 20 minutes ago, SilverBull said:

    There could be a great new truly "American" conference with a PAC-4, MWC AAC blend.  But surely the schools and their "leadership" will find a way to screw it up.

    I find it ironic and darkly humorous that the football-playing universities formed the NCAA to provide oversight because they couldn't police themselves, then started chafing under the NCAA collar when some of the big boys couldn't have everything their way and now people are talking that we need some sort of national college football "czar" because its now every U for themselves.  


    Seems quite obvious the top schools in each of these conferences need to figure out a way to make it work or they will get left out. This is also a play to get some of the ACC schools once it gets raided to death.

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