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Posts posted by JupiterBull


    Ok, so what would that one thing be?

    That one thing would be commits by key members of Team Tampa and their cohorts  to the Bulls in the last week  and what is starting to look like a pact to stay home and dominate. They know what kind of talent is here. If they band together they can make a winning program that will dominate Nationally much like their 7 on 7 team has. There will be some who want to leave, but there are a lot of them that are starting to take up the mantra of repping the 813. I'm hearing it every day now. They really are starting to band together. The  commits from 3 very vocal and very passionate members of this group of players has been key. There is a lot more to come. Willie knows what is happening and is stoking the fire. This thing has real momentum now. Anything is possible.


    Add all that to the fact that we are putting really talented WRs on hold, because staff believes we have got some bigger fish on the line. As CK will tell you, Stanley Clerveaux, WR is no slouch. And the talented Joc Ellison, WR got held up as well. Something is afoot. It's gotta be something big. Those guys are both really good. Maybe it's not Tay, but something good is coming.


    At the risk of agreeing with Bullwinkle, I've got that strange feeling, too.  All the posts lean to him going elsewhere, but this is a change of timing, while at least one WR got the "not just yet" signal from Team Taggart.  Could be he'll stun & stay, or that Taggart was holding out hoping he'd commit to USF...or that it's some other WR in play. No one knows, but we're already got 9 (I think) recruits this year, and Taggart may already be in selective mode (as much as we can afford to be, anyway).


    It's June, so none of us are getting overly excited...but as noted earlier, it's impossible not to see & feel the recruiting buzz, stronger than I've seen in recent memory.

  2. And Canes fans are enraged at the mere thought of a D grade.  It's about expectations. UM has a very good class...but they expected to clean up, and lost a lot of talent that 10-15 years ago, would NEVER have left "Tha U" [and geesh, is THAT arrogant, especially since most UM fans never been to any U.

  3. I think we left 5 schollies open, so maybe we'll get some late transfers or signees...


    Did anybody ever say how many schollies we actually have to give? I know we can sign up to 25 IF we have the openings out of the 85 ...

    Auman posted that we had 28 to sign, as 3 were early enrollees.  Plenty of room for late add or transfers.  Glad he didn't fill just to fill.  Rankings be damned.


    A great example of how off these ratings can be: Mayes is a 2 star with Scout, 3 with Rivals and 4/ESPN 300 on ESPN.  Such disparity.


    Hope they all qualify...and wish Fennell had the grades to come to USF.  Hated losing another OL.  Best of luck to the Holtz recruits who went elsewhere.


    All I've ever heard about Coley were glowing reports about his character, love of the game and outward demeanor. Jupiter I think you have a faulty read on this one. I mean the kid cried through most of his signing ceremony. Not sure what that was all about, but he really doesn't strike me as a bad seed. I would have loved to have this one. Probably the one I wanted most out of what we didn't get.


    i didn't take it as Jupiter was saying he was a bad seed, but maybe that's just me

    Just wanted to be sure. He may have a free pass to transfer in the not to distant future ;) .

    Correct...just that he seemed like a Cane character. I used to be a Canes fan, WAY back, and that bravado was a huge part of their persona.  A Cane alum co-worker once called us the Baby Canes, a few years back, as he saw similar swagger under Grothe.  Always scrapping and high energy.

  5. All I've ever heard about Coley were glowing reports about his character, love of the game and outward demeanor. Jupiter I think you have a faulty read on this one. I mean the kid cried through most of his signing ceremony. Not sure what that was all about, but he really doesn't strike me as a bad seed. I would have loved to have this one. Probably the one I wanted most out of what we didn't get.

    True, Bull...very possible there was trash talking the entire game, or an earlier incident.  Fair enough. I absolutely wanted him the most, as I do believe he starts next year, whereever he goes.

  6. B.  Really disappointed we didn't get Travis Johnson.  Was hoping for Kirkland, but had low hopes.  So many had us in their finals, but we didn't get any.


    That said, we did KEEP the good ones we had, so that's a plus.


    Holtz left Taggart with a C class, and with our 3-9 record, wasn't likely to improve it.  Taggart upgraded several slots, and we'd be even higher if Fennell didn't have grade issues.


    I think we left 5 schollies open, so maybe we'll get some late transfers or signees...and this class gets better if we get WKU's Andrews [i know, not technically, but as far as additions, he'd be a great use of a 1 year schollie].


    Taggart bring excitement & energy, and with even modest improvement, I look for a great class next year.  Now the madness is over, and we focus on 2013. GO BULLS!

  7. Recruiting brunch wrapped up this morning. Staff reports that Mayes was blown away by the facilities, and what the team has to offer. Coaches apparently pulled out all the stops, after having another DE recruit decommit on Saturday. Mayes fully expected to make announcement some time before Wednesday.

    Mr. Tigerblood, with all of three posts to your name - better luck next year.

    Yup...just more evidence that trolls shouldn't be fed. 

  8. Since when did we start believing ESPN? They can barely figure out who the recruits are, much less where they are going.

    I assume these kids who book a time slot with ESPN are asked which teams they consider.  Maybe they fake out ESPN, too, but I'd be surprised.


    Hope we have a chance, but after losing TJohnson, I'm already bummed.  Hopefully Taggart has some aces.



    Read this, and tell me you're not relieved he didn't come here. It's funny how excited he is about UK's passing attack, saying it'll be pattered after Texas Tech, #2 in the country. UK was 106. This guy loves himself. http://blogs.courier-journal.com/recruiting/2013/02/01/qa-with-new-uk-wr-commitment-jeff-badet/?odyssey=obinsite

    you do realize it's a completely different coaching staff and they're bringing in a pretty good class, right?  There's nothing wrong with being excited.  He said they "have to work" to complete in the SEC.  Is he supposed to say "I know we're gonna suck and we'll never compete in the SEC but I came here anyway." ?

    UK has a new coach?  And Staff?  That's news to me./sarc/


    I'm good with him being excited, but not thrilled about him calling out USF as being upset, and giggling about it.  But, there were a few idiot USF fans on his Twitter, and he's enjoying what could be his moment in the sun.


    Read Kemp's interview.  Much more mature.  Badet acts like the world wanted him, and says he runs a sub 4.4.  We'll see.  Again, he's a high school kid, so I don't care about the double negatives or the over boasting.  Guess the tone just annoyed me...but I'm over it.


    He had every right in the world to call out USF fans and laugh at them if they were blasting his Twitter ... especially considering there was probably stuff similar to some comments made here, and worse ... and where was Badet acting like the world wanted him ..... "I had a lot of offers'?

    I'm good with calling out jerks blasting his Twitter [frankly, I don't see why adults would Tweet a high schooler, but that's just me]...but the giggly stuff annoyed me [i'm permitted to have opinions and feelings, yes?].  As to the world wanting him, aside from the "a lot of offers", I've seen his snippets in other stories, including him hard surfing Woulard's coat tails.  The comment his future team mates might not appreciate, is him saying this was the one school where he knew he could play early [translation...the remaining & incoming WRs won't keep me off the field].  I was amused by him thinking as a slot, WR, he'll line up v LBs, for mismatches.  Geesh, why don't all teams find that obvious flaw? 


    Again, these guys clearly should decide their future.  Read Kemp's.  Well done.


    My last Badet post...on to players considering USF & vice versa.

  10. Read this, and tell me you're not relieved he didn't come here. It's funny how excited he is about UK's passing attack, saying it'll be pattered after Texas Tech, #2 in the country. UK was 106. This guy loves himself. http://blogs.courier-journal.com/recruiting/2013/02/01/qa-with-new-uk-wr-commitment-jeff-badet/?odyssey=obinsite

    you do realize it's a completely different coaching staff and they're bringing in a pretty good class, right?  There's nothing wrong with being excited.  He said they "have to work" to complete in the SEC.  Is he supposed to say "I know we're gonna suck and we'll never compete in the SEC but I came here anyway." ?

    UK has a new coach?  And Staff?  That's news to me./sarc/


    I'm good with him being excited, but not thrilled about him calling out USF as being upset, and giggling about it.  But, there were a few idiot USF fans on his Twitter, and he's enjoying what could be his moment in the sun.


    Read Kemp's interview.  Much more mature.  Badet acts like the world wanted him, and says he runs a sub 4.4.  We'll see.  Again, he's a high school kid, so I don't care about the double negatives or the over boasting.  Guess the tone just annoyed me...but I'm over it.

  11. I'm thinking he is a package deal with Robert Davis.  With the Tuberville trip to his BB game, I think Cincy has an edge.  Hope someone reminds TJ of Tuberville's antics...he has been prone to anger flip outs [Texas Tech fans hated the guy...which may've been mutual, leading to him leaving for Cincy].  Tuberville will leave the first time he gets another SEC offer, IMO.

  12. Hah. Yeah I hope he thinks that one through. It's a very different city, very different feel from what he's used to down here. I think Memphis would be a little less of a transition for him, and those coaches have been on him from the start.


    Who knows at this point. He's enjoying keeping this all a big secret until he unveils it tomorrow at noon.

    Boston is a great town...sending my daughter there for college.  Would like to see him here, but Taggart should get who he needs.

  13. Wow...GREAT story.  Good notes on Senat, as well.  Great to see hard working kids coming to USF, with big goals in mind, knowing failure isn't an option.


    I doubt we have any shot with either brother, but I'd love to have them wearing green, and playing close to their families.  I sure hope UM isn't close to getting them...they didn't seem to have a good experience in the Miami area [surprise].


    Thanks for sharing.

  14. According to Rivals, he is committed. Tice will wear the green and gold



    Wonder where this puts Lorenzo Woodley

    It say's soft verbal on top right.

    Looks like the same day of his OV.  Maybe he wants to announce on NSD like all the other kids taking a moment in the sun.  More power to him...but if so, learn who you can't tell secrets to, to avoid future leaks.

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