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Posts posted by JupiterBull




    Has there been any confirmation of a Tweet that may or may not have been him saying it?

    His Team Tampa coaches have confirmed it.... He also apparently didn't contact CWT or the staff.... They found out via twitter.

    Good luck Chase... Hope you enjoy the girls at FIU.


    If he didn't tell the coaches, I trust CWT considers the schollie offer closed and moved on.  There is a right & wrong way to do this.  This guy called a presser to announce what we all knew.


    In this case, there were many USF fans on the fence with this kid, so I don't expect the butthurt to be like it was with Cameron & Woulard.


    I'm actually looking forward to seeing who Taggart gets, as I wasn't thrilled with Litton.  Not so much because of his criminal history, but just the vibe I got (unscientific as it is).


    I know what you mean about vibes with players. Doesn't have to be scientific. Baseball scouts rely on this over statistics sometimes. I saw an ESPN documentary about this once. Can't remember the name.


    I liked the kid. I was really excited to have him. I don't know much about Harris, but have watched a little video. I would be happy with Harris coming here. I just hope he doesn't feel like we turned our back on him when Litton committed. Hopefully, he understands.


    Hopefully Harris respects that WE honored the commitment, and weren't going to dump Litton even with a better option.  Now, Litton is gone, we can turn to Harris & say, "We'd like you to be a Bull...and we've give you that same commitment.  Once you're on board, we'll not chase other pro-style QBs".  Hard for Harris or other recruits not to respect integrity.


    This is the potential downside to our newfound heavy "commits" so early in the season...some are bound to change their minds.  The upside:  AMPLE time to better our lot in these cases.


    Great to see some recruits (on the bus, and those staring at the door from curbside) offer comments that this does NOT affect their decisions.



    Latest word is that Tyler Harris spoke with Greg Auman and is still interested in USF.


    Please yes..... Much safer and stable option.





    Actually think we should stay after Flowers as well. His decommitt I found to be genuine and understood as opposed to Litton who i think used USF as a media platform and betrayed a trust. I think Flowers expressed a reason for what he did and also, i believe, did it with as much of a concern for the program, as for himself.


    Not sure how to trust the star system here, but Harris is rated a 4 star on Scout, but is down to SMU?  Still, I know little about him other than he's tall and not slight of build, and apparently football smart.  I liked him more than Litton early on, so maybe Litton is doing us a huge favor (better QB, without the baggage).  The only downside I see may be his ability to help pull local recruits...but maybe Harris opens a GA pipeline.


    Wonder what changed his mind?

    If not already, I think USF should rescind the offer. Instincts are telling me this is one to avoid.

    He probably thinks he has a chance to go to UF.


    UF has a 4 star QB in this class.  He should ask Brissett how it works following a higher recruited QB.  I doubt UF takes him, but if they do, look for a Litton transfer shortly after.  UF will always have QB options better than Litton.  But, if he wants to hold a clipboard & be a Gator, that's his call...it's a great country.


    Has there been any confirmation of a Tweet that may or may not have been him saying it?

    His Team Tampa coaches have confirmed it.... He also apparently didn't contact CWT or the staff.... They found out via twitter.

    Good luck Chase... Hope you enjoy the girls at FIU.


    If he didn't tell the coaches, I trust CWT considers the schollie offer closed and moved on.  There is a right & wrong way to do this.  This guy called a presser to announce what we all knew.


    In this case, there were many USF fans on the fence with this kid, so I don't expect the butthurt to be like it was with Cameron & Woulard.


    I'm actually looking forward to seeing who Taggart gets, as I wasn't thrilled with Litton.  Not so much because of his criminal history, but just the vibe I got (unscientific as it is).

  5. This hurts bad...he was supposed to be bringing in other top Tampa talent and was recruiting heavy for us. This probably results in more decommitments.

    I'm not worried in the slightest about others following him with decommitments...I think these kids are coming to USF for themselves, not for the privilege of playing with Chase Litton.  Of that, I am quite confident.


    Will be interested to see who we chase...we have time.  I'd like to see us not pursue Litton, as my gut feel is that this feels like when I girl you don't want to keep dating breaks up with you.  Your ego kinda hurts, and you feel a little upset...but you're strangely excited about the better gal that awaits.

  6. I do think it's early to commit, and I suppose we have other QBs lined up.  I wasn't excited when he committed, and I'm not butthurt when he decommits.


    He is free to look around, and we're free to look around.  At least it's July, and we're not in a bind, looking for a QB last minute.


    Good luck to Litton...better luck to us.  No point is knocking this guy, as he may wind up here...I don't know Taggart's style, but I wonder how he treats this change of heart.  Or, if we're the ones that cooled on him, and suggested he keep his options open.


    in honor of Jtrue I have been "Stalking" any news on Yearby on twitter... I can't find any late links or info.. on his thoughts...

    anyone else have any news other than next week..

    Go Bulls

    In honor of Bullwinkle did you try to become friends with him? His girlfriend? Or his high school coach? Send him any Geraldo type pictures?


    I don't expect to hear much, but I'm just guessing that Yearby will watch the season unfold, and see if USF looks like a spot for him.  That's why I believe it's so important to beat UM, or at least play them close.  Last year was shameful.  Even the hateful Canes fans were consoling me for being stuck with a coach punting & kicking FG's in the 4th, down 4TDs.  They actually felt bad watching Holtz cower.  2 years earlier, in that same stadium, we stunned them all, and they were steaming mad.  The next year, we lost an ugly game, 6-3.  If we take a beating by UM, Yearby may decide we aren't for him. 


    This is becoming another Woulard thread. At this point if he doesn't want to be here so be it and who cares. If he does then great.


    Who said he doesn't want to be here?


    obviously many care either way....hence the long thread, with spirited speculation.  I am quite confident, that no matter Dyer's choice, we'll continue on with our season.

  9. I believe Kennard Swanson is on board and enrolled..so Micheal Dyer is not a do or die issue for me..

    I just remember how many dreams I had about Ford.. and how disappionted I was with all the off field issues.. Micheal Dyer appears to be out of the same mold as Ford.. just can't get it together..

    maybe the third time is the charm for Dyer???

    Go Bulls

    1. Swanson is a FB, so he'll be clearing holes for whoever gets the rock...if Dyer great, if not, the others need to produce.  I think one of the true freshmen will emerge, if Shaw flails.

    2. Dyer has already proven he can produce at the highest NCAA level.  Ford never did.  The only thing they have in common is high potential and bad legal judgement (obviously Dyer's daliances were FAR more severe).  The good news is none of us have to deal with Ford's underachieving...only he does (and maybe people who rely on him.  Maybe he's a productive member of society.  Hopefully so).


    The Dyer news looks like it'll be next week.  My gut feel says 65% Lville, 30% USF and 5% other (small school or sits out).

  10. For what it's worth, the online speculation (which is about as unfounded as you can get) says Louisville won't say anything formal on Dyer until they start practice at the beginning of August. 

    if so, no news today is likely bad news.  Either way...Vero Beach gets cranking soon, and the players we have will be hitting it hard to prove who deserves time under the bright lights.

  11. C-J Sports staff â€@sports_cj 33s

    Michael Dyer and University of Louisville buzz grows, but running back still undecided, mentor says http://cjky.it/16iWRg4

    Sounds like Dyer and Pres. Hill want Lville, but Lville hasn't clear it yet.  That's my speculation, since it seems clear his preference is Lville, but he has USF as a back up.  Who knows...maybe he's got Lville, and he's praying Arkansas changes their mind.


    If he comes here, and feels jilted by Lville, maybe he's run extra hard v Lville in hopes of wrecking their season.  Dare to dream.


    No, but it's one more shot at USF. One more spurn. One more time that we got "small timed" by someone.

    Coach T has been quoted numerous times saying he wants kids who WANT to play at USF. As soon as this kid left us out to dry and flirted with UL, Coach T should have stuck to his guns and pulled the rug.

    We don't want people who don't want us, period.

    If he doesn't come to USF, how is it a shot at USF? In his mind another school had more of what he thinks he wants.

    It is not like these are saying F. U. to USF.

    Being objective as possible, I believe we offer a better chance for him to be a showcased, feature back and he won't have to split carries with 2 or more proven big time backs. I also think he could make a bigger impact for us. With success here and success for the team it would really become about him and put him in a real position to rehab his image. Imagine if he could lead the team from 3-9 to a bowl game and showed leadership. At UL, no matter what happens there it will be Teddy Bridgewater's team.

    However, maybe he feels it is better for him to blend into the crowd. Maybe he feels (or even already has) a strong personal connection/relationship with Strong who is from Arkansas as well.

    I see this decision as being about him. Not a slap at USF at all.


    Agree completely.  I chose my current job over a few others.  It wasn't a slap in the face to the other firms.  I just thought this was best for me & my family.


    Looks like Lville takes him...knowing they dump him the minute he commits the slighest infraction, and no one will blame them.  But if he comes here, I'll be cautiously optimistic and hope for a contribution during his stepping stone year to the NFL.

  13. I agree with the consensus.

    1. Looks like Lville.

    2. But #1 is hardly a lock.

    3. Dyer SHOULD take his time and do what is best for him (and apparently his family, which one story includes a daughter, a few years old).

    4. No matter happens, USF football kicks off Aug 31, and we'll play the best players we have. Fact, I can't wait to see the Vero practice on Aug 17.

    5. We don't know our situation.  Did we offer?  Likely, yes.  Did he accept, and it's working thru the system?  No clue.


    The recent articles posted don't mention USF, but do mention others. Lville clearly seems his preference, which I understand.  After reading these articles, I'm expecting to be happy if we get him, and a bit relieved if we don't (maybe the bit about him asking "Sure I get a scholarship, but Auburn gets millions.  What do I get?".  An education?  But the reality may be he was always thinking along the lines of being a pro player. And it was years ago, so maybe he's changed over the years.


    The good news is we'll find out soon enough...and we're having our best recruiting start I can recall, and we've got a real buzz with local, strong talent more than ever before.  It's good to be a Bull!



    Well I guess we have 2 more days of speculation...

    About the pissing matches... I would venture it has to do with the sports dry season, if your not a baseball fan right now you have nothing. I hope it will be better when we actually have games to talk about and tailgates to plan.

    It will.

    The longer this plays out, the more I see him at USF. The UL rumors were obviously false and Coach Strong said he will not be adding any new players. He has 1 public offer right now, ours.



    Do we even know if Taggart gave him a commitable offer? We may be going crazy over a kid that doesn't even have an offer from us.


    Very true.  The good news is, we don't have to wait long.


    If WKU takes him, that's a gut punch to Andrews, who decided to stay for a final year and not transfer.  Petino might do it, but it'd be a shame to stiff the kid.


    Maybe we hear by tomorrow.  But, the worst case is we don't have something we never had to begin with (actually, worse would be having to play against him).


    Best of luck to you Derrick.  

    The feeling is not mutual:




    Ingram has made it no secret, he's coveted an offer from his hometown USF Bulls, but they never pulled the trigger. He said even if they do now, he's staying put with his choice.

    "Honestly, even if they offer, I would probably shoot them down because I feel disrespected," Ingram said. "Everything they've asked me to do, I've done it, so I guess I'm not the person they want. I would rather play against them right now."


    I don't blame him for being upset and feeling slighted, especially as he watched a lot of his pals load a bus he wanted to board.  He'll learn that we only have so many schollies to give out, and Taggart & co have to target areas of need with the best talent we can get.  This is a great problem for us to have.

  16. You guys are funny. Whenever I visit this board - I always see this thread active. Here's a quick premium tip - it shouldn't be.

    Read in between the lines

    Mike, I'm sharing a conversation, not trying to read tea leaves or between any premium lines.  I don't even really know if we want him or he us.


    Lastly, and I mean absolutely no disrespect, but if you think you know for certain where a 17 year old rising senior is headed, I'd be stunned.  I'm sure some are locks for whatever reason, and don't waiver, but it sure seems 7 months from NSD that even the most "firm" commitment is subject to waffle.  Where ever you think he is headed, there could be a more appealing school ready to offer late in the game.  But we'll see.


    Again, I appreciate your insight, and don't want to appear to be sparring...just my 2 cents.



    Not sure how much the player knows about the decision, but it certainly seems the buzz had him on campus, and believes Strong gets the green light to bring him in.


    No point in fretting...if he comes here, great.  If not, I say we play the season anyway, just for grins.



    I agree.  I wasn't trying to stoke the fire by posting the link, it was just more of a' this is the latest info I could find.'  If we can get him, I think it really helps our team more than it hurts our image.


    Yeah, I wasn't knocking you...I love to see what the other guys are saying.

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