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Posts posted by JupiterBull

  1. He's a mixed bag, and we don't know all the details, and likely never will.  The guy got in trouble for pot, for the gun (you can't claim "no foul" if YOU don't safeguard your weapon, and let some knucklehead take your piece.  If my friend took my gun and committed a crime, you think I'd be unscathed?  Maybe if I reported it stolen before the crime).


    Most wanted this guys because we hoped Taggart could keep him straight, and he would almost surely lift our team.  Lville beat us, straight up, it seems, and we have to live with these losses till our program becomes more attractive.


    I can see the complaints about Dunkley, as MANY didn't want him back.  I know someone who coached the kid, and said he was a good kid, but troubled youth, like many athletes, I suppose.  I trusted Taggart to solve something he inherited, and I hope it works out.


    Life without Dyer...how it was, how it is.  Now let's get some more kids on the bus, and start driving to a bowl game.



    I wonder what lead him to revert his commitment.... Rutgers already has a 4* QB committed in Tyler Wieger.


    UF is not interested. I wonder if he has a back-up plan....



    For a 4 star, not a very good offer list (if you can believe the accuracy of these sites).  Maybe schools didn't offer, knowing he was a true commit to RU.


    Litton's offer sheet is equally unimpressive: http://247sports.com/Player/Chase-Litton-15087


    Yup...that's why I'm not overly upset about the decommit.  Wonder if the LSU offer is legit.  Seems oddly out of place.

  3. I actually think he makes a mature decision by choosing Louisville.

    Even before Dyer was in the picture, Louisville was expecting that they could produce two 1000 yard backs. Plus they have Teddy. At best, Dyer's carries and overall impact of what it could have been elsewhere.

    I see the risk more on Strong's end. First, he runs the risk of disrupting team chemistry. In light of the crap that Urban Meyer has been dealing with surrounding all the arrests at UF under his regime there and capped off by the Hernandez drama, let's not forget that Charlie Strong was on that staff and around that culture. If Dyer goes off the reservation and kids starting getting in trouble, Strong and the UL administration run the risk of a sullied reputation that up to this point has been pretty good.

    Agree, but I'm sure Strong was clear to him that this is one chance. Be a Maurice Clarret, or get it together, for a 1 & Done and NFL career...and potentially set for life.  It'll be interesting to see how this works for them...and hope he doesn't gash us.  He'll play us in less than 3 months...plenty of time to get into football shape, sadly.  Hopefully our friends at Rutgers & UCF rough up Lville a bit, so they limp into Tampa, Oct 26.


    Now that Dyer is gone, I can express my gut fear on the cloud this guy might have brought to the program, without worry some would think Dyer would read it & pass on us. I read this clip in a few stories, and it makes me think he'd be an issue on our team. Not saying I didn't want him, purely for talent, but a big part of me is relieved we're avoiding a potential huge distraction.

    "Let me put all this together," Dyer said. "You offer me a scholarship. I go out there and play 12 games for you. Do the best I can for you. Get grades. Win you a national championship, MVP, Bo Jackson's record. I do all this for you. Then at the end, what did you do for me?

    "I win you millions of dollars that I don't see a cent of," he continued. "I put my neck on the line for you. And then I'm sitting over here in the corner? That's telling me you don't really care that much about humans. You don't care that I'm someone's child. That I have a mother and I have a little girl. You don't care about that."


    I WISH we got Andrews from WKU, but our team gets together Aug 4, and I'm hoping some RBs are relieved Dyer is not coming, and bust their humps to be the main RB in this new offense.

    Let's get to hittin' !!

    You dont think most players feel that way? And if thats what you took from the whole article, i think you missed the point of the piece.


    of course that's not all I took (nice leap, though).  It was something that gave me a concern.  Look, all athletes aren't the same.  For every Dyer, do we pay them a lot, but maybe a little or nothing to the long snapper?  I agree the system exploits some athletes. But the best of the best have a shot at serious income.  For the 98% or so, they play a sport they love, and can get a college degree, leaving debt free.  And...that's a deal they happily sign up for.


    So...what I see from this, in part is: "A free education isn't enough.  I made Auburn millions, and I deserve more". I don't want to read more than it is, but it reads, but it sure looks like he agreed to the deal, but he wants more than what we agreed to when he signed up to play.  If not, Auburn doesn't care about him, or the family he chose to start while in college (nothing wrong with that, but his choice).  They will be wealthy, likely, in less than a year.  Auburn might argue that they gave him more than free education.  They gave him training, facilities, surrounded him with talent, and helped him become an NFL prospect.


    Reading the various articles, Dyer & his mentor make it clear that he quit Auburn, and was never ineligible.  So ask yourself, why did Auburn refuse to take him back?  Arkansas?  Almost every other school?  We assume Taggart offered, but we don't know, and may never.  Something about his past, or more likely, his present, that scared off most schools. Lville is desperate to win NOW, before Teddy B leaves, so I'm not surprised Lville did a 180 & took him (yes, we are desperate, too, so I'm not knocking chasing him).


    That's my take...and it's my GUT feel.  I don't profess to know the guy or know how he'll do going forward.  I'm simply expressing my concerns, and certainly understand those will disagree.

  5. I wonder what lead him to revert his commitment.... Rutgers already has a 4* QB committed in Tyler Wieger.


    UF is not interested. I wonder if he has a back-up plan....



    For a 4 star, not a very good offer list (if you can believe the accuracy of these sites).  Maybe schools didn't offer, knowing he was a true commit to RU.

  6. Now that Dyer is gone, I can express my gut fear on the cloud this guy might have brought to the program, without worry some would think Dyer would read it & pass on us.  I read this clip in a few stories, and it makes me think he'd be an issue on our team.  Not saying I didn't want him, purely for talent, but a big part of me is relieved we're avoiding a potential huge distraction.


    "Let me put all this together," Dyer said. "You offer me a scholarship. I go out there and play 12 games for you. Do the best I can for you. Get grades. Win you a national championship, MVP, Bo Jackson's record. I do all this for you. Then at the end, what did you do for me?

    "I win you millions of dollars that I don't see a cent of," he continued. "I put my neck on the line for you. And then I'm sitting over here in the corner? That's telling me you don't really care that much about humans. You don't care that I'm someone's child. That I have a mother and I have a little girl. You don't care about that."




    I WISH we got Andrews from WKU, but our team gets together Aug 4, and I'm hoping some RBs are relieved Dyer is not coming, and bust their humps to be the main RB in this new offense.


    Let's get to hittin' !!

  7. I haven't read too many posts on this thread - kind of just skimmed. But if y'all think USF pulled his scholly because he went to a football camp, you're crazy. Absolutely crazy.

    There will be several USF commits that are planning on taking there 5 OV's - and they're not going to get their scholly's pulled lol

    We're not "insiders", Mike.  I don't think most people think he had his schollie yanked, but many believe that IF Litton handled this as poorly as claimed by some, that Taggart SHOULD pursue another QB.  That's OK for fans to abhor certain behavior.  But all that is IF he actually headed to UF, THEN told Taggart & Co. after he Tweeted. Could be to Taggart it's more of a protocol/respect thing...or could be Taggart doesn't really care, and that he & Litton spoke of these type of visits before.  BUT>>>something prompted Litton to decommit, which I assume means Taggart is very free to pursue another QB and rescind Litton's schollie if he lands one.


    I'm sure others will take their OVs, and hopefully communicate their intent/plans with the coaches.  Bayes has been a huge USF promoter, but was clear he'll take OVs.  Hey, they are 17, and get free trips to colleges and get to be pampered & catered to...why not?


    By the way, Mike, you're over the "LOL Age Limit"...save that for the HS girls.(I'm kidding, Mike!!).



    Not close enough to the recruits to know, but the few tweets we're seen here were more along the lines of "He's doing his thing, but we're as committed as ever".



    And how in the world does anyone read those and say, "They've lost respect for him"?


    I hope that's a rhetorical question to me, because I never made that leap. As far as I can tell, the others are unaffected by Litton's decommit.



    I'm still of the same opinion I was months ago. If you can bring in Tyler Harris, Chase Litton, or somehow both of those guys...I think you've done well. Not too sure about McGough though.


    Given that Litton is now up and the air and all sides might be a little sour over what happened there, if they reeled in Tyler Harris in his place then I account it no sin. That guy is really good. Reminds me of Jay Cutler.


    Even if Litton decides to stick with the Bulls, I think some of his "homies" may have lost all respect for him. I say Tyler Harris all the way!



    That's a poor assumption, IMO.


    Not close enough to the recruits to know, but the few tweets we're seen here were more along the lines of "He's doing his thing, but we're as committed as ever".

  10. I believe Harris had his OV at SMU last weekend, and I see nothing on Scout about him signing with them.  Nothing scientific, but maybe he's still in play, and we'll hear something on him.


    If I recall from watching his video, he had some receivers that may be worth taking a look at.  I know we want to build a fence, but sometimes reaching into the neighbor's yard is good.


    I do find it mildly amusing that some are irked that Chase decommitted, then some want McGough to decommit from FIU. Can't have it both ways...especially since we have several players we "poached".


    Not sure why this guy isn't ranked by Scout, but ESPN has him as a 3 Star...75 (v 78 v Litton).


    As stated in the other thread... Mny people aren't irked that he decommited, but how he reportedly decommited.


    As also stated, we don't know all the details...we're mostly speculating.  Though if the pieces are fitting together, it sure looks like Litton handled it poorly.


    And, I am in the camp of "don't like how it looks like he handled it", and I'm actually OK with him not coming to USF, but hope we get someone better.


    If he picked Miami, he clearly is showing that he wants to be on a team that wins at any cost, not that he wants to show case his skills.  


    I have never seen the Louisville campus, but I guess I would have to say it probably is nice.


    Campus = Tie

    Strength of Schedule = USF

    Coaching = Tie maybe edge to Louisville because of head coach experience but overall staff I think it is a tie

    Stadium = lean USF (Pro stadium)

    Opportunity to change team and stand out = USF

    Education = Louisville depending upon his major (reputation)

    RB's on roster = USF has openings where at Louisville he will be pushing someone out or to a new position if they want to play

    Playing time = USF

    Overall impact on Team = USF


    Other factors

    Getting into trouble = Louisville

     Wow, this is some crazy homerism.


    Campus=UL (I've been there)

    Coaching=UL (Taggs hasn't coached 1 game yet and Strong is a proven winner)

    Stadium=UL (Papa Johns is an amazing OCS)

    Getting into trouble=tie (Kids get into trouble at every school)


    Everything else I'd agree with.


    Taggart hasn't coached one game here, but he's got a pretty good track record, turning WKU from a school no one heard of into a bowl team.  I'd give the ad to Strong, but your point needs refining.I do love RayJay.


    He decommited because he got busted going to UF w/o talking to the coaches about it. Then tweeted that he was decommitted before they could pull his offer. I am certain, that they are done with his shenanigans.

    How do you know this? Schools don't pull offers because a kid goes to another school for a camp or an official visit. Chase's commitment, I use that word loosely, isnt set in stone to the point that CWT and his staff cannot comment on recruits/commitments until they have signed with USF per NCAA rules. Also, if you have proof that CWT and his staff were going to do that, please share. They aren't going to be very successful by pulling offers every time a kid visits another school. I think you're just throwing s#*t against the wall to see if it sticks.


    Wrong...we've seen several cases where schools have pulled schollies after telling them, essentially, "Commitment is bilateral.  We're not looking to displace you, so we're focusing elsewhere.  If you aren't ready to commit, don't.  But if you do, we won't chase others, and you won't take OVs.  If you do...our offer is rescinded".


    truth is, we don't know the circumstances of the decommit, or what Taggart does from here.  But we will eventually, and hope that Taggart gets the best QB available.

  14. A few good points.  None of us (likely) know the details, like WHEN Taggart & Co were told, if USF cooled on him or if he's just opening up to get some trips to schools (nothing wrong).  Maybe his commitment was premature, and he really needs to think about his options before REALLY committing.


    That said, I hope Taggart aggressively pursues the best available QBs, and locks in what he case.  If that's Litton, that's his call.  If not, we'll embrace the new QB.


    I'm not a hater (silly term for recruits), but I admitted I was lukewarm on his selection.  So for me, I'm actually hoping we get someone else...someone who burns to be a Bull.  Litton claims an LSU offer...we'll see.



    I don't see all forums, but I don't see "haters", tho' that's the cool think for kids to call people that aren't "with them".


    If he didn't tell Taggart he was decommitting, that's bush league, and may (should, IMO) mean the schollie is permanently revoked. It's not a butthurt thing, it's a matter of business:  Taggart needs to secure areas of need, and count them while he pursues other recruits.  If Taggart & Litton don't have better options, and Taggart is OK (or at least accepting) of this decommit, then maybe Litton winds up here.


    I'd like to see Harris get picked up, but it's hard to determine the effect of Litton on local recruits.  The fact that Bronson (4 star WR) lists us at his top, and a few recruits have come out already saying this doesn't affect them, is a good sign.


    I think primarily Twitter is where Chase is feeling the brunt of the "haters". And I have zero doubt that they're there. Just in this thread there are plenty people hating all over the place instead of understanding that a 17 year old kid is having a hard time making a decision that will seriously influence the rest of his life.



    Mot of the people here complaining about his decommintment aren't complaining that he did it, rather how he did it.


    Amen...I don't see the hate.  Just not liking the way he handled it, and speaking for myself, am actually hoping we get a better QB.

  16. I don't see all forums, but I don't see "haters", tho' that's the cool think for kids to call people that aren't "with them".


    If he didn't tell Taggart he was decommitting, that's bush league, and may (should, IMO) mean the schollie is permanently revoked. It's not a butthurt thing, it's a matter of business:  Taggart needs to secure areas of need, and count them while he pursues other recruits.  If Taggart & Litton don't have better options, and Taggart is OK (or at least accepting) of this decommit, then maybe Litton winds up here.


    I'd like to see Harris get picked up, but it's hard to determine the effect of Litton on local recruits.  The fact that Bronson (4 star WR) lists us at his top, and a few recruits have come out already saying this doesn't affect them, is a good sign.

  17. I think grades will be a challenge, from what I've read...and someone posted his tweet saying he wants to be fed balls so he can leave for the NFL early.


    That may bother some, but I'd like to see him work on his grades, and if he can give us 3 good years & turn pro, that's fine with me.


    This would be a great get.


    We know the dad of another QB in Hillsborough County (who's son committed to FIU so Litton isn't going there). Knows Litton pretty well and he thought the kid was a solid commit. So this one came as a big surprise to me. Same guy said the kid was pretty talented so was looking forward to him coming here. Glad he didn't do this in November. As others have said, still time to latch onto someone. Would still like to see McGough come here just to be able to see him play.

    I would LOVE to see McGough here... Kid has great leadership skills and a good mental grasp of the game.


    Don't know much about him, but looked him up...not rated.

  19. According to Scout, Tyler Harris is the highest rated QB not committed.  He shows an offer from Bama & UK, but they have higher rated QBs (same site shows he holds an offer from us, so draw your own conclusions).




    I hope Coach Taggart makes a run at Harris, and we lock him in.  Litton can chose his own path, and I wish him no ill will...but I'm great with us getting a new QB, but I think if we want Harris, we need to move swiftly.  Too bad Taggart & Co. can't speak about the Litton situation...would love to be fly on his wall to hear his take.

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