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Everything posted by widerberg

  1. I'll prequalify by stating I've received two degrees from USF, bleed green and gold, and love my Bulls. But, football is unwatchable now and this season is going to be just as horrible as last season. I don't see that we win another game, although I'm hoping some of you are right when calling out wins against UConn and SMU. My problem is I don't even care anymore. We made it to the WCU game and we've got tickets for ECU. Trying to convince the wife to go to at least one more besides that. But, feh, don't care if we win or lose anymore, we're just so freaking bad. BUT, I'm incredibly excited about USF bball. My youngest kids just started playing roundball at the Y and are way more into it than I expected, which has got me excited. So, win, lose, or draw, we'll be at as many men's and women's games as we can this season and I just want my kids to get excited about USF and watching USF play basketball. I've never been "there" before, where I don't even care about the result. I just want to share the experience with my kids now. Maybe I'm maturing.
  2. So there is no actual announcement coming? (I'm not dense, just desperate . . . so please let there be some kind of announcement about something)
  3. Holy crap. This will be my first and last post in this thread as I'm trying to curb my negativity. This is not Mike White's night. Wow. Rutgers has our number. Game over. Please, please, please, baby Jesus, make next year better.
  4. Don't really have an opinion yet, but to those saying he was 4th string and didn't get practice, while that's true, didn't Oregon's 4th string QB do unholy things to us in the Sun Bowl? I don't think that kid was a frosh, but he was deep, deep on their roster. Of course, Oregon beat us from one side of the field to the other on both sides of the ball, so my point's probably moot. I think whoever will be USF's QB will be at the mercy of the rest of the offense. If we can't block, he gets creamed. If we can't catch, he'll be useless. We need better players period. He's not gonna block for himself and he's not gonna catch his own throws.
  5. Would it be a violation for CWT to use shock collars during practice? Flinch. Zap. Flinch. Zap. No more flinch.
  6. CWT's keeping it exciting, I guess. Would've been nice to wrap this thing up. Come on Bulls!!!
  7. How f'ing awesome would it be to go up 5-0 against the gnats? Dare to dream. I won't call it and jinx it. We can still Bull this all up.
  8. In other news: anyone see any of the "Civil War"??? Battle of the Ugliest Uniforms. Bright ass orange versus bright ass green and yellow. All they need is a bright ass blue field to play on. Wow.
  9. Is there a trophy at the end of the year for most penalized team? We could probably take that title.
  10. Every once in a while, Shaw pulls a nice one out, though. Too bad we don't have more of him.
  11. I really doubt that. An impatient Bulls fan probably would doubt that. It really is unbelievable. There are no trades or free agency in college football. This will take time. So, you're totally okay with what we're doing and the product on the field? Wow. And, when (especially on TBP) did it suddenly become illegal to criticize a coach? Plenty of people were calling for CJL's head when we were going bowling every year. That's impatience. Calling out a coach who (seemingly) can't playcall and (seemingly) can't get anything out of the players he's got is not impatience. And, okay, his first season ends in 1.5 games. It's basically in the books. We're dead team walking.
  12. In the context of this thread, I said yes based on the current game. But the UCF game mirrors everything we've seen so far this season. Undisciplined players, bad or poorly coached players, straight up weird (bad) playcalling. It's not the first or second game of the season, it's nearing the end. I wanted to see more growth, more discipline from the team, more progress in general. I thought we'd go 0 and 12, to be honest, so CWT's exceeded my expectations in that respect. But I'd expected to be 0 and 12 and at least be getting better each game. I'm not seeing that. That's my beef. I can't speak for anyone else, though.
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