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Everything posted by widerberg

  1. Like someone said, our D must be gassed. I don't like these 1st downs. Can we get a 3 and out?
  2. 2 and a half minutes, Bulls. 2 and a half minutes!!!
  3. I can't wait until a blowout feels like a blowout. This was feeling that way for a little while. My heart can't take a nailbiter. Come on guys. Go Bulls!!
  4. Please hold on to the ball. No turnovers! Run this clock out!
  5. Came back from firing up the Keurig and saw the stop. Yeah!! I was hoping I wouldn't come back to see a score.
  6. All about momentum and I'm not sure where ours went.
  7. I will have no words if we somehow lose this one. Go Bulls!!!
  8. And then they get a TD Come on, Bulls! Let's actually score a TD on O (but take a long time to do it). Go Bulls! Go clock!
  9. Don't like what our D is doing now. What happened to the dominance and precision?
  10. How do you drop the ball, bobble it, and STILL get yards??
  11. If we can just camp out on the field, maybe we can eat the clock up?
  12. They showed him walking around on the sideline. Must have not been bad.
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