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Posts posted by SilverBull

  1. 44 minutes ago, Brad said:
    16 hours ago, BULLSHTR said:

    Found this higher res version of the rendering on USF's site. It's starting to grow on me, after the initial shock of all the weird shapes has worn off. One thing is for sure that it makes oveido's stadium look like a disaster waiting to happen.




    It's funny that many pages back someone complained about the "breaks" in the sections/end zones.  I do live in the desert, and it's not like Tampa, but Tampa can get hot.  They tore down parts of Sun Devil Stadium to get the "breaks" in the sections so that the bowl didn't get so hot.  Air/wind coming in, a little better...but when it's 118 it's 118. 

    I think they should strike a sponsorship deal with MacDill and install these Big Ass Fans.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Bull94 said:
    9 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    Sure, we can revisit this the year after implementation 

    when they actually change the rules, you may have a point.

    The only applicable rule is the Golden Rule:  Those with the gold, rule.  I think it is pretty clear, even in the pristine world of "amateur athletics," that the power brokers change the rules when it suits them.  This year has borne that out. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Bull Matrix said:
    1 hour ago, Cat941 said:

    Things turning out well for USF lol

    In new relegation format, FSU to SEC, Gators to AAC, renamed North Central Florida University and designated as our temporary in-state rive in the annual Survive on I-75 game.  Of course, that would only until our ultimate call up to the ACC (which now, apparently, does not give us a very good path to the CFP either).  

  4. "Florida State is a different team than it was the first 11 weeks," CFP selection committee chairman Boo Corrigan told ESPN. "As you look at who they are as a team right now, without Jordan Travis, without the offensive dynamic he brings, they are a different team and the committee voted Alabama four and Florida State five."

    I think it is interesting that the CFP Committee head expressly states that it is all based on a player injury.  Should help open the gates to more headhunting in the future.

    I don't argue that FSU may not be a top 4 team but stating this as the decision-making rationale is more than pathetic. 

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