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Everything posted by Skingraft

  1. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/05/holiday-bowl-concerned-about-future-postseason-landscape/ Probably because they heard the BE was interested.... Lmao....
  2. Fish Racist.... I bet you don't even like Fish sticks
  3. Oh relax; we took a thread that was becoming angry and inflammatory and got grins and giggles out of it. No harm pappa bear...
  4. http://cheezburger.com/2646252800 I freaking knew it.......
  5. The Clay A. thing is creeping me out... Looks like Peewee Hermnan's love child
  6. "IF" skip finds success here at USF, he will be gone within 1 or 2 seasons....
  7. Oh man.... You better provide a link to your friend... All hell may break loose at any moment....
  8. I received certificate but did not get jacket.... I need to do that... Spend the extra for the nicer one if what I hear you should do....
  9. If we want the attention... Just win Baby.... USF has not done that enough.... We win, we win consistently, and we win the games were suppose to win (history less there), then we will be spoken about....
  10. LOl I was waiting for that response. Worst part of it is that out of all of the conversations going on.... that is what I pulled away with.. I blame TV and readily accessible and free internet porn
  11. http://m.yahoo.com/w/ygo-frontpage/lp/story/us/2313197/coke.bp%3B_ylt=AjkbWtpZYtfbW9RAEtHdGzKx.tw4%3B_ylu=X3oDMTF1bzNjMmtoBGNwb3MDMTcEY3NlYwNtb2JpbGUtdGQEaW50bAN1cwRwa2cDaWQtMjMxMzE5NwRwb3MDMTcEc2xrA2ltYWdl?ref_w=frontdoors&view=today&.intl=US&.lang=en&.tsrc=yahoo
  12. Chuck Norris does not go on vacation. Chuck allows vacations to have him.
  13. My idea of a good time: i. Play just the tip with ESPN ii. Reach around from Fox iii. Ballz deep with NBC
  14. One of Baycare's **** holes..... it is; they are getting squeezed pretty hard by Florida Hospital now, so from what I hear they are going to try to keep that Fletcher location I truly love the expansion of Campus and the political group behind us cleaning out suit case city
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