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Everything posted by mellobull

  1. Many were thinking this would be the largest crowd ever before the disappointing loss to Pitt. But does anyone think we will still have about 40k or more for the game now? I havn't heard or can't find any info for the amount of tickets being sold.
  2. I edited my thread abovewhen I found the New rules,. Beginning this fall teams are allowed to have one aa win per season so as to help scheduling when they go to 12 games in 06.
  3. INDIANAPOLIS - The NCAA approved proposals Thursday to allow college football teams to play 12 games per year. The board of directors approved the addition of a 12th game to Division I-A schedules starting in 2006, decided to allow schools to count one victory over Division I-AA schools each year toward bowl eligibility, and loosened the requirements to qualify for Division I-A status. "The season will not be elongated; it just means the bye week would be taken out," NCAA president Myles Brand said. Regarding a postseason playoff format, Brand said, "I seriously suggest you take up the tournament situation with the BCS." The Bowl Championship Series has tried to pit the two best teams in a national championship game since the system was created in 1998. The NCAA has tried to avoid the playoff debate. One argument against a football tournament is that lengthening the season could force student-athletes to miss more classes. Brand has supported academic reform since taking over as president in January 2003 and said Thursday that an additional football game each season will not create a problem. Board chairman Robert Hemenway, the chancellor at Kansas, said schools could make more money with an extra game, but he insisted that was not the only reason why the proposal passed. "There was also a feeling that if you had another game, that it does give you some flexibility in your scheduling," he said. "A school like Oklahoma State, for instance, could possibly play a game in Tulsa or Oklahoma City and play to that fan base." Brand said the extra money could also be used to help fund athletic departments that are losing money. Besides the 12th game, the NCAA will allow schools to count one victory over a I-AA opponent each year, starting this fall. Previously, schools could count one win every four years. The board also approved a provision that would give men's basketball coaches more flexible recruiting calendars, and another proposal allowing men's and women's basketball coaches to instruct players for up to two hours per week during the off-season. Freshmen also will be permitted to play in preseason exhibition games and keep their four additional years of eligibility as long as they do not play the rest of that season. Also approved was an increase in the number of scholarships for women in gymnastics, soccer, volleyball and track and field. The board agreed to grant another year of eligibility to players who were academically ineligible as freshmen but completed 80 percent of their degree requirements after four years. The committee defeated a measure that would have allowed coaches to watch voluntary workouts. http://www.azstarnet.com/dailystar/printSN/72760.php
  4. The Motor City Bowl, is great place in decembrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, once you get inside ;D
  5. Syracuse 31 Rutgers 20 UM 55 temple 0 famu 7 sc 28 lville 44 wvu 20 psu 18 mich 15 conn 24 cincy 17 ucf 21 smiss 17
  6. hope the ville wins cause that makes the Bulls look even more better...besides they're my pick to win in a pickum contest
  7. 1950-2005 =55yrs ..... that be pushing it really close to being an old geezer ;D
  8. The Nits will stick a fork into michigan this weekend...
  9. Syracuse would be lucky to stay ahead of Natti if they dont have anymore offense then what they have shown in the first half.
  10. uconn iis sure outshineing the cuse by having no turnovers and only one penalty,, that's doing alright. Neither team is doing any good in the passing department but Uconn has 158 rushing yards in the 1st half....I would think to say that's impressive though.
  11. Miami's defense was really able shut the Bulls running game down and forced the pass but I don't think Pittsburg has enough playmakers of the caliber of Miami to do the same. I believe Julmiste will complete enough passes to keep the pitt defense honest. One thing for sure it will be an interesting game. Most all of the Bulls fans are waiting to see how the Bulls offense does against Pitt in hopes they will redeem themselves. And even though Pitt knows they have to stop the bulls running game doesn't mean they can.
  12. I found the team rushing stats for ND , Darius Walker 3 attemps-100yds Brady Quinn 3 attemps-49yds Rashon Powers-Neal 4 for 41yds Travis Thomas 3 for 40yds David Wolke 2 for 22yds Jeff Jenkins 1 for 17yds Asaph Schwapp 2 for 6yds
  13. allowed 746yds against the run (not counting the Youngstown St game/ no stats) in four contests.. That is 186.5 yds per game. Rutgers Rbs got 225yds on them... Hmmmmmmmm
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