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Everything posted by CyberBull

  1. An on campus stadium makes for good water cooler talk but since we can't control that other than showing up for games, 'd rather talk about earning that first BCS bid. That alone would do more for a quality....with the emphasis on quality....OCS than any message board chatter. How many days until kickoff?
  2. Moffett got lucky he had Marshall bailing him out half the time. SM is better than PJ, but not by much. what is he going to do when Marshall and Walker can't jump 10ft to snag an errant pass? Besides if SM played in a BCS quality league he wouldn't have time to throw and we all know what happens when he gets ANY pressure.
  3. Especially your man-love thingy for O'Liar ;^)
  4. Did O'Liar sign Marshall? Nope? Do college coaches get paid based on how many players they send to the league? Nope. As far as NFL players: Anthony Henry, Kawika Mitchell, Bill Grammatica, Shuron Pierson, Kenyata Jones, JR Reed Does O'Liar have any program affirming wins at UCF? Nope. Does any UCF coach have any program affirming wins at UCF? Nope. End of Story.
  5. Don't insult Mav like that. He may be goofy with man-love for everything O'Leary, but if you recall he became MavTechBull for a couple weeks after the Bulls thrashed his Knights. I think he likes to yank our chain a little bit... Guru/STK/SirGallahad/Futbol_Guru/RE_Guru/cow pattie/et al is just a ignorant hate filled coward.
  6. Especially when the kid can potentially come in and play four years and he needs legit talent at LB. The problem with the TinMen is that they won eight games last year and somehow think that those wins were of any significance. They think O'Liar can take any bum off the street and make them BCS quality player, thus they completely take out the need for legitimate talent. O'Liar is a good coach but he didn't win all those games at Tech by recruiting the no name stiffs he has signed at Central. Let them think that O'Liar is the miracle worker, we'll just continue to stock up on talent and run up the score on the Tinmen. The funny thing about this is that if Peoples went to Central he would likely be a starter, whereas at USF he is at best three deep right now. Consider the paper reported he was running with the number twos at Maryland it shows you the talent Jim Leavitt is beginning to stockpile. BTW, Peoples is talented kid so I have no doubt he'll make an impact but he is going to have to beat players out...nothing will be given to him. Oh....since O'Liar doesn't need talent b/c he is such a miracle worker what has happened to the chosen one, Kyle Israel? LOL...
  7. Wow....I just keeping asking the same question, who would of thunk it that solomon Jones would be drafted and Andre Hall would not? Go Bulls!
  8. Bien is right most of the time, except for Ronnie Banks ;^) Back when UCFers were trying on BigEast shirts b/c they were "so in" the Big East, Bien was the first to say slow down.....it's USF's game to lose. Fast forward three years and USF is poised to collect nearly $8-million in BE related revenues. Got BCS? Nope just an overpaid cheater.
  9. JN has done a great job tracking down our Feb signees. It's actually looking pretty good.
  10. Dear UCF FAN: Even though we realize that the only thing more exciting for you guys is a getting a Dirty Sanchez from GOL, this is not a place to get your jollies. There is a perfectly good smack board for you guys to talk yourself into the college football hall of fame. In other words, this thread doesn't concern the Tinmen so why are you here?
  11. Players of People's caliber don't play at non-BCS schools.
  12. Time for everyone to stand up and give a big round of applause for our athletic department's first year in the BigEast. There is a lot of work to do but other than basketball there is a lot energy and optimism for great things to come in all of our programs. Our hoops still needs some direction and nice shot of energy. Maybe we can bring back David Sills ;^)
  13. Don't lie now....attendance figures are your viagra. I can almost smell the cigarette smoke through cyberspace....
  14. There is division I-A football in Orlando?
  15. There was a report last year of Al Keck getting charged with spousal battery. I don't know whatever happened to those charges but I guess it's obvious that there was some trouble at home. That is terrible news...nothing in life is that bad for one to be driven to do such a thing. Prayers for all the families...
  16. KL just got off.... You really live and breath this attendance crap don't you?
  17. ....it's more than just injuries and bad luck. Perhaps the fact that he has just as many recruiting mistakes as major injuries beset his program probably.....and I am going out on the limb here....probably has alot to do why we have only won a few conference games the last two years. IMO, Urso is perfect. He is not bigtime enough to demand a stadium right away and will give the University time to build one for him. In return, the University can't expect miracles and give him time to find himself as major conference skipper.
  18. Athletic programs like UTA are really professional programs run under the guise of amateur athletics. Money is never an issue over there and powerful connections for projects and UTA friendly legislation are always just a phone call away. We all think that the University of Florida or FSU are the end all be all of college athletics....but they pale in comparison to schools like UTA, Michigan and other big, tradition filled land grant institutions.
  19. Been ruminating about the baseball job the last couple days. Baseball is alot like Big East football. It should be a natural for USF to compete every year and go to the post season.  We know that if we recruit the Tampa Bay area well that should be enough to get the job done. Thus that is another plug for a local baseball man to take the job. We don't need a 'big name' guy like Shoupe just someone who can get the job done that knows the area. Of course regardless of who we get we need the University to step up and do their part and give the new guys the tools or at least the promise of rewarding excellence. EC never got that from USF...
  20. Much like we couldn't hang to on to Leavitt when Alabama and K-State came calling, or how we couldn't hang on to Ericksen when UF was looking around for a new softball coach last year.  : People who coach at the head coach level at USF understand the growth and potential of the place and have other ties that bind them to the program. It's been a win-win for both sides most of the times. The coach gets some added job security while the University gets a coach at perhaps below market value. However that is slowly changing as Jim Leavitt's salary is second only to UL's Bobby Petrino's. My biggest worry is that we are way below market value for assistant coaches. Losing assistants every year really hurts the program on and off the field b/c when they leave for 'greener' pastures they also take their recruiitng ties with them. ANYWAYS, back on topic: either Lelo Prado or Sal Urso should be our new skipper.  Urso would likely bring Sam Milletello, former MLBer & UT All American and Yankee fan favorite. That would give kids another reason to sign with USF since Sammy has been in The Show with the Yankees of all people. ÂÂ
  21. USF needs to hire a Tampa guy in order to sell Tampa Bay's rich baseball heritage to local recruits. IMO you do this and you give the new stadium an 'old-time Ybor City' flavor'. I agree with Woolard....."there is no reason why this can't be one of the best baseball programs in the country." However that starts with building facilties...
  22. You WATCH the program teeter toward the edge of something good and then sputter b/c of lack of resources to compete with the next level of competition. think about it.....USF had crazy success during our start up years but we were unable to recruit QBs b/c the lack of facilities. One of the reasons USF has left a lot of wins on the field the last three years is b/c of the lack of QB talent. don't kid yourself.....facilities matter.
  23. Yes and no. Let's be honest, the only reason Leavitt is still here is b/c he got his facilities. Ditto for Ericksen who must of obviously been privy to the recent donation. Baseball has never been given those kind of promises to sell to recruits. Leavitt had a cardbaord model to sell what has baseball been able to sell....not even a firm promise. Hopefully when the new skipper is hired there will be some sort of announcement or unveiling of what the program is working toward.  Also, baseball is a different beast. Players come in go due to the liberal transfer rules and the ability to be drafted by MLB several times during a players eligibility. Thus if a coach is selling a vision of a stadium two or three years down the road a lot of high school recruits are NOT going to be around to see those promises fulfilled. I just want the new manager to get the most out of his players and prompt the administration and more importantly community donors to want to reward the program like they did with softball.
  24. So are saying that we should believe your opinion? BTW, let's make something perfectly clear: USF's new athletic facility is essentially a football building. It would not have been built without football. Sort of sad that you can't be proud of your building w/o tearing down USF's which in case you have not noticed is more asthetically pleasing that UCF's "large metal hanger look. "
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