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Everything posted by RHBullsFan

  1. Velcro, I did see how he ran the ball, the guys is a freak athlete. I know what you're saying, run the clock, don't throw any int's....but tell me you're stomach didn't drop when PJ went down because you had no idea what we had for a backup. Maybe for the situation this weekend running C4 was the best move, but I find it hard to believe in all the games we were up this year we couldn't find more reps for him to throw the ball and test out the kid's arm.
  2. Jim you will be there if it was at 3am, so would I and most people on this board. But sadly, most of our fans are casual fans. If we take care of business against UConn, a win against WVU wouldbe the best thing for our program. I agree that it is sad that we can't draw 60K for this all important game, but the point is we can't, not yet. We are not the Gators, Noles, or Bucs yet, in terms of attendance and support. We must acknowledge that and adjust for it. I long for the day that we can schedule games without worrying about this nonsense but for now we do.
  3. Jim, why? I am the opposite. If it's agreed that a 7pm game would draw a bigger crowd, a bigger crowd should equal more home field advantage. We need every edge we can get. The payoffs associated with a BCS berth will far outweigh any TV money we get for the Big East championship game. I guess if USF has no say it's a moot point though.
  4. Why did we get 2 consecutive false starts when C4 was dropped in for a couple plays on PJ's injury? Does the kid not know the snap count yet or is that on the O-line? PJ went back in immediately following the 2 False Starts. Bishop, people gave me that exact same answer when I posed the same questions after the FAMU game. I am still eager to see if C4 has an arm.
  5. How about this play breakdown: With C4 at QB......looked like ZERO pass attempts, several handoffs and numerous impatient QB scrambles. Even Eric Crouch mixed in the occassional forward pass.
  6. I have been on PJ all year and in years past. I am definitely not his biggest fan, but I was very happy with his performance out there this past weekend. He made a few throws behind receivers but he played with a lot of poise and confidence. He is a completely different QB when he stays calm and doesn't get too rattled. On the other hand, I was getting extremely aggravated with C4 when we was put in at QB....did he even attempt a forward pass? Every play was a handoff or an impatient QB scramble. It is 2 games from the end of the season and I still haven't seen this kid's arm. I was VERY nervous when I saw PJ go down with the hand injury....who knows what out backup can do. Hopefully this doesnt bite us in the ass.
  7. I hope so too, but don't really expect to have trouble getting a ticket regardless.
  8. Straight question for some of you: which game time do you think would draw more fans vs WVU, noon or 7pm?
  9. Cuban, you are looking through green and gold glasses. Did you not see what the noon kickoff did this weekend? A night game would help get the biggest crowd, regardless of the reason. We need to say screw the TV schedule and make it a night game. The payoff of a BCS game will far exceed any money we get for having the WVA game televised.
  10. Ga Tech played how we should have against Miami. Their defense punched Miami right in the face. The Miami QB was on his ass all game. Ga Tech's QB had a great game. I was pulling for the Canes to help our SOS. This loss did nothing for us.
  11. Told you so! I knew the attendance would be pathetic. Did we learn nothing form the Pitt game last year? 5 mins before kickoff I looked around and could almost count individual people in every section. MANY late comers. Student section was half full for the 1st quarter by my looks. It looked to have doubled by the second quarter....not sure if they were sleeping or what. I knew it was a bad sign when I got to the mall lot at 11am and had my pick of parking spots. If this isn't a reason to schedule the WVU game for 7pm then I don't know what is. I will be at every home USF gam eno matter the time, but most people are casual fans. For now, we need the "Casual fan" support ,MAKE THE WVU GAME AT 7!!!
  12. I still can't believe he has gone awol from this board after a few comments on his phone call to 620. Talk about thin skin. Why didn't he just tell people to f-off and build on 10,400?
  13. Bishop, how about a shirt with a giant bulls-eye on the back that says "tasers here" as you take the field. Golden palance could bite if you tell them it might make sportscenter
  14. The sad thing is there would be no better time to rush the field than if we were to beat WVU. Regardless, I plan on leaving RayJay in my car and not the patty wagon.
  15. bulls96 did you call in and represent? Thanks for the update, nice to hear people around the country are taking notice. I haven't heard this much talk since we upset Louisville earlier in the year.
  16. Velcro layeth the smacketh down. I like it! Rezz, I am with you bro. If I read one more stupid oc stadium thread posted by a guest I'm going to scream. I appreciate that we allow guests on here especially when rival school post on here. Sometimes taking the time to register is a pain when you just want to drop a few lines the week before a game. With that said, I am all for guest posting but ending new thread posting by guests.
  17. I plan on being smashed out of my mind too, except it won't be my birthday.
  18. Do you know what kind of an underdog we would be if we actually got to a BCS game? I do not see that happening. It would be monumental for us to even get that far. Hell no. We are winning in spite of PJ, not because of him. Blackwell is the greatest USF QB ever, and it's not even close.
  19. It's really disturbing that we used to have more games televised before we entered a frieking BCS conference! I have been completely frustrated by the lack of TV coverage this season. Away games should be on local Tampa TV somehow.
  20. Imagine what that stat would be like if defenses feared our passing ability. Not a knock on PJ so much as a compliment to Andre and the boys up front. Way to go. Let's ride Andre to the BCS.
  21. I'll be rooting for Ant & the Boys. They win, I win $50 in the weekly office pool.
  22. Does anyone have directions handy? It's been so long since our last home game maybe some will forget their way to RayJay
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