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Everything posted by RHBullsFan

  1. AWESOME NEWS! Woolard is the man for getting this done. No more speculation, let the recruiting onslought begin! Congrats to coach Leavitt, this is well deserved.
  2. That is hilarious yet true. E.T. must have some serious callouses from the old keyboard.
  3. Football has been bigger than Basketball ever since we started the program. The comparison isn't even close and the margin is growing every year.
  4. You don't see anything wrong with not giving our best offensive player BAR NONE, 2 opportunities from the 1 yard line to score. I am glad you are NOT our OC. Give me a break.
  5. Well said West Va Eats It. The site isn't that big a deal. We can name handfulls of schools that post similar sites and continue to recruit bluechippers. With growing popularity and support, the Bulls will also experience growing criticism when things go bad. It's all part of growing into a big time program.
  6. This is going to be a LONG year for our basketbulls. If we had trouble with FIU what does that say for our Conference schedule? I wish we could have found a way to keep Sills on the roster, the lack of a PG is going to hamper us all year long.
  7. The posts have been so negative because we just endured arguably the most heartbreaking loss on school history, what do you expect? I'm sure all of us posters, even the complainers, will be out in full force supporting our Bulls this weekend against West Va. Things aren't always this negative around here, lest for a few posters.
  8. Am I missing something, is this official yet? I am going to our Bowl game no matter where it is ,but I'm not making travel arrangements until something official come down the wire.
  9. I feel the same way bro....then I went to see my Bucs on Sunday at RayJay and the weekend got even worse. I am 100x more upset over our loss to UConn though.
  10. The time to start C. Hill was early in the season, say around the FAMU game, now is not the time. If Julmiste is the best we have to offer in week 1 next season, some heads better roll.
  11. Don't a majority of bowl games boast that they will host say #3 SEC vs #2 ACC or some crap along those lines? Are all bowl games outside the BCS up to a popularity contest?
  12. If we win this weekend, we still finsih in 2nd place in the Big East, right? After the BCS, the Gator Bowl in Jax is arguably the most enticing bowl game to the Big East conference. So why would they get to "select" their participant, Lousiville, when we would finish ahead of them? What is the point of playing a conference schedule if final schedules have no bearing on your bowl selection? Is only the conference winner obligated to go to a particular bowl? If we finish higher than Louisville we should get to go to a better bowl than them.
  13. I am with smazza, WVA has nothing to gain by winning. Their health will be most important. It will be great to beat #12 at home but how would this be for fustrating?: We destroy #9 Louisville, and beat #12 West Va. but lose to Pittsburgh and UConn? Ahhh, what could have been!
  14. The most aggravating thing about that last series is that we didn't use Andre Hall, hands down our best offensive player. We could have used him on 3rd and goal from the 1. I would have rather we used him on 4th and goal from the 6.....at least they stop our best player, not our scrub backup QB. We should have rode Andre to a major bowl game. We failed to utilize him at Pitt, and we didnt give him the ball in crunch time at UConn.
  15. I just don't know why we'd let the game and season rest on the arm of Courtney Denson.....the guy has shown all year long that he does not have a good arm. Courtney Denson in that situation? Ugh!
  16. I thought the article was pretty good, except that they didn't mention the play that was was than the 4th down reverse flee flicker....the crap we tried on 3rd and goal from the 1 yard line. I've had nightmares of that play. Why the quick snap count? Take your time, man up, and bang it in.
  17. Will we EVER clean up the penalties? It cost us dearly today.
  18. He would have if he didn't outrun his blockers and get tackled by the punter....but that's not on him. That was one hell of a return he made. He put us in the position to score from the redzone. I bet that poor kid will be reliving his final moves on that return over and over in his head. He could have been the man again.
  19. Katie, don;t take any of this personally. We are all pisse dbecause UConn sucks and we could have beaten them. They scored 15 points at home for crying out loud....as badly as we played we could have won. We were so close to something special next weekend and we are all disheartened by today because we know our team is better than what they showed.
  20. Why tried gimmick on 3rd and goal from the 1 and we confused ourselves, not UConn. HORRIBLE playcall! We have Hall, take your time and run a legit play. We had the game in our hands and we blew it. Too bad PJ didn't get in on the scrable on 2nd down.
  21. The defense did not come to play in the first quarter and we got down early and paniced the entire rest of the game. After the 1st our D was lights out. We were lucky to be in the game all the way through, got to hand it to the D. Our QB and WR looked absolutely HORRIBLE today, like a bunch of inexperienced youngsters, making stpid plays, dropping balls, fumbling everything. As badly as we played, penalties ONCE AGAIN cost us. We had 16-15 up on the board and HOLDING and IINELLIGIBLE DOWNFIELD cancelled that. We get to 3rd and goal on the **** 1 yard line and try to call a quick play to confuse UConn and instead we confuse ourselves into a false start? Why the gimmicks coach?? Why not just call a normal play and jam it into the endzone? Then to insert Denson in the game and put the decision, and the season, in this kid's hands is completely beyond me? We should have banged it in from the 1, we should have kicked on 4th, we should have won the game but we shot ourselves in the foot too many times. Looks like the kids played young today after looking so mature the past few weeks. I am heartbroken after knowing what next weekend could have been like for us. RayJay would have been rockin', now it's just another game, and not THE GAME of all games. Very dissapointing.
  22. You guys looked very impressive last night. Your running attack is loking awesome. For those of you making the trip down to Tampa, I assure you the weather will be much nicer then the crap you and Pitt had to endure. Should be a good game, Bullnation is ready!
  23. They talked extensively about the UConn game throughout the show. Even had CJL on for a brief interview where he touted UConn and the importance of this game and the challenges we face. Sounded like coach was NOT at all overlooking the UConn game for all of you that keep harping on it.
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