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Everything posted by jasonb56

  1. Around 11am today Miami will know it's fate from the NCAA... if it goes poorly for them, it could shake things up a bit, with scholarship loss and stiff sanctions that allow immediate transfer. (NCAA might just give them 1 more bowl ban, and thats that.) tough timing with them finally doing well, but they had this coming for sometime. Will certainly be something to keep an eye on this morning! Go Bulls!!
  2. Helps... 2 ranked teams vs 1... BUT, puts UCF in a big spotlight at a time that is critical to our future...
  3. I'm sure the coaches will give him a shot if he desires to be a QB at the next level... Those are some really promising numbers Go Bulls!
  4. That's a politically correct way of saying... no...no these kids are not ready to play... right now Eveld is going to be our "Moses", we better hope he leads us to the promised land, and not the dump... Go Bulls!!
  5. I'm just not sure I can muster watching Eveld play another down... I'm praying Bench will be back, but we have to find a way to win 4 more games... and if Bench is seriously hurt, I take my chances with a Freshman (we almost just lost to one...) Go Bulls!!
  6. I say we spread the word and tell our fans to wear white... seems they are trying to make a big deal of this game! Go Bulls!!
  7. Don't let up!! Bulls need at least 3 on this drive...
  8. Turd was and is a moron who attacked anybody with a point of view different than his, even Greg from time to time would "correct" his posts... You all can have him...
  9. Lord Help Us!!! we need some inspiration today... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6xLYt265ZM
  10. He could be something real special for us... let hope he lives up to the HYPE. GO BULLS!!
  11. Love this attitude, and the name... certainly more politically correct than the "Lynch Mob"...
  12. When it comes to the Revenue Sharing aspect, a half win, is still a win in our books...
  13. MHver3 â€@MHver3 17m @AntonioATX unfortunately no. The B12 is not interested in a west coast presence Details MHver3 â€@MHver3 2h @HemUnit im told it would be within the guidelines that have been hinted at and have a much greater chance of inclusion Details MHver3 â€@MHver3 2h UNLV and Air force-I have gotten confirmation they were at the meeting I spoke of yesterday. Should know the complete "guest list" soon more info... or dribble depending on how you view the source :-)
  14. Seriously? San Diego to Boise to Houston to Tampa to Greenville to StorrsI think that ship has sailed and sunk. Divisions... This is about strength in numbers, you know, until someone else gets a golden ticket to the BIG P5 in the sky!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ieeL9FWURM
  15. It's a sign of the strong connections Taggart has, and how they can help his players be a motivated group this fall. Jim's 49ers come to town to play the Bucs in mid-December, and Taggart will be in good shape if he can interrupt a practice for that guest speaker. (Auman) Wouldn't it be cool if BOTH Jim's came to visit :-)
  16. Now if he can just leave his playbook behind!! Very cool...
  17. this thread better not end the way this did...
  18. Same guy stated he expects one of the requirements be a 25 million football budget... um, Houston... that might be a problem...
  19. This has been talked about at length in the "rumor" thread... as bad as this is for college football, it may also be our way in to the BIG 5 long-term... This is College Football "Evolving" on speed!! so many changes, and nobody knows what's going to end up like... Change is good for us!! Go Bulls!
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