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Everything posted by puc86

  1. So I would be hard pressed to come up with any first year coaches that have offenses producing at or above the offenses of last season?
  2. If blitzing makes winning so easy that even EZU can do it, why would a single team we face not blitz early and often and decide to be more balanced?
  3. A few things 1) we are no more being impacted by Covid and a shortened offseason than any other team. 2) no one is mad that we aren’t world beaters this year they are mad because we are demonstrably worse in every facet of the game 3) the constant flux of strategy is absolutely a problem and stability will probably never be present in our program again as people will either fail and be moved on or will succeed and will move on. We need to be the ones to introduce stability in our program by picking a direction and then always hiring to that direction (a constant flux of strategy and never having a coach that ever had their players is not tenable and we need to be always hiring for coaches that can use the players we actually have or historically can get and not building towards a future they will never be apart of and will always include the wrong players).
  4. I think he was in the Marines with my brother in law or something like that
  5. There is still time, which is nice, but still it would be nice to get to the turning around point sooner than later.
  6. Yes we did and it didn’t take 15 recruiting classes to reasonably expect a .500 team (now in all fairness one person really can change around an entirely college basketball team and it is a bit harder for football but still things can be improved even though we have not done so as yet).
  7. Did someone pick Corey back out of the portal?
  8. Strangely I don’t recall a single person that was excited about this hire believing that we would win one game this season, having an expectation of complete failure is a new development brought on by our current “success”. We are performing below any expectation and there is no other way to spin it.
  9. Coaches bring in those types of athletes with the promise of letting them take a shot at qb and sometimes they are more honest about that than others but I’m sure that was the moment the sky parted and CWT saw that he was dead wrong about his deeply held convictions and was going to develop the Gulf Coast offense post haste.
  10. I mean that’s one person and they have been preaching the FCS message for a while, it would be nice to see some improvement this season or at least what looks like a tenable path towards improvement. There wasn’t a whole lot of expectations for this season and it’s unfortunate that we have found a way to continue to crawl under the ever dropping bar. Tomorrow, tomorrow we’ll win won tomorrow USF athletic success is always only a day away!!!!
  11. I guess that’s a matter of perspective I am pretty proud of our restraint.
  12. I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky. Paint it black.
  13. Not exactly, what I think is that no one was ever going to successfully run the West Coast offense, not in one recruiting class, not in two, not in three and not in twenty.
  14. Every other QB CWT recruited was a Harbaugh QB, every offense CWT ran was a Harbaugh offense, every Coach CWT hired was a Harbaugh coach and every word out of CWT’s mouth was a Harbaugh word. That he recruited a player that had tremendous upside at a host of positions outside of QB does not some how prove that his master plan was to transition away from the system he was fully bought into. He for whatever reason of desperation recognized his plan would never work here and for that I am grateful but it would have been even better to have made a hire that wouldn’t have had to waste 2 years going in the wrong direction.
  15. I don’t think we would have won 10 games but I do think we would have won more than 2 and could have beaten McNeese. No one has expectations that this staff should be competing for a conference championship this season but it’s completely reasonable to expect to see an area of improvement or the bones of a working plan. Coaches come in and show improvement year 1 all of the time, even more by year two and the majority of coaches that need a full three years to put a serviceable team together never get to see their 5 year plans come to fruition.
  16. Cwt came in and did the impossible, made CSH’s team look worse not because of the talent level but because he thought he was going to come in and run a Harbaugh offense. Things turned around for him the moment he realized his path would not be successful here and he had to pivot. The path this coaching staff has picked is the wrong one and we are on our way to failure because of the decisions they are making, they need to pivot towards a working plan and then continue to build on that which of course involves continuing to improve players but that should not be the only thing that drives improvement.
  17. The problem isn’t that he hasn’t won every game the problem is that he has turned things around immediately and it’s the wrong direction. These players have demonstrated that they can win more games than they are currently and that they are winning less is absolutely on the coaches.
  18. CWT came in and wanted to run a Harbaugh offense that’s the reason he failed and did worse, when he picked a proper path it didn’t take much time at all to improve.
  19. Not a single coach comes into a situation where they recruited the players they will be coaching and this team has far more talent than it has displayed (as demonstrated by our performance game over game last season). The last coaching staff won a term worthy 4 games last season (they could have won at least 6 if they could get out of their own way) and yet this coaching staff has a run rate towards winning a single FCS game. If your system requires years instead of months to implement and can only be ran successfully by the smallest sub segment of players then it is a bad system and won which is a fulls errand as Weis will not be here after next season and be able to even see it to fruition before it’s time for the next coach to come in and require “his guys”. I know it’s not apples to apples but when I come up with something to make things better than what I have identified as a problem part of how I determine if I’m going the right direction is how quickly I’m able to get the average person to do better than the old way following the new process. If your system is too dependent on people and requires too much time to train the problem lies more in the system and the training than it does in the people.
  20. Why exactly would we decide to chop all the way down to where we get smoked by ECU instead of just down to the part where we smoked ECU? There is no reason to have an expectation of winless in FBS and that it is on the horizon is what is building the toxicity. CJS was hired to make things better and the minimum standard should be to start displaying that better.
  21. No one expects to be a juggernaut but it is reasonable to have an expectation that an offense would exist and maybe just maybe have improvement over the offense that barely existed last season.
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