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Everything posted by puc86

  1. I’m going to hire some new people for the punch up of my material asI do recognize that we have no gifts quite like KB this year and also some of the better personalities to play off of are not as prevalent. I need a foil and my heart isn’t really in it with anyone right now. Still I take ownership of the situation and I can and will give you the better you deserve as a reader.
  2. In all fairness to me this is a rebuilding year on material
  3. A fellow alumni! The kb stuff was pretty fresh last season and I am looking forward to the day when we can all be positive and agree we are on the right path with our best coach in program history. If you think it’s taxing having to hear it I can assure you that it’s every bit as taxing having to deal with this past decade of systematic failure. I want to be positive and improved and I look forward to a day when that can be reasonably accomplished.
  4. Then why do our athletes have p5 offers like UCF and everyone isn’t tied in the G5? We have people here that have had talent and potential it unfortunately has been squandered by hiring KB and the likes of him. KB has had one year in FBS and it was complete garbage, there is nothing you can claim to have actually seen from him that demonstrated he can be successful at this level. Someone can be an excellent line cook at McDonalds but that does not mean they will flourish at Ocean Prime.
  5. No by every ranking our recruiting has been right on par with them and they are not significantly better recruiting than us despite the results. As for two hole people standing out at the lowest levels of football, that does not a team make.
  6. I think kb was lost and in over his head and that his talent level at Valdosta state was measurably better than the teams he faced but here we do not have that difference nor would we be likely to achieve it. The Gilbert/CCS USF team would have beaten KBs Valdosta Team by 50 pts so no I do not think they are actually more overall talented and I think KB should do something besides fail miserably at this level before you are so confident that he is this great coach being systematically oppressed by the FBS system.
  7. Ya you lost me at KB, his entire career has been decades at a level just below HS. His salary at those places was about that of a position coach here and he produced a dreadful offense here that earned his firing. No one has ever seen the diamond in the rough that you would like to imagine he was and no one attempted to snatch him up as though he were actually wrongly discarded. He was fired for great cause (actually he never should have been called up to begin with) and the issue wasn’t that but that we never seem to learn what it actually takes to be successful here.
  8. Last season we beat them by 25 are we going to be improved beyond that or improved in that we win by 1 or put more than the 7 pts we have had at the FBS level this season?
  9. This is a very fair position to take and I am hopeful that you are right but we didn’t look improved against Citadel and that was because we were saving our offense for later, then we didn’t look improved against ND and that’s because we were out classed and then today we did worse against Cincinnati than last season because this season they are a top 20 team (ignore half the teams aren’t playing) and up next we play a team we waxed last season so improvement maybe difficult. There has been time to demonstrate some improvement and no one thought that we should have a better record at this moment but having something that could be mistaken for an offense shouldn’t be too much to ask.
  10. Every week people find something minuscule and pretend that if you stare into the sun for exactly 10 minutes, put a plastic bag on your head and tie it off at your neck, bang your head against the wall and then play the clip backwards while starting the dark side of the moon you can see the improvement brought upon by our new coach. Why you may ask would anyone do all of that in order to see something our current staff is doing better than the ones we **** canned? Apparently because we need it so facts, results and stats be damned. There used to be a time when having expectations beyond what is a term worthy performance was actually the norm and not a fringe idea but I completely understand how we have gotten to place where we can’t expect anything but showing up and being nicer to the media from out coaching staff but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.
  11. People are not going to like this, the only way for us to improve is to first all pretend like we improved.
  12. They always say the best defense is having no offense...
  13. It’s actually me trying to give him the benefit of the doubt because it’s something that can be easily fixed however if this was his actual best effort and the actual coaches he would have picked with more time and the actual recruiting class he would have brought in had he focused on it I weep for our future and our next rebuild.
  14. Would you like to be my editor? In short I want CJS to the best of any coach we have had but at current it would be nice to do better than the coach that got fired for doing better than people hope CJS can do, sad.
  15. of the time of come in to replace someone that was fired I have immediately made tangible improvements that can be measured in KPIs. The best way to impact culture is to impact results. People want to win and if you bring in success and stop embracing failure the culture naturally shifts itself. People that come in and preach culture change leading to results typically have 5 year plans and are gone long before their supposed results are finally supposed to materialize.
  16. No but our coaching staff would be different and we probably would have had some different recruits. The problem isn’t our record after these three games, it’s probably the end result no matter what, but certainly we could have looked better getting there and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have expected an offense better than the bar KB lowered last season.
  17. This reminds me of every fight I have had with exes or my wife and they would say that I can never admit when I am wrong. I always explain that I pray to G-d every day to please let me be wrong once so that I can show them how easy it would be if it actually happened. Just like that I have always claimed that I long for the day when we can have the better we were promised and can all unite again as one. That being said my desire for things to be better does not mean I can pretend that things that are noticeably not better are simply because it would be more convenient for all of us.
  18. So far he looks more like a bunt, I expected him to have a better year than CCS. I said I would be fine if we are a .500 team or show improvements in our nonexistent offense. Somehow people are fine with giving him a pass for not demonstrating anything but in order to pretend the future is bright someone should at least demonstrate something beyond a few interviews some people seem to like but I can’t even understand without closed captioning.
  19. It’s not sad it’s a fact and we are currently reaping what he sowed. If he jumped in and did work off the bat we would be better suited than we currently are. He consciously decided not to prioritize his actual job and that we are not any better by any measurable has as much to do with him and his decisions since he got hired as it does with CCS. Better coaches do better, it’s really not a controversial idea anywhere but here because people constantly feel the need to explain how getting rid of the only successful coach in program history somehow made things better despite failure after failure after failure.
  20. Lots of coaches come in and improve things right off the bat, improving for the future and demonstrating improvement do not have to be at odds with one another and the only time people pretend that they are is when there coach is failing.
  21. Zero. How many day’s of hiring an actual coaching staff and not hitting the curb of FAU on a Friday morning did he miss? And what if he actually hired a decent staff off of the bat and then hit the film room with them? Could that perhaps have helped a tad in this season or is missing days of work to coach another team somehow not the detriment that dealing with the exact same Covid problems as every other team in the country?
  22. But if they live in a world that has any Covid that means they won’t be able to turn those turnovers into any points, unless of course they are Cincinnati where I guess there is no Covid (must be nice).
  23. We installed an offense? When do we get to see that? And yes I of course am a bit hyperbolic but I honestly do expect a better coach to do measurably better and so far while people are claiming to see improvement I honestly see not one thing that CJS has made this team look better at (sans penalties that I honestly do not care about at all). I want him to do better as much as anyone but if he thinks he has improved things at all he should be fired on the spot, this **** is a joke.
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