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Everything posted by No_Willie_Jokes_Yet

  1. Well he would probably lose a lot more votes in that case....
  2. These crapers come out of the woodwork when they smell blood. The last time was right after the Ark-Ok losses and they thought they smelled blood. Next thing you know we go 9-2.
  3. Hey some of these "posters" were calling for CJL's head during our 9-2 season. Its funny how they come out when things are bad and then go away during other times....
  4. Well as much as I dont like it, lets see: Hot Grills, automobiles, cars moving, drunk people. Take your pick, which would you rather hit with a football or be hit by when one of these objects moves becuase of an errant football being thrown. As much as I dont like it, they are correct, blame a lawyer......
  5. I forgot to warn you all about the mini's. For those of you who dont know the mini's, there is a law in S.C. that bartenders have to pour from the mini bottles (like used on airlines). It's pretty cool that every drink has exactly the same amount of alchohol. There is a downside though, when you want a drink like a Long Island Iced Tea, you have to buy ALL of the bottles needed to make the drink.
  6. The problem with those "bomb" passes is I beleive that is the CALLED PLAY. I watched practice last year and that seemed like all Banks was throwing and no one said "hey keep the ball down". It's like they play for a jump ball type thing. That's great if its third and long and the interception is inside the 15 but other than that, use your arm to throw the ball to the reciever, not a spot on the field.
  7. Thanks. I am meeting the folks for dinner and will listen on the way back.
  8. On which radio station do you pick up that game in Lakeland?
  9. The SEC and USC. They have broadcast rights. There is nothing our AA could do.
  10. Did I mention any names? I would encourage you to take advantage of Brad's hospitatlity. With the talked about limit of 20 I figured there would be some crusty trolls taking up space....
  11. Did she actually eat the ketchup or just wipe it on her dress?
  12. The refs will be the SEC hacks. Look for lots of penalties but dont think the refs are screwing us. The refs last week DIDNT call quite a few and they were our guys. Why SEC refs, becuase this game was more than likely scheduled either when we were independent or when our AA decided to take the one game prostitute trip and agree to take SEC refs. They usually allow the visiting team to bring their own when there is a home and home or something to that effect.
  13. So if they fall for a gag and become a sucker does that make them a **** Sucker?
  14. Showing South Carolina fans that he has magical powers, Coach Lou Holtz levitates a player on the sideline just by raising his hands.....
  15. Hey now, I told you! You just didnt listen..... ::deal::
  16. Ricks Cafe (Or is it Ricks Place) is pretty good, but no where to bring the wife and kids.....
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