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Everything posted by BullDoug

  1. I knew there were more. I shouldn't of missed Stanford or Alabama or UNT. Nevada = NCState. I was to busy yesterday to check 'em all.
  2. Know more than one set of families that do. Personally, I have a FL USF tag on the family car, a 2001 Camry. Have a USF license plate on the front of our secondary car. It's not nice enuff for a FL USF tag . A grad shouldn't be driving it maybe a student but not a grad.
  3. One of my biggest pet peeves are the Bulls that are only Bulls 'cuz of graduating from USF.  USF grads who have Gator or FSU vanity license plates ie one of my neighbors really burns me up.  Greatest guy but it really goes to show you a lot of USF's grads are not in tune w/USF athletics/FB.  There are a lot of Tampa Bay residents that grew up here as UF, UM, or FSU fans.  Or they only pay attention to the Bucs.  These grads went to HCC or SPJC and finished their degree at USF.  They still have these fan affiliations.  These are the same people that do not realize the Bulls have been playing FB at the same level of UF, UM & FSU for 3 yrs. This is not that extraordinary either 'cuz I live with one of them  2 doors down from my house and work with one of them.  It disgusts me sometimes since I might be just a tad too passionate abouts USF athletics.  Wake up morons.  See the big picture.
  4. Lightning win 4-2.  Wow!  That was really cool to watch.  Best game so far.  Think I might finally be catching the hockey fever. Hobbibulin is incredible.
  5. Tim...Momma always said if ya can't say some tin nice keep your yap shut boy ;D.
  6. Bulls need to sweep UL this weekend.  Period. One point losses to USM, TCU, UNCC.  Memphis had no bitness sweeping our Bulls.  Our Bulls are for crap on the road.  Need to man up for the conference tourney during the Memorial Day weekend. Can I say it? Here it goes. Gotta go to war boyz! Lock & load baby!
  7. Going to a D-1AA seems like a good idea if he's gonna be the man and play fulltime vs backup & garbage time. His experience & depth will be missed. This does speak volumes to the level of DBs Kravitz and Leavitt are drawing now. Just wish NE's/Sarasota's Fabian Washington wooda considered transferring to USF.
  8. This is a new team added to the trivia question, what pro & college teams do not have plural mascots?  ie Bulls, Braves, etc.  Some Non Plurals: NCAA: Tulsa Hurricane, Syracuse Orange, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Tulane Green Wave, NCState Wolf Pack, Marshall Thundering Herd NFL:  0 MBL:  0 NBA: Orlando Magic, Miami Heat, Utah Jazz NHL: Tampa Bay Lightning, Colorado Avalanche AFL: Storm, Rush, Crush Soul & many more
  9. Eagles could be 0-4 or 1-3 after playing in RJS.  Hattiesburg will be having a total melt down.  Don't think I can shed a tear for 'em either.
  10. This makes me wonder if it wasn't for the 2003 schedule debacle and losing to UAB which disqualified our Bulls for a bowl if Ingram would of came to USF. It's still hard to believe that kid would rather sit the bench in BB & FB for 3 yrs at Florida Cracker College instead to make immediate impact in Tampa, FL, a Top 15 media market. Go figure.
  11. I thought the "world" pools was pretty amusing myself.
  12. LOL, good one Bulliever.  And yes I know we play the Cards this yr but apparently C'FANATIC sees no significances in the game this yr. BTW the UL game was a road trip for me until they moved it to Friday.
  13. One more thing, have as much "inducing coitus" as possible 'cuz you are gonna be dry for 2-6 weeks depending on if a C section needs to be done.
  14. Its cool when its the only sex you can get and the Dr. orders the wifey to have it as much as possible 'cuz she's on the verge of going to the hospital and being induced.  Word of advice:  rear entry was/is always better when having "bun in the oven/inducing labor" sex than "climbing the mountain" as the wise man from the north know as Rebe@USF or Reaper for short calls it  ;D.
  15. Don't the Bulls & Cards play this yr?  What's the diff besides BCS coin?
  16. This is BAD karma smazza. Never count chicks until they are layed...oops. I mean until hatched. :
  17. Pissed my off that when 1010am announced this they neglected to mention "former USF football player".
  18. While this seems a nice thing to do on the outside it seem "minor" league-ish to do it. How often does UF or FSU play at statellite campuses? It might be OK for UCF 'cuz they might find a better place to play. Sorry Knights had to take a jab at the Garage Dome you all play in.
  19. The idea leaves my stomach w/a queasy feeling. Not quite gung-ho on marketing idea. However, considering a game vs BCC at the Dome would lower home attendance numbers might be a small percentage of the motivation to do this.
  20. RTB...you need to rethink your post. JoePa will only "retire" not "resign".
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