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Everything posted by BullDoug

  1. Hummm, you have kinda strange dreams. I'm just sayin'. You know. No offense intended.
  2. If Oliver is truly a quality guy he will get a chance but he'll probably hafta to go to a D1AA school first to be an AD then step back up to D1A 5-8 yrs later.
  3. Too bad for Oliver. Young Bulls please note how youthful descretions can alter your future.
  4. volumes for what people "in the know" think of USFs sporting future. Woolard was an athletic director for TEN YEARS at an university with plenty of history and I'm assuming a nice athletic budget, in a large metropolitian area. He could of cruised into retirement in St. Louis watching Rams football games, Biliken basketball and Cardinals baseball. Its amazing what BCS football does for ones athletic departments future. 8)
  5. seasons per 1010am radio.  Its related to new ACC TV contract.  Are the Bulls willing to be the warm-up game for the next 2 yrs?  UCF vs USF would be a consideration.
  6. I'm sure Doug will have around table with Judy & Leroy, the AD staff, marketing and then the coaching staff either together or individually sometime before July 4th to get a good feel for the direction he wants to go 1st, 2nd, 3rd & so on. BTW Rebe summer is bangin' at the front door. Not much is gonna happen until after Sept. except the hiring of two bb assistances. Lookin' for some sweet deals on season bb tix though. I really wanna buy 'em but can never get myself to open the wallet.
  7. USM, Army/HC or the final vsMemphis are not bad considerations. Personally, Army or Memphis would be my picks.
  8. People complaining about people complaining...Isn't this a internet message board? Kinda I-Ron-Ick huh?
  9. Not to be confessing negativity or that this may happen but an AD w/o football managing experience would be a little more likely to rock the boat and micromanage something that he wants to have his stamp of greatness on.  Erasing LRS's name off the side of the football bandwagon and putting his own up in order to become a nationally prominent BCS FB team could create tension with Leavitt.  But then again, this could happen w/a brand spankin' new AD so maybe the conspirests(sp?) should give it a rest. Cyber is right.  Number one  priority of the new AD is to get basketball back on track to where it was in '89-'93 and '00-'03.  This probably requires SunDome upgrades in seats and especially a center scoreboard or side boards w/video.  Secondly, is to increase season tix for FB & basketball by 10-20%.  Thirdly would be to find funding to redo the baseball stadium bleachers.  Fourthly would be to get the Football teams next three yrs worth of schedules on "sound" foundations.  IMO anyway.
  10. If the Bulls beat Pitt, Lou Holtz will be calling us the South Florida Goliaths.  He'll build the Bulls up so big it will be ridiculous.  The G'cocks will be hungry when are Bulls pull into Columbia.  More than likely Georgia will have thumped them the week before the Bulls.  Now if the Bulls take it on the chin vs Pitt and USC upsets GA, Lou can squawk all he wants.  The players will have their chests all puffed out and will be ripe for a take down.
  11. ...and a 100 up-downs and a two 100 yd bear crawls.
  12. Don't think anyone wanted the Superman AD. Just someone who had that type of potential.
  13. Wow! Dead on balls analogy. I was thiniking it was like winning Daytona or the ole Indie 500 but the trophy girl giving the big boobie smash hug (BBSH) and the big lip smack-a-roonie turns out to be your cousin. On a side note, I have always had trouble keeping eye contact during the BBSHs. Analogy III: Kid thinks he's getting a 2 day weekend at Walt Disney but 'cuz of money it ends up being a 2 day camping trip in a pup tent. Not quite the same. Analogy IV: Going out to buy your first sports car and the wife tells you she's pregs on the way to the dealer. You come home with a minivan. Its still new but...ouch! Humor aside. Woolard will do an adequate job for sure. He's weathered and time tested. He'll do fine. He's not that rocket ship ride to the moon us diehards are looking for though.
  14. Those are all valid points Mike.  At this point its all conjecture.
  15. Mike, I agree with Gary.  Walk up for this game will be half of what it would of been on Saturday nite because UF, UM, FSU, UCF and any other "Big" college football fan which would of considered the walk up Sat will be thinking about the pregame for FSUvsUM festivities. As for some of us who worry to much about attendance,  I wouldn't call it worry.  Its about wanting the program to succeed.  Attendance equals cash.  Cash fuels success.  Additionally, attendance signifies the level of success and notorietyof a program.  To have the Bulls recognized as a upper echelon program, IMO, attendance must average over 35K. Hitting 41K would of added an extra 2200 cushion for the other 5 games (The engineer in me is talking now) to make that average.  IMO if the Bulls are successful early we can expect 30K+ maybe 33K for all conference games especially if season tix can get to 20K.  I am expecting 34K-36K now for Pitt. The other issue is the travelers now need to take Tuesday off work.  Before they could of flew in Sat morn.  Sorry smazza but I'd only expect that number to be around 1500 negatively, tops.  Any diehard that was planning on traveling for the opener probably will not hesitate to take a vacation day on Tuesday.
  16. Are you saying you can play as many seasons in college as you'd like to if you never go on schollarship? It was my understanding you can only be on an active roster four seasons with the exception to 1 or 2 medical redshirt seasons granted by the NCAAs. I thought before USF, Graham played a season at a small bible school in Temple Terrace and was at UCF for two yrs. I do not know if he was on the active roster both yrs at UCF. Maybe he didn't play at all one or both seasons while at UCF and he can consider one of those seasons a redshirt yr to get another yr of eligibility. Go figure?
  17. If that roster space is filled by Graham, that would be a good thing. Does anyone know what his status is? Is he onne & done or is he getting the extra season of eligibility? Bulls should win 5--6 likely and 7-8 possible conference games. Maybe 9 if the front court can score 6-10 more points/game. If Jones can play right away and is 95% the player that Leather is there should be some relief on the guards. Both those guys need to play consistently especially Leather. If one of the new guards can score 8 pts (two 3s min.) consistently plus have a 1.75-2.1 asist to t'over ratio, the Bulls may resemble the Bulls of the "good" yrs.
  18. Ronnie Banks = an old slow Doug Williams w/bad knees Strong arm; Zero mobility BTW MB was the only QB in camp Sat & Sun and Doug's arm is stil very strong.  That's what was seen on Sat. by my friend. Another story, there are horns that go off every 15 mins. during practice.   During some of those times players get drink breaks.  For whatever the reason one of the drink time intervals was only 5 mins.  A player either complained or was just informing a coach.  Well, he was told to clean his **** up and go home.
  19. But I'm trying to put 40,000 butts in the seats for our game.  Getting casual fans into RJS for a game is what's needed to grow a tradition for the "non-USF-associated" FootBull fans.  I wouldn't watch it at RJS either but I am a college football fan and that game is influencial to the NCG every yr.  Don't know 'bout u but I'm watching it some place.
  20. Watching the FSUvsMiami game on the big screens at RJS after the USF game.
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