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Everything posted by BullDoug

  1. SC...you're a tough customer.  If any Bull fan is not happy with 8-3, they definitely need a good dose of reality.  We are not a five time national champion ie Nebraska Cornhuskers.  Sorry if I was to harsh.  Don't mean to be.
  2. I said "alledgely".  ;D FWIW, I hope the young man learned a lesson and has turned a corner.  However, it is the standard mode of operation to villify any players removed from an educational institute's athletic department for not getting their **** straight after multiple chances to "get 'er done".  Personally, if CRM would take him back, I'd be happy to see him 'cuz he's a talented basketball player.
  3. Bullshiznitz, I'd beg to differ from your comparison of NE fans.  Nationally they are known as one of the classiest groups of fans.  All groups have their obnoxious a**holes.  Some more than others.  There are numerous schools better known for crappy fans - CO, ND, LSU, USM, etc.  Wow, that's right.  YOU ACTUALLY THINK NE FANS ARE WORSE THAN USM FANS!  UNBELIEVABLE!  I put USM & UF fans on the same plateau. In regards to FSU, NE isn't per se responsible for them being good but NE is the team FSU used to get national prominence.  Back in the early 80s, think '81 or '82, FSU traveled to Lincoln and beat the Huskers and then beat the Huskers in Tallahasse the next yr.  From that point on you can arguably say that's when FSU became nationally prominent and a recruiting machine. You can also say the same for Miami.  Schnellenberger put together a good team in '83 and was able to get ranked 4 or 5.  While Miami played a great game in the '84 Orange Bowl there were a lot of cards that fell Miami's way that day.  The game was played on the 'Canes home field in the Orange Bowl, Heisman Trophy winner Mike Rozier severly sprained his ankle and missed 3 qtrs, and Tom Osbourne's went for the win instead of the guaranteed NC and tie on the last play of the game.  Without that win and championship, Jimmy Johnson may never of came to UM and there may have never been more NC's for the 'Canes.  FWIW, I am an Omaha native and the C'huskers were my team until the Bulls started football.  I do know at little Husker history biased or not.
  4. dabull80, so you know the language of "spin" huh? You hit it z'actly on the nose. They have QB & OL issues. There are good chances this game is an L for the Panthers. A loss to nonBCS, 8 season football team is a no-no for a former national champ.
  5. Smazza, I understand the USF AD office IM guy is pretty strict about monitoring internet time. He would probably cut your posting rate in half. Velcro or Howie might catch up. You would never wanna consider a post like that. Now would you?
  6. Satirical Comment: I am completely stupified at how highly educated men can instantly dive into the gutter at the mire photo of an attractive woman.  I don't know if I should be disappointed or turned on by her cleav...err beautiful form.  Oh the confusion?! ÂÂ
  7. Dang I missed him.  Gotta do 25 pushups and no TV tonite now  .  Sorry on the Mitchell-Jones brain fart.
  8. Forgot an NFL Europe guy - Scott McCready. There is Benjamin on the Bucs as a long snapper but his days may be numbered 'cuz of who the Bucs drafted.
  9. Here's my head knowledge. No, research. There are 2 legitimate NFL'rs- A. Henry & K. Mitchell. Billy G. is a FA right now. Had back surgery. Cardinals release him. I'm not sure about Kenyatta Jones. D. Rubins is in NFL Europe. If ya wanna count that. Hicks, Mitchell & Whittaker did sign FA contracts as of yesterday.
  10. Well maybe if you were the AD at Baylor & your basketball players started killing each other and you were a FB doormat forever and a day in your conference, you might consider applying for the USF AD position. It's just a thought. Not saying USF would want that person. USFBull83 did say he couldn't see why any BCS school AD would look at the USF job. IMO all three of this ADs might or would consider jumping out of the frying pan for USF.
  11. Per ESPN.com, his only returning offensive starter is Matt Jones.  He's losing 18 starters.  Holy Wow! http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1790105
  12. Can you say Vanderbilt? Baylor? Colorado? Never say never grasshopper.
  13. Bulltime, If you find out how to get please post where it can be gotten 'cuz I'd like a copy too. Bigtime.
  14. This poll feels like a deja vue. Have at it. Think I'd go only if the Bulls were playing.
  15. Coach draft statem't - I agree. Coach should be able to say he made a mistake about a player that didn't make the team. Shermans record - You are correct. Sherman's record is above average. I agree with your assessment Dallas fans most arrogant - Nope...Raiders & Eagles are at the head of that line. Heck the die hard Bucs fans may even be more obnoxious. Now the Dallas owner may be arguably the most arrogant but there is that ole fart Davis in Oakland that holds that crown IMO.
  16. Now now Velcro...remember your title. Gotta watch the negative vibes or you'll lose your crown ;D.
  17. Mojo is surprising to me especially with Mitchell having success in KC. BTW I saw that Joe Hamilton is playing/starting for an AFL team. This is the league for MB too IMO.
  18. Wow, that wasn't meant to come off that harsh. 8)
  19. Okay you "no more D1AA" blowhards. If you notice 2 outa 3 of these teams have D1AA games (Furman & JMU) and the third has Buffalo. Buffalo has no "bitnis" in D1A. I'd like uz guyz to give that topic a rest. One D1AA game a yr. is exceptable for all big time D1A schools. These type of games are needed to "tuneup a team", generate easy revenue, allow starters to heal and get freshmen and sophomores playing experience.
  20. Jones & Reed in the 4th Whittaker in the 7th maybe 8th (Is there 8 rounds?)
  21. If you notice the time I posted, I had go on home at 5pm. I also committed the Bull sin of not loggin' on last nite but here's what I remember. Anyway, Scott Brantley ruined the interview beginning. SB rambled on about how prideful CJL is of his players moving the the next level. HW wasn't concerned about being drafted Sat or Sun :. As we all know the politically correct answer. HW has been MoJo's roomie for a while. Gonna be at home in Springhill w/family on Sat/Sun for the draft but not gonna watch every minute of it on the tube. Been practice n with Reed & Mojo one on one drills. Forgot who was QBn. Not much else except that he knows moving on to the next level is good for all USF players. I need to reiterate that Brantley really messed up the beginning of the interview by rambling on about CJL. I guess SB gave awards away for some Tampa organization (Sbien?) and CJL rec'd something. SB was talking about things that reflected HIS self importance instead of Huey or USF. It aggravated me but then again I'm a onery cuss. Sorry but the brain cells just aren't as good as I'd like 'em to be. They went through hell during my 20s.
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