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Roaming Bull

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Everything posted by Roaming Bull

  1. not sure these schools would be interested in a lateral move. I’m sure things may shake up, but the money will or won’t move things around
  2. He hasn’t been a head coach long enough to have grudges. Rivalries take time to develop, unless you are talking about the civil conflict that was an instant turd in the punch bowl. If we say that every team that attempts an onside kick when up by 30 or more on us is our rival, we would still only have like 1 rival. So let’s not get carried away.
  3. At least there are schools like Vandy, Wake Forest, and Boston College that show us basement dwellers can prosper to some extent. BC hasn’t been relevant since Testiverde went there, Wake Forest hasn’t been good since that one time in the 90’s, and for Vandy their last season of relevance must have been right after reconstruction ended because I can’t think of a time they were ever actually relevant. Maybe when Franklin was there, that was a close call for them. So fear not. We too can suckle the tite of a league without having to compete for actual championship
  4. His piece was interesting. Lots of talk about some of the stuff we want to hear about. Not sure that he is connecting the dots that the frustration of not being able to move the ball might be setting up some of those turnovers, some of the interceptions have been due to trying to force a play. The playbook/play calling is one of the main issues on the offensive side. The offense is also part of the issue on the defensive side. I hope they can figure all that elite stuff and elite processes out. That word was thrown around a lot, but giving it definition and clarity my be elusive. I hope his strategy for this “reset” works. It could be tough to get any traction on a reset this far into the season given the team’s trauma, I mean history. Refocus and get ready for the next opponent
  5. It’s the “Chivalrous Charade” to you good sir
  6. New suckers are born every graduation day. They just don’t hang around like they used to
  7. I really don’t think that’s sustainable. So simple GW Bush could figure it out.
  8. He definitely needs to make some changes. The defense can’t handle how fast the offense gets off the field. I’m concerned that at this point in the season we are not adding plays or wrinkles, but reducing plays. I hope I’m wrong, but that doesn’t seem to be a good sign.
  9. anything short of back to the basics and: And I’ll be very disappointed.
  10. We need to be as obsessed with beating each opponent as they seem to be obsessed with beating us. Are we getting out passioned or out enthusiasmed? Seems like we don’t have enough fire in our athletics department to elect a pope, let alone get our engines running full speed.
  11. This game is crucial, pivot, almost feels make or break for the team. I’m hoping next play can create the fortitude they will need to overcome the last couple of weeks. The training wheels are off. We aren’t sneaking up on anyone anymore this season. There is too much tape, so we better be ready to throw down
  12. Also their coach is Jim L. Mora. He has a whopping 7–12 record as their coach and is a combine 53-42 at the college level. His biggest win last season was probably that game against liberty. They were bowl eligible last season and lost to Marshall. They beat UMASS, BC, FIU, Fresno, and Central Connecticut to get their. Rice looks like a breakout game for them this year. Our defense better hold them, because the first 4 weeks of the season they couldn’t break 20 on offense. It looks like we are 12-5 vs them all time. And have an 8 game win streak on the line vs them. Golesh better gas these boys up. It’s time to realign the stars and get us back on the right path. There is still a lot to play for and this team has to put in the work. If we are a second half team, then we better own the second half of this season. We define our season, our program, and our destiny. It’s time for our team to step up and grab this game. I’m hoping we play strong start to finish. No excuse, nonsense, no gimmicks. Go Bulls!
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