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Everything posted by jchem1995

  1. I swear they didn’t look like this. 10 sacks, 10. Something gone wrong on the scheme.
  2. If we don't have this clandestine contract with Chuck he would have been Chucked. Sucks these days.
  3. Hell, Whisky only , I laugh, only had 28 but 34 to egg at halftime. Team is lost. I hope my pep talk resonated.
  4. Yes, it’s my thing. I love to get rowdy and I think three hours of drinking in the sun got the best of me.
  5. I deserved what I got, so did they. It was coiled up in side me for a long time and at 34-0 at halftime seemed to uncoil it.
  6. That’s what I did but everyone was there. I ;knew I was gonna get the boot when I did it but it needed to be done. Probably shouldn't have but oh well.
  7. For the people have offended. I am BULLLS fan #1 and I wear it on my sleeve. I want BULLLS success.
  8. It’s lyrics to a song called drinking problem. Country.
  9. Yes he better use his great pectoral muscles to fly back.
  10. You call it a problem I call it a solution.
  11. Multiple people. I wasn’t the only drunk. And if you keep running your mouth I’ll make sure, Come find me.
  12. Any ways , for those who are responding, Eat It. I dint dive a rats ass what to pu think.
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