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Baylor dismisses head football coach Art Briles


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Hopefully CWT only learned about their offense not how they ran the team's off the field issues.


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CWT seems like an upstanding guy. 

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Reading things like this, including the recent studies showing a shocking percentage of women saying they've experienced sexual assault in college, just makes me sick.  This a culture that needs to change. 

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Dude lost a BCS bowl to a lower level program that couldn't win a game just two years later. Should have been canned months ago. 

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33 minutes ago, slick1ru2 said:

Reading things like this, including the recent studies showing a shocking percentage of women saying they've experienced sexual assault in college, just makes me sick.  This a culture that needs to change. 

When a university takes chances on questionable character issues (and that's saying it too easily -too convenient ) for the sake of winning 10 plus games per season it has placed more value in football success then the safety of the student body and or anyone else for that matter. I would love to win 10 or more a season. but I don't want to be a Baylor at the cost of this. Anyone else feel this way?

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15 minutes ago, jchem1995 said:

When a university takes chances on questionable character issues (and that's saying it too easily -too convenient ) for the sake of winning 10 plus games per season it has placed more value in football success then the safety of the student body and or anyone else for that matter. I would love to win 10 or more a season. but I don't want to be a Baylor at the cost of this. Anyone else feel this way?

Huge problem nationwide.   http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/22/us/a-third-of-college-women-experience-unwanted-sexual-contact-study-finds.html?_r=0

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I don't blame Briles one bit. I DO blame poor parenting for the football players that committed multiple sexual assaults on their peers as well as the University for lowering their academic standards to accept these individuals. 

Briles gets paid to win football games - simple as that. Winning football games for some schools means bringing in inner city talent. Unfortunately that inner city talent brings baggage due to pathetic parenting and society giving free passes to kids with exceptional athletic ability vice holding them accountable from the minute they start school. Baylor accepted the
se individuals because they wanted to win - not because they were going to be the next round of doctors graduating from their medical school. When you lower your academic standards to allow individuals to a university that wouldn't be there other than for athletic purposes, you create risk for those other students that actually attend the university to further their knowledge process.

Briles didn't teach those players to abuse women - that's the parents fault for not teaching their kids right from wrong. Most times, the parents don't know right from wrong themselves. Blaming a coach is society's way of feeling better about themselves when in reality, the blame started 18-years prior when a mother got pregnant but wasn't responsible enough to raise the kid correctly with the father. For anyone crying that the father might have been out of the picture, well, maybe the mother should have selected the person she had sex with better (or better yet, used contraception). Someone will always find an excuse - but it comes down to irresponsible parenting. You raise your kids correctly, you rarely run into these issues.

How many people remember the academic review board that eventually led to Skip Holtz's downfall? I talked to a couple of coaches from that staff that were carryovers to Coach Taggart's staff and they said the academic review board torpedoed the Holtz regime (not saying that is solely the reason Holtz failed). Holtz has had a losing record four times in his coaching tenure - two of his three seasons at USF and then the first season at each institution he has coached at (ECU and La Tech). Now he hasn't necessarily had the success Briles has had (not many coaches have), but he has won eight or more games in six of the seven seasons where he didn't have a losing record. The other season he won seven games. 

How much do we value winning? If you can get away with a sexual assault or two a year, is it worth a 10 or 11 win season annually? Or should we implement an academic review board to help identify athletes that lack academic competence - let alone real world competence - and continue to wallow away in seven and eight win seasons if we're lucky. What blows my mind about sexual assault is how easy it is to hook up in college. You can't fix stupid - but society is so easy to forgive. 

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There is a lot more going on at Baylor. The President of Baylor got axed too. 

Baylor has had a lot of issues over the years. If I recall there was a basketball player involved in a murder and other issues. 


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15 hours ago, The Sheriff said:

I don't blame Briles one bit. I DO blame poor parenting for the football players that committed multiple sexual assaults on their peers as well as the University for lowering their academic standards to accept these individuals. 


It's not the abuse that got Briles fired, it's how things got handled.

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That  new stadium.........and the financial obligations. Oh my.


Briles  and his coaches covered up crimes. The school police department ( as did the Waco PD) covered up crimes, encouraged victims to not press charges, and the school retaliated against accusers. All at a Baptist school. That is one huge cluster grope.

During the run up to the Fiesta Bowl, a person close to UCF Football team  commented that many  of the Baylor team, and a even few Coaches, should be in jail. Now it makes sense.

Recruits are jumping ship already. #1 QB  recruit commented yesterday. This is not a Football issue, its a school going to the dark side for $ and fame. 



Edited by footnfan1
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