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Everything posted by Bullrush33

  1. USF or mainly the state of Florida is not a basketball destination. We have to get someone who has keen eye for hidden talent and development. As well as scheme for not having the biggest and most talented players. Hard task for sure but much like Coach Jef Scott and football you cant come here duplicate Duke or Kentucky and think you are going to win with sub par 3 stars. Man the last 4 stars we got couldnt even shoot. WHo evaluated these guys?
  2. JOhn Gruden hated rookie players. What do you think he is going to be like with college kids? Hard pass
  3. People keep mentioning Sanders but we dont even know if he is any good at coaching. He was getting those players not just because he was Deon but it was about bringing HBCUs to prominence.
  4. 2 Winning seasons in 6 years? Hard pass. I like the guy and he was a great defensive coordinator but doesnt mean he is a good head coach.
  5. If we dont get the Jim then my vote is Tom Herman. Man is a winner. Texas got antsy.
  6. You know that’s not going to happen. He is Pete Rose kind of dead.
  7. If we lost today: Just to give these kids confidence I think Coach Scott has to go today. They need to know they are not wasting their time and look forward to the future.
  8. The point is if we were not so bad he would have nothing to talk about it. The fact that we are that bad has nothing to do with him even though he derives pleasure. They are not mutually exclusive.
  9. As if we needed anymore evidence. I know, I know consider the source but the facts are what they are.
  10. I am just saying he is not a starting back for this offense. We could easily just ran Marsh on 4th and 1.
  11. I dont think he fist the offense anyways. When he was in he slowed us down. He is a power running back and needs to be on a Big 10 esque team
  12. Not if the spread met the definition of a blowout. Thus we need to define a blowout to properly analyze the ineptitude of this coaching staff.
  13. I thought we had seen our worst d cord in Chris Cosh and Woody but man this guy just takes the cake.
  14. Its tuesday and the answer to the question as to whether we should keep Jeff Scott is still:
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