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TRUTH D. Antagonist

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Everything posted by TRUTH D. Antagonist

  1. from my understanding, the medicine behind ACL surgery & rehab has improved dramatically in recent years. not sure if Horne will be exactly the same, but when you're starting with a baseline of Olympic speed u can lose a couple hundredths of a second on the 40 time & still be faster than 95% of players on the field. @Calibull, what was Horne's 40 before the injury? wasn't it high-4.2's or am I off on this one?
  2. really?? that cheap?? i can walk up to the box office & get $7 tickets in the 100's near the home bench? that's awesome
  3. how do u know my 8 year old isn't special? LOL thanks for the info. i assumed he'd need a ticket (a seat is a seat after all), just wasn't sure if there was different pricing for children. this will be his first Bulls game, I just wanted to know what to expect & get opinions on which games would be likely to provide the most impactful experience for a young Bulls fan. I don't follow college hoops as closely as I'd like to so I couldn't tell u how good Wichita State is (for ex.), but Houston looks like a good matchup. are Central fans better behaved at YuengLing than they are RayJay? I want to instill in my son a passionate distaste for Florida Central Theme Park Training Academy of Orlando but don't really want him surrounded by garbage either. Lol.
  4. BIG shout out to my peoples @ WMNF 88.5 for the hook up. which home games in Jan/Feb would u attend? im thinking Houston tomorrow & UCF next month look good... maybe Memphis & Temple? any women's games worth checking out? Also, does anyone know if there are special prices for kids (my son is 8 ) or will I need to use a voucher for him?
  5. I'm cheap. I go Publix 9 X out of 10, unless I really feel like ballin out & splurging on da 'Head. the secret to a good Publix sub, IMO, is Muenster cheese. they don't have it pre-cut but I don't mind making the entire line of customers behind me wait while they cut it fresh. lol.
  6. these quotes make my pants tight. "offensive autonomy" is all I needed to hear.
  7. ladies & gentlemen (& everyone in between) may I have your Attention please! I would like to make an announcement... after 11 years, half a dozen screen names & probably a ban or two here on TPB, I have finally won my first day! yes, off the strength of THIS fine thread right here, I have officially joined the ranks of TPB elite! i would like to thank God, Brad, & of course JTrue, without whose pettiness & generally disagreeable personality none of this would be possible. u like me! U really like me! take that take that take that.
  8. by the time this thread dies Chapel & Bry will be married with 3 children. Lol
  9. who is this guy? exactly how many QB's does USF have on the roster? i know Oladokun transferred & Kean is expected to follow suit if he hasn't already. that leaves: Barnett (Sr) Battle (RFr) McCloud (RFr/So ?) Trina (So ?) Evans (Fr) seems like a bit much.
  10. while Googling his name I ran across an article about a run in with HCSO involving a scheduled substance back in 2015. no idea if that had anything to do with his transfer but we know how CCS feels about that stuff. it doesn't seem Antoine harbors any ill will towards Strong tho. classy letter for a kid that found himself on the outs. anyways, his stats were by no means mind blowing but he did have a few decent games catching the ball & returning kicks. i wish him the best wherever he ends up.
  11. ****, I thought u had originally posted the Tweet so I tagged u in the quote. LOL. my bad. after Googling it appears Antoine was one of the 11 suspended players expected to be dismissed, according to TBT:
  12. is that DeAngelo Antoine? didnt he switch back & forth from receiver to DB & back again? dont know much about him, was he one of the CCS casualties that was pushed out or did he leave voluntarily based on playing time/opportunity? any other details @NewEnglandBull ?
  13. i know the reaction options are getting full with the recent addition of the dookie, crying face & CJL scowl reactions, but would it be possible to add one more? with the number of know-it-alls on this board displaying intense levels of pettiness, semantics & the sheer joy some members seem to get from correcting the most minor of imprecise comments, I think a COOKIE reaction would be a fantastic addition to the next round of Reaction Expansion. corrected someone's grammar? pointed out a relatively insignificant error? can't comprehend hyperbole? take that take that take that *P.Diddy voice*
  14. awesome! he won a championship within his first 3 seasons. close enough for me.
  15. the thing about Kerwin is he is innovative. He BUILT the Jacksonville program, from my understanding, from the ground up without scholarship athletes & with minimal support from an AD & university administration that weren't fully committed to the program (sound familiar?). he made VSU a dominant championship team within a relatively short period of time. from all indications, he's a very good evaluator of talent. this is key not just when it comes to recruiting talented athletes, but in identifying their strengths & putting them in a position to succeed. he also has history with Charlie, who was a grad assistant at UF when Kerwin walked on & put the Gators on the path to being a successful program. this is relevant because that connection to CCS may be key in giving Strong the confidence to loosen the reins & let Bell run the offense with minimal restrictions. this has been part of the biggest speculations about Strong's relationship with his assistants: how much autonomy does he give them? how much of last season was Gilbert sucking ass & how much was Strong being tightfisted & limiting his coordinators? we'll find out with Bell. finally, there is a very reasonable possibility that Bell's connection to UF along with all the other UF-USF interaction recently (hey, did u hear our starting running back transferred from UF??) may prove beneficial to USF. if we're going to cast doubt on Bell, or any other offensive coordinator, simply because he has the HB Dive in his playbook, then there are literally no adequate OC's out there because EVERY coach has that play in the playbook. Bell may not be a "home run" hire in terms of national perception, but relative to the situation at USF he makes a whole lot of sense.
  16. this team has to fix this ASAP. 15 missed free throws cost this team a win at Temple & directly impacted their losses vs. GTown, Citadel & Tulsa.
  17. even if Marquel had any knowledge of CCS' system it would only be of minimal concern at best in terms of scouting & gameplanning for us. Kerwin is overhauling the offense with what are sure to be new wrinkles to the Fun & Gun given his cupboard of FBS athletes (Cronk, Ford, Wilcox, St. Felix, Horne, McDoom). I'm sure the "mole" reference is sarcasm, but i see no reason to wish anything other than the best for Marquel Blackwell, even if it's a job at an in-conference rival. with the exception of games against us or games that affect our conference standing, i'll be pulling for him to succeed. he is still USF's original GOAT QB & has a spot on USF's Mount Rushmore of QB's along with Matt, BJ & Q.
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