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Everything posted by MMW

  1. We still need to win, we need more fans. We are more competitive or whatever than some of the bottom feeders in those leagues but that is not going to convince anyone. "We suck slightly less than a team you have a 100 year history with" is not a winning argument.
  2. The one at the student center where I went to college let you specify how much money you wanted down to the penny. Actually as a college student it was great being able to take out $1.67 when that was all you had in the account.
  3. This sums things up. We have no idea whether there is a problem at QB or not based on this move. If CCS reached out to him then that implies he either didn't like what he saw in Brett or Chris or he saw Barnett play and took a shot at asking him to come here regardless. We may never know but one thing is certain, it will be endlessly debated here and when it all said and done there will be winners and losers but who they are will also be the subject of endless debate.
  4. According to this article he is coming? http://www.bradenton.com/sports/college/article210772079.html
  5. He probably feels he deserves more jumbotron time than the Wizard so expect a twitter rant coming.
  6. Thanks, I liked the intensity I saw I'm Sands during limited action. The kid ran with a chip on his shoulder.
  7. I feel like you mixed a couple of metaphors there or something but I totally agree. I do have a question for the board because I am not up to speed. Who are our power backs and who are the shifty fast guys?
  8. He is upset that the line coach did not give him reps, I am sorry but most of us have played football right? Did you behave this way when things didn't seem fair to you? Anyway, he went to the head coach who naturally would defer to the guy he actually hired to manage this kind of thing. As for the voting thing, that must be something they do. I think it is pretty telling that they actually cut him loose though. That means his peers agreed with the coach - red flag number 1. The guy sounds a wee bit entitled to me and that he wasn't good enough to start and the kid didn't agree - when I read between the lines. He then proceeded to take to twitter which is another red flag.
  9. Can anyone refresh my memory about the personnel moves for that game?
  10. LOL, even 2 for 1 sounds expensive but I will consider your offer.
  11. “Everybody would tell me I was the best player for the position, but still, I’d never see the field,” Larkin said. “Other players would tell me they were most comfortable when I was on the line. Still, I’d never even see ones (first team) action during practices.” My wife forces me to watch American Idol but every season the interview people who are outraged that the judges don't see their talent the way everyone else claims to.
  12. Whistleblowing or disgruntled? I hate the term disgruntled but it seems to fit in this case since it seems to be all about him and his starting time.
  13. Kind of yea. I mean he has been in games which is much faster that practice. I mean, who knows? Its off-season and this is all speculation.
  14. Right, we are talking about exactly the same thing. In order for them to be equal, Chris O would have to be showing more potential just to be in consideration. In other words, outperforming Kean somewhat in drills and practice. Maybe showing more spark. At this point, I would expect Kean to be outperforming due to his experience.
  15. Kean has more game time experience and more college experience overall and that should give him the edge. If they are tied at this point, at least to me, it implies that Chris Oladokun will win out.
  16. I agree with both of these HOWEVER, and I should have said this originally, even when he ran he seemed less effective. It could be due to not having a future NFL RB in the backfield (the defense more focused on him) but was that always the case when he had Dynamic® plays in the past?
  17. I am not even following how combine. He ran a 40? From what I hear he wants to be a QB at the next level and that is what my comments are based on. He does not have what they are looking for in that position because his skills will be neutralized at the next level. Could he be a good wide receiver? I guess so but is he even catching balls out there? Running routes? There's no film of him doing any of those things so now is the time. I'm not counting him out as I'm as big a fan as anybody. Go back and look at my history here and there's no bigger cheerleader regarding his play or his character even in the year the offense struggled and people wanted Bench or Woulard. I'm a fan of the team and rarely single out players because I know they're human beings and I don't go in for hero worship. My wife always ask me whose name I want on a back of a jersey she's getting me as a gift and I always tell her nobody. Next time I might actually say Flowers because I have that much respect for him. Here is with my kids and I I'm not even sure I have had them take a picture with any other bull. This is the only picture we wanted. He was elusive against FSU and South Carolina but last year he lost a step in my opinion because he didn't have as many Dynamic plays, either they started to figure him out or something else was going on. That's not a character flaw it's just something that I observed. Maybe the statistics don't back me up I don't know. Either way with his build he would take some serious hits at the next level and I don't see him or any QB with his build taking the kind of pounding he would be subjected to for very long.
  18. At the pro level, everyone is fast and last year teams started to figure out how to address QF's elusive moves. He has a lot of strike against him, most glaring are his height and arm. What he has going FOR him is neutralized at the next level due the the shear athleticism of the talent he will face. Not to mention the injuries that his type of play puts him at risk (guys are bigger and stronger hitting harder).
  19. I note your sarcasm but the attendance for all those teams would be pretty insane and there are several teams in that league that would be in contention every year for the NC. I know it's a pipe dream but it would be a really fun league.
  20. It seems to me that people are less interested in football in general. I have had trouble watching the NFL since the salary cap. I think now I struggle with watching it because I know these guys are destroying their bodies and minds.
  21. I think this looks good, I just hope we land a few JUCO's or a grad transfers at LB. I am sure the coaches know how shallow we are there.
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