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Posts posted by Economics_Nerd82

  1. I'm gonna disagree with that one. There's so many different organizations that I'm sure it would be abused. I think limiting it to the few groups I mentioned and leaving the rest as general admission would be best. The Greeks already sit together in the corner, let them pay a little extra and have those sections in the corner to themselves. By having the Beef Studs and SBC have those front row seats reserved, they can leverage it to promote membership so more students can get better seats.

    That is a good point.

    I think it can be a perception thing. People sitting right next to those groups paid money for the seats and the groups didn't. Not to mention that, from my understanding, the concessions don't go to USF.

    Well the groups I mentioned were young children so they couldnt pay for those anyway. Maybe they can give them to a school for a large discount and make it a thin like 'the entire 2nd grade class from Freedom High school' or something like that.

    The others were servicemen and military. Pretty sure no one is complaining there. Especially when most of the seats are empty anyway.

    I was referring to outrunner and his Greek/ROTC idea for the student section. I have no personal problem with giving a block of tickets to servicemen.

  2. 300 only gets filled for big games like this weekend.

    200 level is typically for the straggler who tailgate past the start of the game.

    140 & 143 is for the HoT

    103 & 106 has become the unofficial Greek section.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes to the student section.

    - Eliminate the 300 level seats all together.

    - Turn 103, 106, 205, & 206 into the Greek section, where the Greeks can get actual reserved seats for their house and can sit together.

    - Allow the front rows of 150 and 149 to be reserved for the Beef Studs (150) and Student Bulls Club (149). They already traditionally sit there, just make it official. It would help membership for the two most prominent support groups.

    - Create a reserved section for ROTC students who come dressed in their uniforms (along with getting them a real cannon to fire).

    I think any official student organization should be allowed to petition for a block of seats.

    I'm gonna disagree with that one. There's so many different organizations that I'm sure it would be abused. I think limiting it to the few groups I mentioned and leaving the rest as general admission would be best. The Greeks already sit together in the corner, let them pay a little extra and have those sections in the corner to themselves. By having the Beef Studs and SBC have those front row seats reserved, they can leverage it to promote membership so more students can get better seats.

    We can respectfully disagree. But, I don't think we should exclude organizations just because they don't fall into the aforementioned groups. I'm sure there are large student organizations that would love to sit with one another.

    In either case, I don't see Athletics implementing any such plan.

  3. 300 only gets filled for big games like this weekend.

    200 level is typically for the straggler who tailgate past the start of the game.

    140 & 143 is for the HoT

    103 & 106 has become the unofficial Greek section.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes to the student section.

    - Eliminate the 300 level seats all together.

    - Turn 103, 106, 205, & 206 into the Greek section, where the Greeks can get actual reserved seats for their house and can sit together.

    - Allow the front rows of 150 and 149 to be reserved for the Beef Studs (150) and Student Bulls Club (149). They already traditionally sit there, just make it official. It would help membership for the two most prominent support groups.

    - Create a reserved section for ROTC students who come dressed in their uniforms (along with getting them a real cannon to fire).

    I just can't see USF reserving seating for Greeks, unless of course, there were donations involved.

    Doesnt make sense why they wouldnt. If there was competition for those seats I could understand. There needs to be a more organized effort on the part of the seating at the stadium. There should be a section dedicated to Military/Firemen/Police(or all 3), a section for a Boys and Girls club, a school, club, etc Something to get the younger generation involved in USF football.

    Again, there isnt any real competition for these seats at the moment. Maybe if there was, more people wouldnt take them for granted. The school isnt losing any money since they dont sell out anyway. Get these people into the stadium to watch our product!! Do whatever it takes! Get people paying for parking and concessions. USF creates good will with the TB community, more people are at the games, more people have increased interest in our athletics and our school, more people can take pride in our school, we look less ****** on TV, I could go on forever. Think of it like the Free-to-play concept video games and other forms of media are taking. If you give your customers a free/limited demo, but show them what you can really do if you upgrade/buy full price, they will be more inclined to do so. Give them a foot in the door already and they will be more likely to get that second foot in. If they choose not to, you've lost nothing.

    Im sure there are other variables at work here, but what does the school lose by giving away these seats for specific groups? Does it cost the students money? Does it cost the athletic dept money? What does the school lose by putting bodies there?

    I think it can be a perception thing. People sitting right next to those groups paid money for the seats and the groups didn't. Not to mention that, from my understanding, the concessions don't go to USF.

  4. 300 only gets filled for big games like this weekend.

    200 level is typically for the straggler who tailgate past the start of the game.

    140 & 143 is for the HoT

    103 & 106 has become the unofficial Greek section.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes to the student section.

    - Eliminate the 300 level seats all together.

    - Turn 103, 106, 205, & 206 into the Greek section, where the Greeks can get actual reserved seats for their house and can sit together.

    - Allow the front rows of 150 and 149 to be reserved for the Beef Studs (150) and Student Bulls Club (149). They already traditionally sit there, just make it official. It would help membership for the two most prominent support groups.

    - Create a reserved section for ROTC students who come dressed in their uniforms (along with getting them a real cannon to fire).

    I think any official student organization should be allowed to petition for a block of seats.

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