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Everything posted by 80mins

  1. This reminds me of comedian Godfrey's impression of his Nigerian father: "Who will pay for eet?"
  2. It's probably just moved back a day for this year--no bowls on Sundays (NFL).
  3. Further, the areas surrounding U Mall certainly aren't the "big bad ghetto".
  4. Agreed--and if you see that bull coming, don't you DARE break formation! Ask yourself, 'what's more important, the show or my life', and take it! (my band director actually used to say something akin to this!)
  5. No one wants to get used to typing POCS (practically on campus stadium) Ideally (if just picking up and moving things was an option, which we all know it's not) it would make sense ot move our med school facilities to the former mall location and keep a stadium on our side of BBD.
  6. Not in the greatest neighborhood? It's barely in a neighborhood, and it's practically on campus--you've only got to get through University Square I and II (or whatever the hell they're calling the Deuce these days) to get to the mall. on the other sides is bordered by a lake/pond/wetland or some sort and a retirement community or two. What's wrong with it? That being said, I wonder if, in acquiring the mall, they would take out University Square Drive and those apartments for additional student housing or allow that disconnect between campus and other campus property.
  7. It'd be a pseudo home game for us as well. Trouble is, a USF home game and a ND home game mean two entirely different things.
  8. As soon as we can get them to market a GREENBULL product. :-)
  9. Is there an older one that I missed, or are you saying someone oughta make it happen? Cuz I'm all over it if it starts or needs to start.
  10. I definitely agree with you that we should have hopped on this, and have from the beginning. However, I think "any time, anywhere under any circumstance" is quite foolhardy. I think that we should make the occasional 2 for 1 exception, as in this case, but certainly don't wanna make a habit of those or one-for-nothin's.
  11. Our friendly neighborhood UCFers will mess their pants that they got a name-drop, despite being 10 of 11.
  12. I would say that by and large, USF isn't quite as *ahem* crimson under the collar as the rest of the SEC. Southeastern yes, but the South we are not.
  13. Were there other changes before that alleviated this, or do they intend for the ACC to be a 13 team conference? At any rate, ridiculous, IMO. Though I would love to see USF regularly in competition here in NC.
  14. Hmm... sounds like a classic Oedipus complex to me. So, Bullshater, tell me about your relationship with your mother...
  15. Ha, indeed. Hater, Jealousy is a sickness. Get well soon!
  16. I'm all for an even "series"--0 and 0 at a neutral site works for me.
  17. They just called us Florida. WTF?! ???
  18. I think that depends on if you are looking at the average of each set or our closest competitor in each. If the latter, I'd have to say bottom three, because I think we are closer to UCF than anyone else, or than any of us care to admit. If we're talking the average/total picture of either set, however, I'd definitely say big three.
  19. Beer Schmeer. We'll learn to sneak it in like the rest of the NCAA. Love me some beer, but I'd trade it all quickly for an on-campus gameday. Nothing like the excitement of campus spilling over into the stadium and vice versa. At Ray jay, the game day is finite--from whenever you arrive at the stadium (however early that may be) to when you leave after all is said and done. On-campus stadium means all **** day--in the residence halls, across campus, game day parade--all the things you can't do with what we've got. And let's not forget the green and gold playing in a pewter and red stadium that might have our logo as part of the field art if the day is right. I agree with many that it won't happen over night, but to continue to be enslaved in the deal we have isn't in our best interest, financially or otherwise.
  20. I'm suprised no one's said it yet... ...HUGGINS! (I'm kidding, of course)
  21. Yup, you can see what they've got at http://www.mostcolorfulfan.com. And as is too often the case, our team isn't one of them. But that's on Glidden, (and for all we know, possibly us, depending on licensing or lack thereof) not Home Depot.
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