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Everything posted by Bausfkid

  1. You and I agree on a lot. This is not one of those times. I trust CBG knows and understands far more than me about the game and how / why this helps us. Go Bulls!
  2. This was a coaching masterpiece. I defy you to find any basketball team at any level and take their top four players off the roster and have them compete and win. Short term pain, long term gain for this team. This will pay huge dividends down the road. Great job CJF and staff.
  3. This entire “tournament” is a joke.
  4. Jesus, the CBI. Half step up from The Pinellas County AAU Mayhem Tournament this weekend.
  5. Next year's expectations will be monumental and there will be people calling for CBG's termination.
  6. I have a terrible feeling we will be hearing about a tragedy associated with him. All the variables are in place. I hope I'm wrong. Best of luck Mike.
  7. And in other news MBB was picked to finish dead last in the AAC and WBB was picked to finish 2nd and push UConn for the American crown. This is why we play the games.
  8. I had the same thoughts. I could only imagine the meltdown USF fans would have had if that foul with .8 seconds left that sent Collins to the line was called against us if the roles were reversed. Three guys going for the ball and the ref calls a foul. Wow.
  9. Through the years we have had many online battles and have viewed topics differently. Not her. Your comment is spot on. BTW, in regulation and in hindsight how big was the very first Bull’s missed free throw? That one and every subsequent miss counts just as much as the last two. Go Bulls!
  10. Wouldn't have been there without him. Can't put it on him. Team game.
  11. I didn't see any of the game. After reviewing the box score it looks like after we got punched in the mouth we settled down and responded. Stats, other than shooting percentage were very competitive. Go Bulls!
  12. Hahaha. This is because you are still a prospect. Once you become a client the game changes. congrats.
  13. Nah, that’s a BIG step up from ASU, but he has the pedigree.
  14. That’s a creative stretch for sure. Hurley will be pointed in the correct direction, back east where hoops matters. To even call it hoops west of the Mississippi is a creative stretch.
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