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Everything posted by Bausfkid

  1. He was terminated. Maybe USF could have a promotional theme with terminated coaches? Heath, COA and Jim. It may put butts in seats.
  2. Everyone play hard and may no one get hurt. Go Bulls!
  3. Now we are agreeing B3. My grandmother before she passed always said, “getting old ain’t for wimps”. Now it’s another family member. Thanks for the kind words Brad. One day at a time.
  4. It’s a good question. I absolutely would have gone, but I’m dealing with a very ill (terminal) relative and that’s why I’m in town. The games were an add on. I’m making frequent trips here that are not good or fun. Today was dealing with issues and family with zero time for anything else trip.
  5. When my 5th grader (girls) consistently play from March to June in front of 300-400 on the AAU circuit it’s embarrassing we can’t get 5K to watch a solid team in an OCA. People still think we should build an OCS for football. Emotion far outweighs logic. Go Bulls (oh wait, even this is ********)
  6. Hardly. I was at the Women’s Final Four and keeping an eye on the Bull’s game. I’m super happy they won. I’m sure you were there to greet the team with the other 14 or so fans. Why is it so hard to understand this tournament was third rate? Attendance and interest certainly spoke volumes. Are they on their way up? Yes, I think so. Will attendance improve? History says no. Go Bulls!
  7. Watch out. You’re very close to hating USF and not a true fan. This a GREAT accomplishment and should help propel us into the Final Four if the NCAA Tournament next you. Anything less would be a failure. Heck, we may even get 3K to show up for games once or twice next year based on this year’s championship. Go Bulls!
  8. If you guys are cool with a cut rate tourney and 1,800 showing up I'm cool with it. On a different note, the city of Tampa and it's population does not support USF thru athletics. I'm not blaming anyone, just making a factual observation. Here's another fact, "Go Bulls"!
  9. Ok, then I'm good with 1,800 attending. Thanks for setting me straight. Forget that DePaul's student population is half of Usf. Go Bulls!
  10. Yes, that was me. I don't think it does much for us. It's a third world tourney. Did I watch, yep, because I love USF. As I said in an earlier post the leadership at USFAA knows far more than I do. Nothing more than my opinion. This team has far, far exceeded anyone's expectations and they should be supported by our fan base. The fact that only 2,500 people showed up last night is a total embarrassment. I've been very critical of the Tampa area and the lack of support for a university that has such a massive financial impact on it. Heck, my 5th daughter's AAU team played in a Championship game last weekend and I would estimate the crowd around the court to be 400 or so. BTW, someone in an earlier post questioned or commented on my "Go Bulls" as my sign off. Go back and do some investigation of any of my posts. The vast majority have "Go Bulls" as my sign-off. The ability to not fill a 10K OCA shows exactly why we don't have an OCS and why one will not be built until we consistently put at least 40K in Ray Jay no matter the opponent. Go Bulls!
  11. Attendance of 2,500 in a state of the art OCA and the team playing for a championship is embarrassing. Wow! Go Bulls!
  12. A state of the art OCA and the men playing for a tourney championship I would expect at the least a full house. Attendance update? Go Bulls!
  13. Thanks everyone for setting me straight. Let’s win the CBI and host a parade on Holly Drive. I’m all in now. Go Bulls!
  14. I guess I look at the CBI as a third world opportunity at best. The men had a good year, not great. Far better than anyone expected. Throwing $$$ at the CBI for me is a tough pill to swallow. NIT I’m all in. I could only image if the tables were turned and our hated enemies 90 miles to the east were where are now the lashings they would be taking from some on this board over being all excited over the CBI trophy. BTW, if we win do we buy our own trophy?
  15. Far smarter people than me run USF and if those leaders think it's a good opportunity than it is. My opinion is not based on any conjured up motive. No one could ever question my love for my university. IMO CBG should be coach of the year in the AAC. This team was picked dead last in preseason polls. He and his staff have done an amazing job. This tournament (IMO) is nothing in the world of college hoops. Tampa, heck, even USF students haven't supported this team during this tournament. If you're into it and passionate about it great. I have a different opinion. Monday night should be fun and I want them to win. The juice is not worth the squeeze. Go Bulls!
  16. Looked like the two teams combined for more points than butts in seats.
  17. JK had a pretty story on the cost. I'm going to start a hoops tourney. You'll be shocked at what this has/will cost us.
  18. You bet. Have it. Perhaps I'm the only one that does get it. From the looks of all the empty seats maybe I'm not.
  19. I guess. Seems like close to $100K could be put to better use.
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