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Everything posted by Mission9

  1. After the safety, only the good diehards we're left . Didn't have the heart to say anything negative.
  2. Yeah. I didn't want to rain on everyone's parade but call me a pessimist who is tired of ineptitude.
  3. Nothing I have stated is against your opinions. Your opinion, even when I disagree, is usually warranted. One of the few reasons I am only now posting my dismay. He had the credentials but still came across as a fraud to me.
  4. Steve, being the most amusing poster. I dislike UF immensely, but is USF were to defeat them, I would call for his dismissal.
  5. In any event, this is embarrassing and not what we were sold. Yes, expected a loss but a less then 30 points loss
  6. By the way, I held my nose and voted for Bushie twice. Dislike the guy but wasn't voting for the mentality ill Gore or totally elitist Kerry.
  7. First of all, your " Big Guy" is a stumblebum, bringing up the orange man to deflect changes nothing. You know, Trump does a lot of unorthodox things but he has yet to mess with MY, yes MY livelihood which is what I care about . What does ten percent for the big guy mean?
  8. I know it's difficult to understand but I hated the neocons while I was in school and now hate, yes hate the regressives
  9. Haha, independent witha disdain for some so called"conservatives" . Not everyone is either or and Biden is a corrupt stumblebum.
  10. Once again, I am not your typical republican. Independent with an objective, rational point of view. Lol, don't be short and put me in a box which your mind understands.
  11. Some don't understand you can point out incompetence without necessarily liking the " other" side. Biden is a corrupt stumblebum from my rational, yes rational, point of view.
  12. Even he didn't suck behind like this. Ok, I expected a loss but.......
  13. I am totally on your side now. expected a loss but not this
  14. I like immigrants but not illegal invaders. Not Republican just have a rational point ofviewso not on the politics board
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