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Bishop of Bulltown

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Everything posted by Bishop of Bulltown

  1. what the hell is this all about?? I'm lost...
  2. just watched a replay of the Largo v. Seminole game, and this kid looks awesome!! makes me excited about the future, now all we need is a QB...
  3. I find it hard to believe that WVU is only favored by two after last week's outing for both teams
  4. I don't think we have the answer yet maybe next year we can recruit one
  5. rain or shine, our passing game will still suck I say bring the rain, at least it'll hopefully make the other team one dimesional like us
  6. Inconsistency + turnovers = sucky USF football and yes, we do have a stud, too bad he doesn't have the players around him to make his last year special...
  7. Speaking of feeling bad for people, the person I feel bad for the most is Andre Hall. This guy is our stud and we're wasting his era away with terrible QB output. If we even had a DECENT QB we would have ridden on Dre's shoulders all the way to a Big East title...awful, just awful
  8. The game just looked so gross yesterday Cubanbull. I don't know if you made it to the SunDome or if you watched it some other way, but we flat out looked disgusting. I want a team that is going to make us look good in a bowl game. Not one that is going to inspire commentators to talk about how weak the Big East really is when lowly USF can make it to a bowl game, and the fact we lost to Pitt for pete's sake.
  9. That's the thing, turnovers on the road IS USF football guys. I wish this weren't so, and I don't know what remedies this massive problem. Our loss wasn't a fluke, we shot ourselves in the foot like we have at EVERY major away game in recent history...I expected big things from our Bulls after Louisville, but now it's clear that THAT was a fluke and the Bulls have a knack for always letting me down. I even started saving money in my poker account for a bowl game...now i can blow it on the "Bishop's Little Urban Achievers Fund" located at Mons Venus > > >
  10. nope, totally different "Pittsburgh" it was the University's version of the word and not the pro team's
  11. I'd kind of be embarassed if we ended up at a bowl, we suck big time! On the flip side, I would also be embarassed if UCF gets to a bowl before we do. There's only one word for yesterday: disgusting
  12. hahaha comical smazz post, i love it. I'm with you too smazz, I generally agree with everything you have to say.
  13. I think we need to send one of our coaches on a nationwide search for a friggin D-1 QB that can compete in a BCS conference for god's sake!! The way Julmiste played today showed me that he should be playing for a middle of the pack D-1AA team, if not D-II. All I can say that is positive about this game is that Andre is a total stud!! He is the only person on that team with the heart and composure to go out there on every play and light it up like it was his last chance to win the game. It's really a shame that we have to waste the all too short Andre Hall era at USF with a crappy QB situation that's going to get us no where's close to a Big East title. :-/
  14. not too shabby, both lower sides of the court were pretty full. I'd probably estimate around 1k, i might be off though, i'm not good with counting people.
  15. I didn't think our red zone offense was that bad... am I wrong???
  16. The student tailgating is usually in the mall if you wanna check out the eye candy ;D
  17. I salute your pessimism and skepticism Pariah, as I am frequently among the skeptics. Although I tend to believe this year's team is leaps and bounds above last year's team. PJ might not be the best QB in the nation, but as Velcro points out, he's vastly improving. Yeah, the 'Ville win was won on big plays (some of which you might call gimmicks) but that's a part of the game, don't you think Leavitt saw a weakness in film and chose to exploit it to the fullest. I'd rather have a win on gimmick plays than a loss with "regular" plays. The defense IS legitimate! Rivals the 2002 team. Having said that, our team has its weaknesses and we have a tough road ahead to run the tables if we even can, but we are a different team, if anything just more mature.
  18. i wish i could find that post from a goofball Ville fan that said to "not even think about Louisville scoring less than 40" in the prediction contest thread...what a clown :
  19. I guess I'm one of the youngins on the block, I'm 20
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