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Everything posted by bullman3

  1. I seriously doubt we have the current coach past April 1. If we do, then there are larger problems that should be addressed with the athletic department. Now is the best time to start the discussions of who would do a good job in building this program back to where it should be. We should be able to tempt a coach away from reno, with the lure of coaching a team from FL that is in the Big East. I am sure most coaches dream about coaching in a big time conference like the Big East. Playing san jose state and fresno state or uconn, notre dame, villanova and syracuse? Hmm tough one. I don't want to hire a no name coach that doesnt have a proven track record of winning, like crm at western mich (save the talk of his final year's record) or an assistant. We need a coach like nevada's who has shown he can take a team into the top 25 and consistently win. What other coaches come to mind?
  2. So are half the topics on this board, but they are still discussed.
  3. Tulsa? I am surprised they didnt look at other coaches, Boise State?
  4. If so lets go after this guy. He has built a solid program at Nevada. It can't be easy recruiting kids to play in Reno, playing in the WAC. Where is he recruiting, with all the schools in CA? Not many kids in NV to go after with only 2 major cities, LV and Reno. Would his name recognition be big enough to help our program? Would he leave UN-R (Nevada) for USF? Could he recruit in this part of the country? If he can build a program at UNR, I think he could do it at USF.
  5. There are 1000s of bulls fans that feel the same way Mid Atlantic. Obviously the AD hasnt realized that yet. I guess because he never realized we used to have a much larger following.
  6. With that being said, we have a crucial stretch over the next 7 games, 5 of which are at home. If we can win 4 of those 7 games, then we will be fine. Come on, do you really think we will win 4 of those 7 games? I was at the same place you are, but I was there several years ago. Come to grips, young skywalker and come to the realization that usf is in a horrible state. Its not healthy to be in such denial of the facts. USF will be lucky to win 2 of those 7, but I am banking on just 1 win.
  7. I agree, the vt win wasnt a win for the darksiders. I wanted seth out of here as much as I want crm out. In fact it was Seth's teams that didnt live up to all the hype and expectations, and his inability to win the big games at usf that probably helped put usf in its current state of horribleness. crm just isnt the guy to turn it around. Seth had some big crowds, usf bball was exciting and people wanted to comeout for games, that is towards the beginning of his time at usf. Then some late season losing streaks for a couple years in a row started to disappoint the crowds. Ever time we had 6,000+ fans in the dome seth would lose. It was the 6000 jinx. Well you want to perform well in front of a crowd like that so they want to come back for more. Instead we lose miserably, reducing people's desire to come back. Now they sure arent going to come back to watch crm lose. Attendance is at a 20 year low people, that speaks for itself of what alumni, and fans think of the current state of usf bball. They dont want to support it. They might watch it on tv, or look up the score in the paper, but they arent excited about driving out to the dome and watching the game in person. USF's highest attended game ever, was against UNC-C. CHARLOTTE, over 10400 people attended the game vs CHARLOTTE. Obviously there was some interest in usf bball at that time. WE dont get a third of that now and cant even get half that when we play major household names like ND, Georgetown, etc.
  8. Makes the shock of losing to us even better. They anticipate possibly losing to wvu, but it will be heard to deal with losing to usf 3 straight times in tampa.
  9. I attended 3 levels of bowls this year, the PapaJohns.com, the Outback and the Orange. I have been to a few Outback games, as well as the Meinke, but the Orange was the first BCS game I have attended. I was torn the whole game on who I wanted to win. I tried to convince myself that I wanted UL to win because it would be good for the conference, but I found myself getting excited on big WF plays. I think in my heart I wanted WF to win just because of our history with UL, dating back to basketball and the Denny Crum era (Newbies, ask about those days),and to see the look of despair on the faces of those fans in red, but I knew the Big East would benefit from the UL win. Anyway, the atmosphere from the tailgating, to the pregame events, to the half time show, and everything else was far above that of any other bowl I have been to. Of course I was more into the game during the Meinke and PapaJohns, but the level of excitement and the overall atmosphere was so much higher at the Orange Bowl. The whole time I was just wishing and picturing USF being there in the near future. Could 07 be our year? Or will it be '08? Either way, I just hope we can field a team that can beat ul, wvu, pitt and ru the next couple of years so we can experience the BCS game watching USF.
  10. "I want to be in an environment where you can make a difference in a young man's life," Clark said. "Where you can make them better men, fathers and husbands. And you can't do that at USF? Strange! BTW - CJL has already told kravitz he can come back if he wants. Sounds like kravitz will stay in NC though since his wife has a great job. He may coach hs from what I have heard.
  11. Auburn is a for sure thing, Rutgers is a most likely and fau is maybe.
  12. Good win, yes, especially on national tv. But all it does is provide false hope to all the mac bullievers and extends the inevitable of him being canned. In my opinion mac isnt right for usf, and this win, while good for the players, isnt good for the overall program because it only prevents mac from hitting rock bottom and being canned. But alas I will reserve all further comments until the season is over since that seems to be the motto at usf. I am now going into lurk mode.
  13. They were right, very few usf fans are going downtown to watch crm lead the bulls to another loss. The number of hard core bball fans has dwindled to less then 1500, so I would estimate there to be 1000 -1500 usf fans at the ice palace.
  14. Young Anican, you still have a bit of the force in you, just let go and truly enter the darkside. Thinking usf has any hope in winning tonight is giving in to the force and not accepting how awful our program really is.
  15. Yet, she and Doug felt keeping crm was best for USF. I can see why since fans are breaking down the doors to get into the sundome to watch games. Not sure how they felt keeping him was the best thing to do. Very poor decision.
  16. Make it #4 in a row. Can the streak end at 5 with a win against bcc before a new streak in the be begins, or will crm's demise come sooner with another loss to bcc this year, making the losing streak at 6 going into the be schedule.
  17. A new men's basketball coach, not much else, besides get rolling on the new athletic facilities.
  18. How about running out of water once again. The area around the stadium is in dire need of revitalization.
  19. A friend of mine, who is a huge fsu fan, watched the bowl game with me and commented several times usf would likely beat fsu this year. I agree that fsu has a deeper team with more top talent, but we are closing in and playing better with the better players that we keep signing. FSU had a down year, and didnt click. So did miami. We need to capitalize and make this signing class our best ever. I agree that we have the easiest route to the bcs game, and I hope cjl is selling that to recruits.
  20. BBS, what has Mac done to impress you? I don't see why anyone would want to stick with this guy. 4 years of the same horrible basketball with absolute dismal attendance tells you that most feel the same way as herman, reuben, and myself. If people loved what mac was doing, they would be at the sundome every game in droves. Instead you can hear the cockroaches eating the stale popcorn in the bowls of the sundome. USF fans gave up, and crm isnt the guy to bring them back. But as long as he is pleasing the very few and far between I guess thats ok. Its not like college basketball is all about money and winning anyway.
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