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Everything posted by AndytheBull

  1. Oh yes, how dare we take 9 years to make it to a bowl game. I cant believe we didnt go in 97. In the words of smazza, we should have fired CJL after that. :
  2. Shoop, I just thought of another example: Anthony Severino, hes been our 3rd/4th string QB for 3 or 4 years now. Its been reported before that during the summer workouts he is out there running the offense, and I'm sure he works his butt off. When he is a senior (he has 1 more year I think) should we just say well he only played in one game his career, screw him. (No there probably wouldnt be a specific thread about him, it'd be thanking seniors, but you get the idea).
  3. Its on the front page of scout, but it doesnt say who in the headline and I'm not a member, but its there so something to look for in the paper tommorow. (Is this ok to post that the info is on another site? I dont want to break the no ads rule)
  4. Can we please get the link to his page removed off this thread
  5. I also believe he was suspended for a while during football season.
  6. I actually think some questions were raised during the Garcia blog, but anyway I dont know if its 1. a good idea b/c of the possible ramifications, and 2. dont want to piss him off because he has a ton of messages from people he doesnt know.
  7. Glad to hear he's doing good! How long is the recovery time?
  8. Thanks I just looked ahead on the guide and it is listed tommorow at 3PM.
  9. Some stuff would have happened anyway, but that was stupid to have both schools fans on the same side. I realize they were trying to hide it for the cameras, but come on.
  10. I didnt know about that w/ the Sheraton, and Dart bus. I stayed at the Doubletree which was within walking distance of Jim and Nicks and my group didnt have any problems w/ the hotel (except checking out the ppl at the desk said, "Theres going to be a Bar-B-Q after the game, the Pirates are going to slaughter the Bulls, my response: that was so funny I'll stay at the Sheraton next time I'm here)
  11. Personally, I think there is more potential to for a rivalry to develop w/ Louisville than ucf. The history(Metro, C-USA, Big East), the record in football, we play them in other sports in conference play.
  12. I figured that may have been what you intended to say, but even that is not necessarily accurate.  We averaged 22,000+ this last year with a 3-9 record.  That's the worst record in UAB history along with the highest per game attendance average in UAB history.  UAB is at the point now where we're still going to gain some fans pretty slowly no matter how we do on the field.  Hopefully the new coach will at least lead UAB to a bowl game every other year or so. As far as the idea by Apis, I'd say that's not likely.  The bowl game is operated by ESPN Regional.  One of the higher ups in ESPN Regional administration is a former UAB athletic department official.  He's a big supporter of Birmingham and UAB.  That's not to say Tampa might not get a bowl game some day, but it won't likely be this one.  I think the lack of interest shown by some of the locals that you speak of speaks to UAB's entire problem in terms of generating alot of fan interest.  This is the very reason professional sports aren't likely to be terribly successful in this state.  If it's not Alabama and it's not Auburn, it's not important... or so most of this state seems to think.  I cant tell you if your joking or not, but you do realize Tampa has the Outback Bowl right? And I believe in a previous life it was the Hall of Fame bowl that originated in Bham and moved to Tampa.
  13. Shoop, Pat could have made this year much harder on Grothe than what he did. As TKBlue is saying, not all players are team players. He turned out to be a better backup than starter, hell he could have even turned into Glenn Gaunt after Grothe took over. BUt he loves this university, and this team, and he worked his ass off for 5 years for this school, and for this team (including his redshirt year) and people here are respecting him for that.
  14. Jim and Nicks ran out of ribs Friday night too.
  15. I'd say about 15,000 for the Orange Bowl (I hope). I also think we could get 10,000 for the Gator Bowl. 15-20 thousand if we play Miami or F$U.
  16. I didnt see any merchandise stands inside, I didnt walk around looking, but for example at RayJay you can go almost anywhere and find a merchandise stand, etc. Mag, I was looking at that shirt and the paper w/ the score on it and I decided the shirt was too **** ugly to buy.
  17. I saw a table outside by where they were selling the Papa Johns pizza before the game(by the USF spirit tent). And there were a couple of guys hawking them when we were leaving, one was selling crappy looking shirts and the other was selling papers with the score on it for $3. I took the paper w/ the score on it. The whole thing seemed rushed together.
  18. USFFAN, yeah I was in section 33, row 41. I was the guy in the cloth horns and USF hawaiin shirt. Its not hard to spot me. lol
  19. I didnt see that one. I have a pic of a guy who had a shirt that said Pirates Have Sars. A few of his friends had other slogans to, but they were in my section I'm not sure but I dont think they went over to the ecu section.
  20. I'm having the same problem as MamaBull. When I type in my username for it to email me my password when it told me it was invalid, then it says my username is invalid.
  21. This is really pissing me off the more I read about how "horrible" we were. You know what I've noticed, almost all the fans of the non-BCS schools we play are almost exactly the same. I think it mostly boils down to jealousy. By the way can you imagine what would have happened if we'd play Southern Miss in this game? I hope we never play a non-BCS school in a bowl game, I didnt go last year, but as I read and has been mentioned on here today, we didnt have many problems with NC State fans to the level of what they are accusing us of. I am waiting for the ECU fans to respond to the "crotch grabbers (their fans) or the idiot that I mentioned doing the throat slash gesture WHEN YOU WERE LOSING THE GAME! If we ever play in Bham bowl again, we should bring TPD w/ Tasers loaded. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm reading this stuff and its just pissing me off.
  22. Good Lord, I heard about a beer being thrown at one of our people walking past their side, the girl behind me at the game got splashed with it, and was telling me they were yelling at her. The crotch grabbers coming over has already been discussed, then my personal ECU idiot of the day: When they scored THEIR ONE TOUCHDOWN, STILL DOWN 14-7, comes over and does the throat slash gesture at OUR FANS! Stuff the bowl game needs to do: 1. DONT PUT THE FANS ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE FIELD! Its not that complicated, I know they were trying to hide it for the cameras, but ****. 2. Did anyone see a single usher in the entire stadium? And I was somewhat higher up in the section, but I didnt see the cops stopping anyone from coming over in front of the other fans section. I cant believe all this crap about how horrible it was, I was there, and other than the few idiots I menitoned, most fans got along fine that I saw. Including the ECU fans who chose to come into Jim and Nicks Friday night (I wasnt in 5points during the whole police fiasco) But its just pisses me off to keep reading this.
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