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Everything posted by BigShoop

  1. If Julmiste starts, we lose 38-7. If Denson starts, we lose 24-13. We've never seen 1 down of Courtney Denson at QB, yet he still gives us the best chance to win. What's THAT say about Pat Julmiste?!
  2. Florida A&M - "Good thing their band doesnt play football..." UCF - "Finally...the rivalry begins!" Louisville - "Remember the last time you were here?" West Virginia - "I cant beat the 4-2-5 defense in NCAA 06" Cincy - "Remember the last time you were here?"
  3. Absolutely. The new jerseys make us look like a Div 1 college football team now. One that plays in a BCS conference. One that plays in a top NFL stadium. One that can compete with the big 3. The previous version looked very Div 1AA / high school-ish. Ever put on a new suit? One that feels good, one that looks good? You carry yourself better. You hold your chin up cause you know you look good. Same thing. Anyone who's ever played a sport - at any level- knows that if you look good, you play good. Now, I'm definitely not saying that we're gonna go win the Big East now cause our jerseys look cool, but it doesnt hurt for the players to take pride in the uniform that they are putting on, in pregame.
  4. To further illustrate my point, look at Andre Hall in the banner on gousfbulls.com. Look at the color of his helmet, compared to the color of the BULLS logo next to his picture. This argument about the logo not "jumping" out at you can be solved IF the correct shade of gold is used. Notice how the green JUMPS off the background of the correct white and gold?! I dont know who's running the operation down there, but contrary to what they believe, there ARE people paying attention to this program, and spending money to do so. Little details go a LONG......LONG....way.
  5. Actually, I wish we COULD have seen the alternatives. I wouldve been VERY interested to see them. Can you maybe describe them?
  6. Black facemasks are fine, in fact, I agree that they look good........the logo being changed to black, on the otherhand, is asinine. For example: the university of Pittsburgh. They changed their helmet logo this year to the word "PITT" on the helmets. They too, have a darker color that doesnt "LEAP off the page" so to speak. But, they didnt change the color from blue to black. Just plain laziness, if you ask me. Did any of them have the CORRECT gold color?!!! Cause the "new" one is STILL the wrong gold. It's the old gold. Why isnt it an option? Green - no. In fact, HELL no. But let's PLEASE get the correct shade of gold on our helmets. That's not the point. On signs, logos, websites, video games, hats, shirts, banners and ESPN highlights, you can. As far as the actual jerseys, I like em. A lot. Wouldve liked to have seen: a) an "unveiling" of the new uniforms. Not just kind of "showing up" with them on. It's called marketing. You show up with players modeling the new uni's(home,away,alternates), and have them available for purchase within a day or 2. This isnt hard people. something on the main usf website about them. this IS a big deal. c) this announced when i WASNT on vacation. Damnit. I've been going on and on and on and on about new uniforms on this website and amongst my friends since the MINUTE the new LOGO was announced.
  7. Sitting in the endzone, you can see what PJ sees... Hard for his WRs to make plays for him when ZERO passes hit them in stride and/or in the numbers. It's like they're running across the field saying "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...." as he releases the pass.
  8. My, how 6 months of no football has blinded you............... Pat Julmiste has ZERO touch , ZERO accuracy, and ZERO timing on his throws. A player must show SOME sort of potential at SOME point during a season in order to think that he's going to improve................
  9. Green helmet sucks. Gold only please. ...........the CORRECT gold.
  10. 970 IS 620. Same signal, at least. This radio deal would be HUGE. The listening audience would range WELL into Sarasota and Ft Myers I believe...and north through Spring Hill... .........as opposed to ranging from Dale Mabry/Kennedy - Dale Mabry/Hillsborough.......and as far east as 275!!!
  11. IT'S THE WRONG COLOR!!!!! Can the higher ups at in the Athletc Dept NOT see this?!? Why even waste our time with the logo change?!
  12. I've been asking about this since the DAY the new logo came out. Our uniforms dont match the new logo. All they did was put the new logo(with the wrong shade of green) on the old helmet and used the old jerseys. Bush league, if you ask me. Who are you? and how do you know? what do you know? ELABORATE.
  13. Sweet, thanks. Ponton helps, there are others....like josh julmiste and buie that i cant figure out. among others.....................
  14. haha, thanks for the roster..........i JUST posted on the ncaa '06 thread about needing it.
  15. So I bought it this morning as SOON as I got off work... I was wondering if anyone could help me out on the Bulls roster. I realized how little I know about the roster when I tried to edit my players' real names in.
  16. There was a thread that followed an announcement about 9 months ago(seems like).......isnt there some sort of plan to completely re-do ALL the sports facilities on campus? If so, how is all of that coming along? Are there any updates? (reading that Sundome thread got me thinkin....)
  17. Pics? 1st hand accounts? Has construction started? Is everything just heresay?
  18. Me too. Both papers suck when it comes to USF. The Trib sucks with EVERYTHING though...
  19. Dear new marketing guy, Can we get new uniforms now? You know, like the rest of the school's sports teams... Sincerely, Paying customer
  20. Though unpopular, smazza is right most of the time. What he says is what the rest of us WOULD say if we werent blinded by being fans. USF needs to make a splash at SOME point and hire a coach or 2 with a legit performance background.
  21. Oh, and Whitney Johnson is the man. ;D
  22. Based on the bold statement, the rest of your opinion is null and void. For those 620 haters, how about you CALL the shows and talk USF? Every host ON the station has said numerous times that the reason there isnt more USF talk is because of the callers. Everytime a USF fans call, soon thereafter is always the "I like USF, we dont get many of those calls......." I've often wondered how Duemig can be so highly rated, yet, everyone hates him........AND they all know everything about him. I happen to be a huge Duemig fan. Personally, I dont like Jim Rome and his political correctness....and you know what, I change the channel. It's a pretty easy thing to do.
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